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**THREE Mod choices in Light Tank Tracks!!!**

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Three choices for a replacement common light track pattern.

- Pz38T/Marder III tracklinks (clean, muddy, snowy)

- Valentine tracklinks (clean, muddy, snowy)

- Early Matilda tracklinks (clean, muddy, snowy)

Of course it's at our favorite site:


CMAK uses a single common light tank track bmp set for such diverse vehicles as the PzII, Churchill, Valentine, Marder, and Matilda, etc. The default tracks appear to represent the PzII (or perhaps some CMBB Russian light tank?). I've whipped up a few new light tank track types to give you more of a choice for a common track type.

My Valentine and Pz38T (Marder III) tracks are reasonable representations of these types, and look decent as 'generic' track for the other vehicles. A more adventurous pick for desert war buffs would be my early Matilda track link set which also is useable on the early Cruiser tanks as well.

If you play with more Valentines or Marders (or Matildas) than PzIIs you may want to check out these replacement track mods.

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