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Treebursts from DF guns.

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So, I was reading my "Berlin" book by Beaver, good read! (Pretty nasty those ruskies also, eh?)

Anyho, it seems firing in the treetops by direct fiire was something that happend quite alot, at least in late war by the sovs, and I can understand that it would be a pretty smart thing to do. We all love/hate the treeburst from arty in CM, but it would be nice if we had the choice of firing into the trees by DF guns also.

Waiting for CMX2...

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Originally posted by Panzer76:

So, I was reading my "Berlin" book by Beaver, good read! (Pretty nasty those ruskies also, eh?)

Anyho, it seems firing in the treetops by direct fiire was something that happend quite alot, at least in late war by the sovs, and I can understand that it would be a pretty smart thing to do. We all love/hate the treeburst from arty in CM, but it would be nice if we had the choice of firing into the trees by DF guns also.

Waiting for CMX2...

CMBB v1.03: I had a Pak 3,7cm on a hill firing at a MG in scattered trees. Guess it was 4 levels higher at 300m distance. No crater, but a treeburst! Looked twice but it remained a treeburst.

The only problem is you can't target trees....

2-story buildings are a perfect target to get airbursts, especially if the gun has only LOS to the upper floor.



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