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How to hide anti-tank infantry (Citadel Demo Mission)

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On the mission im doing (Citadel in the demo)

Its been suggested to me several times that the way to get AT Rifles and Tank Hunter teams to be of any use, that they generally either

1. Supprize the enemy by being hidden behind some hill/object or other LOS blocking object/terrian.

This one never seems to work very well because the only LOS type stuff you can do is hide on the opposite side of a ridge with a big line of ATRs. If a tank gets anything near you, you might get a few glancing shots off, then, kiss your ass goodbye.

2. Hide and then once the enemy armor passes you, pop up at take rear shots.

Its been suggested that i "hide in trees" or "hide in the rocky" and then popup once the tanks drive past. Im hidden, and dug in, and they spot me every time. Not sure what im doing wrong. Ideas?

And i AM playing with Extreem Fog of War. :(

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It is very very hard to get any use out of these units in the Citadel scenario. The best luck you'll have is getting some rear shots by the ATR units. The tank hunting units usually are spotted before they can get close enough to use their hand thrown weapons. Putting them on the edge of the ravine is the best place - you might get lucky enough for a German tank to roll to the edge of a ravine exactly where one of your tank hunters are located. They will usually still be cut down quickly.

These units are better used in urban situations where they can hunt tanks by using the buildings as cover.

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In the Citidell scenario all depends upon proper placement of everything.

For the Russians the ideal solution is to be able to open up on hte Germans from all sides all at once - this is geenrally possible only when they crest the hill before going into the dry river bed.

To hit them from the rear - place 2 guns in eth advanced patch of trees on the left side of the field and facing backwards. When the Germans go past (ie they're beginning to move up the crest mentioed above!) move them to the small hillock just to the rear.

the other ATG's should be placed 2 on the far side of the riverbed from the Germans, and 4 on each flank. Placing them carefully means they can prety much only be seen once the Germans get to the crest.

ATRs and AT teams should also be placed in ROUGH ground (the grey splodgy stuff) - not just rocky - rocky provides next to zero cover.

Use MG's to force the germans to button up as they come up the ridge.

If you get the timing right ther's a HUGE explosion of hit messages that is impossible to decipher i nreal time and you have to wait for the end of the turn to see what's happened!! smile.gif

The Tank Hunter teams are prety much incidental to this - they may distract some tank fire for a few seconds as they get gunned down, or use them where the road passes through the trees at teh front of yoursetup - they can sometimes kill a tank there.

Otherwise use them to mop up immobilised survivors - they're not much use in open terrain!

This is how I won - there are some other discussions on this in the "Tips and Tricks" forum that you should probably read.

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Don't forget to place good HQs next to those units, it really does make a big difference. I've had german tanks 50m away (buttoned up ofcourse) from my 45mm hidden in a forest with a HQ that is [?], drive right by and I managed a rear shot.

Also, if you use MGs to button up the tanks, wouldn't that give ur MGs position away and well, would that mean they will get cut down like hell?

Is there anyway to avoid this?

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MG's aer quite difficult to spot - especially if they're in trees, and especially from buttoned tanks!! smile.gif

But none-the-less you only want to button them when they're about to be fired at, so you don't go blazing away at 4-500 m.

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Thanks for the tips guys

To hit them from the rear - place 2 guns in eth advanced patch of trees on the left side of the field and facing backwards. When the Germans go past (ie they're beginning to move up the crest mentioed above!) move them to the small hillock just to the rear.

Which patch of trees is this refering to? The one to the far left, right next to the german starting line?

If so, how am i going to move a gun, all the way from there, all the way to the first hilltop that fast? Amror moves a lot faster than infantry.

Also "the hillock just to the rear" I think this means the hilltop just to the rear wich i still have the same problem, the distance from the trees to this hilltop , is a pretty far run from the tree patch. And the tanks will move from bein on that hilltop to over the next hiltop and down into the ravine before i can get my guys up to that hilltop....

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