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The bug seems to only get triggered by multi-option load planes: if you save and reload the game after a bombing, these planes 'forget' (most of the time) their previous bombing and bombs again with full load.

These are the planes of CMAK bugged:

Me Bf 109 F/B

He Hs 129B-1 D/B

Me Bf 109G-6/R1 F/B

P-38L Lightning F/B

This bug is present in CMBB too.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh in another thread:

Do you think the renewable bomb loads is a showstopper?

It is brought here because it is not only an important question, it is germane to this thread.


Well it certainly is a showstopper for those folks that picked some of those aircraft types in their PBEM games.

I'd even say it would be a serious shock to those who don't know it is there and then witness it. -Expecially if it happens late in a very long PBEM game. Wouldn't it be a showstopper for you? I know it would be for me.

Now the BIG question. Does it get fixed? How can it not? Leaving it there makes part of their product unusable.

It is sort of like buying a new car that has a broken heater. The car is works fine until it gets cold out. Would you accept General Motors' instructions to not use the car below a certain air temperature outside? No, you'd politely ask to have it fixed. That's all that we're doing with the renewable bomb load bug.

Please comment BFC. It would be a great help if you would. Thanks.

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i have read alot about planes that bomb the wrong stuff, or other buggey things the planes do. im in the middle of a game right now, and some asshat pilot dropped a big bomb on my sherman platoon, and immobilized 3 of them. i knew i had air support, but i didnt know jerry did. there have been alot of planes buzzing around, mostly shooting at jerry. its easy to spot them, every gun i have opens up on them. from zoomed way out (like 9) u can see every guy shooting at it. but how they hell do you know whose plane it is? can i be sure my tanks were diabled by freindly fire? usually i play 1 turn a day, and load the save game the next day, so are these planes getting a fresh ammo load everytime? whats up with that?

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How to know? Zoom up to the highest level and click on the unit that is getting targeted. During a replay of the turn, click around on the units and you'll find it easy enough. You'll then see a yellow line going right "up" to the aircraft and that is where you will see whose aircraft it is. This is the only way to tell if it is "friendly fire."

They might be getting fresh ammo ONLY if :

1. The aircraft has a variable bomb load? (Say, one 550 lb bomb or four 110 lb bombs.)

AND (here is the biggie.)

2. Has your opponent saved the game after bombs were dropped? (This you cannot know for sure.)

Answer yes to both of those questions and it is a certainty that your opponents aircraft is getting fresh armor every time he saves his game. The terrible part about this is that you might think he has more than one aircraft when he has only one.

Now the real question. Do you trust your opponent?

You can check the scenario that you are playing by bringing it up in the scenario editor. There you will see how many and what types of aircraft are being used. In my opinion, if you see aircraft with multiple bomb loads like Bf 109 or a P-38, stop playing the scenario.

Scenario Designers, please remove these aircraft types from your scenarios if BFC won't fix this. (How can you trust that they have been removed now?) Scenario Depots now have a real big a can of worms to deal with. Too bad because the scenario designers weren't the ones who created this bug. How many scenarios have been made? How many man hours of work went into making them? How many PBEM games are getting tossed right now? How many turns wasted?

In my opinion, the easiest way out of this mess it to just fix it, because its just too ugly a situation to leave it in.

[ December 13, 2004, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Le Tondu ]

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