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Peng Challenges YOU To Marry Him!!!

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Originally posted by v42below:

Or are you proposing marriage between rleete and the Queen?

Thinks carefully about this statement

Why would I need a King when I am surrounded by such loyal, brave, witty, intelligent, romantic, handsome, sexy, sauve, and debonair Knights Squires and Olde Ones?

If it were possible that I could take a little bit of each of you then maybe.. just maybe, I would consider marrying so we could have a King...

As for having Rleete as my King...

He asked me to show my boobs in public!!!!

So I think we can safetly take that as a NO....

(Better late than never roger)

No King for this Queen....

He would probably get all possessive and stop me flirting with all the Knights/Squires and Olde ones

I'd probably have to remove my portraits of Jack and Sturmy from the Royal Chambers wall... and I'd only have Wednesday and maybe (if I am lucky) Sunday mornings to look forward to..*eek*

Nahhhh I'm a single and happy Queen...

But thanks for the thought.....

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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

How long does it take to mull something over eh?

Sheesh.. it's been four days already and still nothing!!!

Perhaps he'll work better with my sword held directly above his neck? </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

How long does it take to mull something over eh?

Sheesh.. it's been four days already and still nothing!!!

Perhaps he'll work better with my sword held directly above his neck? </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

être une femme libérée tu sais c'est pas si facile...

facile quand vous savez cependant!!! </font>
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Ooo iz zat la belle femme queen fatale? Ahh...my leettle darling...eet is lov' at first sight, iz eet not? [kisses hand] Do not come to to ze casbah with me...we shall make ze beyootiful musics togezzer right here! Ah ze l'amour!! Aaah, ze tojour!! [kisses hand some more]

Soup deJour! Come my leettle peedgeon. I am ze peanut to your brittle. I am ze corn boef to your cabbaj...

Muah muah muah

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Notre Dame! Do not rezist mon Queen! Eet is ze fate. Eet iz le destiny. Come sweeng with me, my leettle parakeet, in zee leettle sweeng of ze bird cage of our love.

What iz zees? Ah yes! Ze Queen, she is from ze cold north. Such wemmen need a leettle more time to "melt." I will show her zat I am sensiteev to 'er 'omeland!

Let us away mon Queen! I shall be ze sheep stomach of manliness for ze oatmeal of your desire in ze haggis of our love!! MUAH MUAH MUAH

Arras! Fondue! Et iz no use! She is to high of ze station, and I a lowly kaniggit. My heart...eet iz broken into a thousand smithereens!

Rouen! My heart is a rouen!

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Originally posted by v42below:

A Knight's first duty is to his Queen, thus there is no shame in being both a Knight and a Squire. I would say that only a Knight is fit to be her squire.

Well put. Logical. Makes sense. Clearly the Justicar won't get it.

It would appear our Queen has put together her Royal Entourage with due care.

With v42below guarding the front gate, sword poised, fire in his eyes, and a fanatic devotion to Her Majesty and Sturmy guarding the back door, with the kind of unique experience that only he can offer, it would appear that our Queen's safety is no longer an issue.

However, I must beg Her Majesty to reconsider the plan to utilize Lars as a body double. No offence to the good Lars but, well, let's just say that even the Justicar won't be going through those drawers.

Although Lars does look better than those Mormon Wives.

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Time for a sing song.....

Just a perfect day,

Drink Sangria in the park,

And then later, when it gets dark,

We go home.

Just a perfect day,

Feed animals in the zoo

Then later, a movie, too,

And then home.

Oh it's such a perfect day,

I'm glad I spent it with you.

Oh such a perfect day,

You just keep me hanging on,

You just keep me hanging on.

Just a perfect day,

Problems all left alone,

Weekenders on our own.

It's such fun.

Just a perfect day,

You made me forget myself.

I thought I was someone else,

Someone good.

Oh it's such a perfect day,

I'm glad I spent it with you.

Oh such a perfect day,

You just keep me hanging on,

You just keep me hanging on.

You're going to reap just what you sow,

You're going to reap just what you sow,

You're going to reap just what you sow,

You're going to reap just what you sow...

Lou Reed

Transformer (1972)

Perfect Day

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Sturmy guarding the back door, with the kind of unique experience that only he can offer

I don't get it..could you explain by means of practical example? </font>
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

With v42below guarding the front gate, sword poised, fire in his eyes, and a fanatic devotion to Her Majesty

Hmmmm I don't get it... do you think maybe I could have a demonstration too? </font>
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Save the whales

Oh, funky momma, save the whales

Yeah, save the whales

You just got to save the whales but believe me when I tell you,

Kill the seals

Yeah, kill the seals

Cause the seals eat all the fish

And if you don't like it when I say kill the seals then,

Save your breath

oh, save your breath....

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Monsoir Bouggs, you feelthy scoundrel! Are you making a theenly veiled suggestion zat our Queen would tak' part een some seedy manage-a-trois weeth 'er servants? Sacre Illiac! I slap at you, you prancing man from ze land of electoral dysfunction! I shallange you to another duel, you honorless bug! CMAK at 30 turns. You or your worthless zeconds may chooze ze set up.

Ah, mon Queen does not discourage moi! Perhaps all iz not lost, eef I can only but refrain from mentioning ze animal parts een my prose of amour. Some day, eef the Gawds smile on me, I shall be ze au to her jus!

Toulouse! But I must prove myself worthy of zuch a one zo high and noble. Until then, my heart shall hang like a zide of boef on a hook in the abattoir of longing and dezire.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

I'm serious about the shallanj...er challange. CMAK or I suppose we could go with the more traditional Lutefish at 3 paces.

Okay, I've got a rune scenario to test, and boy did you ask for it. He did mention that he had a concern over play balance, but don't let that bother you.

I'll send it tonight or in the morning.

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Sacre Merde! I haff put mon foot in eet thees time!

No matter! I haff endured Jabos!*

(brrrrrr, Jabos!)

I can endure zees minor bout of eevilness from zees silly Reum person.

*Another fine scenario from ker Dessel.

Ker Dessel, when you want to play CM in the worst possible way.

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