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Wish Bone Thread

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This is a wish bone thread.

Unlike a Bone thread, you must take an already announced Bone and develop it into a wishbone.

Perhaps an example may help..

A wishbone I would want is for scenario designers. This wishbone is a development of the 'announced bone' that scenario designers will be able to assign waypoints (perhaps SOPs) and other chahchees to scenarios as part of the design.

The wishbone is that they can actually assign many different variations on these elements, and that the player can opt for one of these or have one be assigned randomly.

This would allow some new dimension to scenario design and play. It would be interesting if feedback from many players discussing the scenario could agree what is the 'best' AI setting for that scenario.

This would also increase replay value against the AI. It would bring scenario design to new levels of creativity.

One of the settings could be 'historical' if that information is known. Other settings may be Aggressive, Conservative, Etc.

Playtesting for a designer would only need one playtester. he would just fight the AI and report back the difficulty, etc.

[ March 05, 2005, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Wartgamer ]

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