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North AfricaVehicle Mod Requests

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Would some kind soul(s) please turn their modding talents to the Allied cause in North Africa. Alot of allied vehicles have yet to receive "the treatment". US vehicles needing mods are M3 Lee late, all the Stuarts( 4 variants) and the truck. As for the Brits it's worse, the following need doing - all the Cruisers(7 variants), all the Crusaders(5 variants),the Matildas* all the Churchills(3 variants)all the Stuarts( 4 variants), M3 Lee, Sherman II*and III* M7 Priest, 75mm SP, Humber II Armoured Car, Stuart Recce, Stuart Kangaroo.

Those marked * have mods on them posted on the combatmission site but there is nothing up at cmmods as yet. I think every Afrika Korps vehicle(except for SPW 251/9 Stummel) has been modded at least once so Aristoteles, Gautrek, Heinzbaby, MikeyD et al please do your duty!


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My own contribution to the cause includes a Brit cruiser suspension patch (one bmp each vehicle) to improve the running gear. And of course my Staghounds and Valentines.

I started an attempt to adapt my CMBB Lend-Lease Shermans to CMAK but discovered to my frustration that the Sherman ploygons were reworked. :mad:

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Hey, since we're talking Allied North Africa mods . . . right? maybe someone can answer a question that I have.

What's the deal with the lack of sandshields on the Lend-Lease M3 Grant? I see that the early Lend-Lease Sherman II (M4A1) has them. Did BFC just decide to not do the extra work to put them on (presumably because they already had the U.S. M3 Lee finished)? Is there a way to add the sandshields? Likewise, is there a way to leave the sandshields OFF the British Crusader-series? (Also, is there a way to fix that anaemic-looking 6-pdr. barrel on the Crusader III?) I noticed that the new CMBB King Tiger by Gordon Molek has the option of having the track guards on or off; I've also seen some PzIV mods with partial Schürzen — is this sort of optional fitting available to all vehicles, or was this just a bone to the Germanocentric leanings of a large portion of the gaming community?


Last night, during my first experimentations into modding, I fiddled with trying to give the Grant sandshields. Due to my inexperience, I may not have been approaching the problem in the correct manner. I tried painting sandshields directly over the Grant running gear/suspension. I believe that you can actually add partial sandshields to the vehicle (the front and rear fenders look to be impossible to create), but there are several drawbacks:

1. Both sides of the Grant running gear apparently uses the same .bmp file, so any camouflage pattern on the sandshields will be the same on both sides of the vehicle; and

2. Even with these partial sandshields in place, the top run of the tracks is still seen — in essence, breaking apart the sandshield/vehicle body connection. This just looks wrong.

Can anyone answer any of these questions? Are these options just not available? How much does this have to do with this being an Allied (as opposed to a German) vehicle?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry MikeyD for not mentioning your excellent Brit Desert mods. Patboy, I like your Stummel v much. Since initial post (end May) there have been 14 CMAK vehicle mods uploaded to CMMODS, of which 6 were Allied (all Brit, none were US). Thanks to all with Mention in Despatches for Aristoteles. There is still work to be done on that list though as only one of 'em was was N African, the Rolls Royce M1920 AC.

In the meantime I will pray for bad weather thus keeping the modding community chained to their keyboards.


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