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Iassy Operation 1944 German Forces

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Jassy-Kishenev had some serious Soviet force densities and two major axes of advance, one roughly SSE from Jassy, and one SW from Bendery. The idea was to encircle Kishinev and it worked.

Without knowing where the Axis forces you are talking about were located, it's hard to guess force densities.

According to the official Soviet numbers, the Germans fielded two army groups (8th German and 17th Romanian Armies in one, 6th German and 3rd Romanian in the other), and 17th German Korps acting independently. Overall the Axis had in theater 900 thousand men, 7600 artillery pieces and mortars, 400 tanks and assault guns, and 800 aircraft; all deployed in 3-4 defensive belts with reserves.

Soviet forces were built on 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts, plus elements of the Black Sea and Danube River fleets. 2nd Ukrainian Front attacked out of the Jassy sector, and 3rd Ukrainian Front out of the Bendery sector.

Soviet manpower was 1.25 million men, 16 thousand artillery pieces or mortars, 1870 tanks or SP artillery, and 2200 aircraft of all types.

In the breakthrough sectors the Soviets according to their numbers had up to 240 artillery pieces and/or mortars, and 56 tanks or SP artillery, for every kilometer of front. Rifle division frontage in the breakthrough sectors was a kilometer per division.

Hope this helps.

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This taken from Andreas' 'How to fight as a Russian Rifle Corps' thread:

"Operations of 3rd Ukrainian Front (GOC General Tolbuchin)

Main effort of the front is in the sector of the 37th Army (GOC Lieutenant General Scharochin). Main effort of 37th Army is 66th Rifle Corps and 6th Guards Rifle Corps. 66th Rifle Corps (GOC Major General Kuprijanow) consisting of two groupings (61st Guards RD, 333rd RD up, 244th RD reserve). Corps frontage 4km

Corps breakthrough frontage 3.5km (61st RD 1.5km, 333rd RD 2km)

Densities per kilometer of frontage:

Rifle battalions 7.7

Guns/mortars 248

Tanks and assault guns 18.......

The German/Romanian opposition was XXX. and XXIX. AK, with 15th, 306th German ID, 4th Romanian Mountain Division, and 21st Romanian ID. 13th PD was in reserve. "

What I would like to know is what was the troop density facing 66th Rifle Corps?


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I haven't seen any figures like that for the German side.

13. PD had only one armoured battalion with 60 or so Panzer IV. The Panther battalion was not with the division. There would presumably have been Stug battalions as well, and 1st Romanian Armoured went down fighting, according to what I have read. Other Romanian units surrendered quickly however.

Most of the German infantry divisions at the time were of the standard 3/2 organisation, i.e. 3 regiments with 2 battalions, plus divisional units.

But then, I am not sure that 15. ID was really involved in the breakthrough battle. That seems to have been fought primarily by 306. ID and 13. PD.

But you won't ever get it as detailed as the Russian side.

All the best


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The article had force RATIOS so I suppose one could work out German force density from these. Is there any info on the defences, I remember three defensive lines being mentioned.

So for 61st GRD

6 Bn per km. Germans 1:3 so that means 2 Bn per km. Three defensive lines so 2 companies per km in each line? Defence depth 15-30km?

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