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No. 68 mkII AT Grenade-Michael Dorosh ?

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Hi Dinsdale!

Have no information for you aside from secondary sources, which anyone with access to an internet search engine can obtain. However, I do have a question for you wrt wwiionline. I hope you don't mind =)

Have they switched to a statistical HE model yet? Timed fuses for grenades, maybe?

Also have modelling errors with their afv's been addressed yet? Primarily the top tier stuff that was most affected. I.E. Mk.II infantry tanks being set afire by hits to the superstructure plating below the armored fuel filler covers while their rear deck remained immune to 75mm HE fire in complete disagreement with range cards issued to troops in N.Africa. The Pz.Kpfw.III having too much ammunition for the Ausf.H variant and both modelled variants having ammunition stacked around the turret sides (where access hatc

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Have they switched to a statistical HE model yet? Timed fuses for grenades, maybe?

Also have modelling errors with their afv's been addressed yet? Primarily the top tier stuff that was most affected. I.E. Mk.II infantry tanks being set afire by hits to the superstructure plating below the armored fuel filler covers while their rear deck remained immune to 75mm HE fire in complete disagreement with range cards issued to troops in N.Africa. The Pz.Kpfw.III having too much ammunition for the Ausf.H variant and both modelled variants having ammunition stacked around the turret sides (where access hatches, vision ports, and crew normally sat). Next was armored ammunition bins missing altogether for the incorrectly located ammunition on the Pz.Kpfw.III. Do AFV's still detonate themselves upon contact with various game objects (i.e. walls, railings, etc). Also, are the poor froggies still forced to stay buttoned up at all times in their tanks? That brings me to my final question, are the froggies even in existence anymore, or have they been replaced by the American forces yet?

Thanks, and btw, I'm sure your rifle grenades as modelled will exhibit behavior which will range from ridiculous to somewhat believable in the case that they are still using a rather truncated physics based HE model.

HE and all damage is still Joule based damage modelling. We are still trying to convince them to give up their HE model and go with the US Armies technique of simulating HE.

Bouncing,timed grenades still in the works. :-(

Matty still has artificial weakness despite proof that this in fact was not the "Weakspot"

Still hoping they admit to that and add to list of fixes.

IIIh still has too much Ammo, and it is still in turret. This should change with the coming armour audit.

AFV exploding on contact with walls is not as common anymore and is related to the netcode. Once they figure out the issue limiting them, it will disappear. Gotta slow down around town.

French commanders will be able to get out to look only once the new model which includes jettisoning" is included. Until then the French are "sucking hind teat" although the M3A3 sure is nice.

Although it is a buggy game, it is the ONLY game in town. I both love/hate it and that tells you something. CRS also will take researched data and add changes to the game based on the data. Just have to make a well documented case.

And for the record, I love Combat Mission

and alot of my squad plays as well.

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Thanks for the heads up dinsdale!

I appreciate you taking time to address my concerns. To complement your remark, I too enjoyed WWIIOnline a great deal (I played for a long time, from 6/7/01 to July this year) and concurrently enjoy Combat Mission, too. Although since CMAK, I no longer play BO, I still play BB vs AI.

I'd like to return to WWIIOnline eventually. I miss a lot of freinds I made, and the memories we made together. Those are still with me and looked back upon fondly.

I hope , like you, CRS can be convinced to abandon the physics-based model for certain items in favor of more consistent, faster, and reliable statistic based models, as you indicated there was a current lobby for.

That would probably end most of their weird errors with HE and post penetration effects: Which, as you know, are far too exagerrated in WWIIOnline. Those effects are also exacerbated by modelling errors such as ammo locations (Pz.Kpfw.III), excessive spalling (Mk.II Infantry tank). The list could undoubtedly be expounded upon based upon experience.

Little things I can live with such as the Czech Pz.Kpfw.38(t) having the 35(t) cupola, the StuG missing optics and hatches being mismodelled, the French tanks staying buttoned and having itty-bitty gun barrels (I think the Pz.Kpfw.II actually had gun-barrel modelled larger than the 47mm - lol), and silly things like the offraod speed of trucks! Man, those things could FLY offroad! Hehe.

Recon, counter-recon and zone defense with armored cars was one of the best things about that game, imo, tho. Protect supply lines and interdict Panhards hunting panzers, or as Allied hunting Panzers at night with a Daimler AC.

Man what a rush! Speed into the target area and shut the motor off, roll into position...shoot and scoot. I could terrorize a town all night long until someone broke out a 232 and chased my butt down! Hehe those 232's are like police cruisers. I remember a Bedford ride onetime (North of Antwerp, otw to BOZ). A 232 pulled out from a hidden spot in the middle of nowhere and gave chase. He fired a short burst across the "bow" as a sort of warning. The driver began evasives and tried to out-run him. No use...Mad-Max ran us down, flattened the tires and then gunned us all down as we abandoned the vehicle and scattered. It felt like a bad episode of COPS, and I couldn't have had more fun that day.

Anyway. Thanks for stopping by and take care. Hope to see you around. :D

Edit: I just noticed you stated the French are using the M3A3. Is this the Stuart from 42-43? Yikes! That must be one mean hombre vs the Panzers! Although the matchup between an M3A3 (any M3 or M5 Stuart for that matter) and the Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.H is almost dead even, the rest of the Panzers are fodder for the Stuart! That goes for mutual combat, however, as ambushes are a totally different situation. It will still be able to hold it's own against mid to late war equiment. Good choice and also a bad one, imo.

[ January 31, 2004, 12:58 AM: Message edited by: Abteilung ]

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