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The cheery thread of MasterGoodales Angry TNT and Fury Maggots

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All you sorry arsed,no turn sending,dog scrotum licking,low life excuses for MAGGOTS ,have turns in your inbox.

I'll be expecting your replies in about....ummm...5 days? :rolleyes: :mad: :mad: :mad:

[EDIT to add]

"Top of the page ma....Top of the page"!!!! :mad:

[ May 17, 2003, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Boy, that Snarker is such a swell guy. He took time out of our busy battle to help the local peasants plow their fields with his arty. I'm assuming since it's falling 500 or so metres away from any of our troops, that he meant to make the drudgery of their simple lives a little easier.

Look at it this way Snarky-poo, the graves for your men are already dug.

Maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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nevemind look for the email that has "PBEM" for the subject. The whole of the text is "making sure all the maggots get fed" , or somefink like dat. Turns out last night to the whole stinky, moronic, llama-huming lot of ya.

Work?!?!? On a Saturday? WTF? :mad: Sad but true. Home early this evening, maybe, and turns will go out tonight or tomorrow morning.

That is all, maggots. :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Work?!?!? On a Saturday? WTF? :mad: Sad but true.

Well, your fringe benefits ain't bad.

*glug, glug, glug --- urp!*

P.S. I'm working with a *source" to circumvent the no-booze-in-the-mail conspiracy. Shhh. Details to follow. I'll make sure to drink plenty of Keith's in your honour today, what with our looooooooong Victoria Day weekend. And who says belonging to the Commonwealth is useless? I love long-dead fugly chicks dressed in black.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

nevemind look for the email that has "PBEM" for the subject. The whole of the text is "making sure all the maggots get fed" , or somefink like dat. Turns out last night to the whole stinky, moronic, llama-huming lot of ya.

Work?!?!? On a Saturday? WTF? :mad: Sad but true. Home early this evening, maybe, and turns will go out tonight or tomorrow morning.

That is all, maggots. :mad:

GGRRAAGGHHH :mad: I dont get it.I mailed that one this morning with all the others :confused: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by Nippy:

Well now, PlatCmdr has kindly bestowed upon me the requested QB. It couldn't have come at a better time as I'm about done helping Hannson test a map he made. And by test I mean blow to bits with artillary. AAR of the battle will be up soon.

However, I have been stuck with the vile, smelly, cattle raping Germans this time around. Beh, I'll take the lovable Russian conscripts any day of the week.

Why use the euphemism, "AAR", when what you really mean is "eulogy"...as in, "ode to the fascist pigs who are now nothing more, and still likely less, than tiny heaps of smoldering monkey dung." This plot paid for by PlatCmdr.

Now try not to spend a week setting things up, it is a small map so you are bound not to get lost. And I know you're Alaskan, and women are scarce, but please do your best to resist the urge to stop and hump the bears while moving your forces through the forest. Thank you.

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when what you really mean is "eulogy"...

"The Crew of bunker #10,256 died in the line of service defending the Fatherland. They gave it their all in defending the entire 30 meter stretch of ground they had in LOS. Never forget the trechery of General Nippy Bloto-a-lotski's troops as they commited the horrid war crime of 'walking around it'."

Setup sent:

Just tell your "City Boy" troops that this is combat and not a vacation. Otherwise I shall follow their trail of McDonalds wrappers, diposable camera packaging, and mocha cups; then I will ambush your troops as they bicker with a salesman over the price of a plastic covered moose turd.

[ May 18, 2003, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Scenario in development! Anyone of you mongs care to take it for a test drive? :mad:

The working title is "Bridge Scramble". It's a roughly 3000 pt. meeting engagement taking place on a foggy morning in Oct. 44, Guards Mech. vs. SS Panzer. Recon forces start out on the map which are followed by tanks and infantry after some delay.

I hope at least the map and force mix is interesting. My feeling is it might be rather more difficult to play as Axis.

If you're interested I can e-mail it to you. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Oh Gawd! That original post almost got me locked up in the loony bin at work for laughing so hard.

And try explaining the concept of the uberfinn to people who think the Second World War pretty much consisted of Nazis vs. Americans. :mad: :mad:

"Winter War? What d'ya mean Rommania was in the war? Eastern Front -- what, you mean the Yanks vs. the Japs?" :rolleyes:

Was that you that originally posted it?

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

And try explaining the concept of the uberfinn to people who think the Second World War pretty much consisted of Nazis vs. Americans. :mad: :mad:

"Winter War? What d'ya mean Rommania was in the war? Eastern Front -- what, you mean the Yanks vs. the Japs?" :rolleyes:

That reminded me about a certain picture....



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That reminded me about a certain picture...

But does this mean that Europe gets to pick up the rebuilding tab this time. tongue.gif

Meanwhile, on the Eastern front PlatCmdr ran into a group of rabid chipmunks and had one of his Platoon HQs route off the map. We are now re-starting the battle on a bigger map. I do hope his troops brought night lights so they don't get scared.

[ May 18, 2003, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Boy, that Snarker is such a swell guy. He took time out of our busy battle to help the local peasants plow their fields with his arty. I'm assuming since it's falling 500 or so metres away from any of our troops, that he meant to make the drudgery of their simple lives a little easier.

Look at it this way Snarky-poo, the graves for your men are already dug.


Jas :mad: n

Sounds like I'm getting soft, eh? Well every fourth shell is actually unexploded TNT that will end those miserable peasant's drudgery!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

You Cananindians have Monday off?

:mad: Slovenly maggots.

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MasterGoodale is a gamey biatch. His repeated airstikes and arty bombardment cost me 3 casualities and a HT. :mad: Sad sack also learned that the Kitty on the hill has a lil buddy in defilade. Buh-bye SU-152. :D Did I mention it was a one-shotter too? :eek: I can beat this one SOBER.

Teddy is on a piss but the lad was kind enough to get a turn out.

nevermind is still losing but I think I am narrowing down his nationality. Clues so far: he is afraid to mention where he lives, he started a thread about "gamey" tactics in which just about EVERYONE disagreed and said such tactics are NOT gamey. I am beginning to think Kentucky, or some such equal backwards, lame-arse area, as only an American would get bested and then complain about it being unfair. Maggot. :mad:

Prinz Eugen and Soddball either you turds owe me turns or I owe you turns, which is it?

[ May 18, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Well, we're so busy the rest of the year -- what, with working like beavers, you know -- we deserve all the breaks we can get.

And our Thanksgiving is better. tongue.gif

Oh, and Canada Day (July 1) and the always popular "Civic holiday" which falls on the first Monday in August are great.

We, here in Ontario, don't get the pleasure of venerating dead pious people like those in Quebec get to do on St. Jean Baptiste Day.

But such is the price of living next to Quebec. Exceptional places to visit, great people to meet, lousy politics to indulge in.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

nevermind is still losing but I think I am narrowing down his nationality. Clues so far: he is afraid to mention where he lives, he started a thread about "gamey" tactics in which just about EVERYONE disagreed and said such tactics are NOT gamey. I am beginning to think Kentucky, or some such equal backwards, lame-arse area, as only an American would get bested and then complain about it being unfair. Maggot. :mad:

Ooh, ooh, let me play.

Hmmmmm. His paranoia at anyone finding out where he lives would lead me to believe he's an American as well. But I was thinking more along the lines of Montana -- way out in the bush Montana -- in a little shack with plenty of Soldier of Fortune magazines and lots of antenas sticking out of the roof. Now, that is paranoid.

We should start a pool. Winner never has to play MasterGoodale-the-non-turn-sending-goat-shagging-arse-bandit again.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Nippy:

Meanwhile, on the Eastern front PlatCmdr ran into a group of rabid chipmunks and had one of his Platoon HQs route off the map. We are now re-starting the battle on a bigger map. I do hope his troops brought night lights so they don't get scared.

Bastard AI decided to play XO and pass out an early leave notice to an HQ unit, that hadn't even seen, let alone conquered the enemy, to earn it.

Having now had the time to finish a bowl of chipmunk stew, my troops couldn't be more ready to go postal and whip up a few rounds of that fascist monkey dung. No need for flashlights, the onset of rabbis followed by a few Vodka chasers will be more than enough.

:mad: :mad:

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Well well well. . .it appears my lil' maggots have gotten a little too big for their cocoon britches and decided to rise up with what appears to be THE BIGGEST STREAK OF BULLSH*T LUCK I'VE VER SEEN IN MY KRUAT KILLING LIFE MMMAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOOOTTSSSSSSSSS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Let me just sum this little circle jerk up in three sweet words scum pods. HEADS WILL FU**IN ROLL FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Snarker?. . .SNARKER!!??. . .Let me see your SIG NOWWW scum flask!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Well well well. . .it appears my lil' maggots have gotten a little too big for their cocoon britches and decided to rise up with what appears to be THE BIGGEST STREAK OF BULLSH*T LUCK I'VE VER SEEN IN MY KRUAT KILLING LIFE MMMAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOOOTTSSSSSSSSSHEADS WILL FU**IN ROLL FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:


What it boils down to is I am kicking his NON-TNT flinging, moldy, pustulent, goat-smelling, yankee ass. I replayed the scene where I took out his last T34 from point blank range over and over and over and over again. Then I drank a beer and watched it again. Then I watched my flamethrower make his nazis get their first taste of hades. (correction, second. Their first was being under the command of such a suckass commander.) Bwahaaaahaaaahaaa.

The only way he could get beat more is for him to wear a Sherman pin at a Georgia picnic.

Thermopylae: I need a turn

Sgian Dubh: I think you sent somfink not quite right. Please retrans.

Malakovski: That HURT!

Goody: Get ready to be my bitch.

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Anyone heard from Mr. Boggs about how his wife's surgery went? :confused:

Boggs has a good excuse for slow turns. What about you, Prinz Eugen? Still moving home from school for summer vacation? You didn't drop your computer, did you? And Paddington, did the rain in our battle fry your computer? And _UXcva, I guess you had to work this weekend, right?

And last, the traditional Sultan of slow turns; the CMBB player who grinds out turns at the breakneck speed of once a month no matter what; the guy who threatens to start battles with every person who posts in this thread and then forgets his own threats; yes, the one, the only MasterGoodale (the fury maggot). :mad: :mad: Any chance that you will wind up your preliminary shelling before, say, July? I'm afraid my crack German soldiers will age into Volksgrenadiers before they see any Russians in our battle. :eek: :eek:

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Let's see, Prize Eubanks NEEDS TO GIVE ME AN ADDRESS THAT ACTUALLY ACCEPTS EMAIL!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Axeman done whupped my spotty arse because I can't be bothered with details like leaving someone at a victory flag. :rolleyes:

Truth be told, he slaughtered my helpless (hopeless?) krauts whilst they sang silly songs and pranced in front of submachinegun fire. Twits.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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