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german ski troops

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Okay, this is my first post on this board, so please be nice. ;)

I don't think this has been mentioned on this board so far, so I thought I'd bring it up myself:

I recently played a QB in dec '44 with german infantry on skis - and there are two things I noticed.

The good thing is, as you would suspect, they are quite fast in snow and don't get tired as quickly as infantry on foot.

The bad thing is that they're unable to hide while on skis.

In addition, when given any moving orders other than 'move', 'run' or 'move to contact', they seem to totally abandon their skiing equipment and act like normal infantry on foot.

The same happens, when they are fired upon and dive for cover.

After that, there seems to be no way to get them back on their skis. :confused:

Has anyone other ever used these kind of troops before and can give me some further advice/information about this?


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Yes, this is how they worked in CMBB. Basically, they wear the skis until they meet serious opposition, after that you are required to ditch the skis. They also lose the skis when entering buildings. They won't put them back on after that (I wonder though, do they get their skis back in operations?).

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Has anyone other ever used these kind of troops before and can give me some further advice/information about this?

Thanks. [/QB]

Just to expand on what the others have already said, this is an intentional feature. I believe the thought behind it (which makes a fair deal of sense to me) is that it's fairly difficult to go to ground and take cover with skiis on (even though professional biathlon shooters shoot with skiis on, they shoot under controlled conditions and don't have to worry about the targets shooting back). Thus, ski-equipped combat units abandon their skiis when entering combat.
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Bah, in Finnish army we were taught how to crawl with skis fitted. Learning how to assault buildings with skis on was a bit harder, especially in staircases and doorways.

In Real Life troops would take off their skis and then carry them along, but CM doesn't model this "re-mounting".

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