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The cheery thread of MasterGoodales Angry TNT and Fury Maggots

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I think I took Shosties4th off his guard with my cunning move towards the flags very early on into the fight. :mad:

mike_the_wino's nazis have managed by some miracle to suppress my greens/conscripts by his flag. Well done. I am sure this incredible act of bravery will be discussed in German folklore for centuries to come. :mad:

No word from Master'OAntsAndMold. Where's the setup you pathetic little wannabe-maggot !?! :mad:

Keke, I'm ready for that duel of ours, if you are. Say the word, and an angry setup will arrive at your inbox, making a hell of a lot of racket on its way. :mad:

You're on, Axe2121. Hope you'll get the file soon from Sod-off, so the rage may begin. :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

So, did you want me to email a working copy of Kneiber Dam over to you, you master of tactics and TNT-chucking fury?

I think I was looking for this one:

Originally posted by Soddball:

I also have a 1,000 point Forward Recon scenario available - due to its small size it's ideal for TCP/IP but is also good PBEM. Even the AI does a serviceable job on it.

Jas :mad: n
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Originally posted by PlatCmdr:

What's up with all the anger in these posts, anyhow? I'd be more than happy to dish out a can of whoopass to any challenger while doing it shat-eatin-grin style :D

Anger? More like angist:

"The MG34 drum is empty! Just like my soul and all of existance."

As for that smile of your how about I wipe it off your face in a nice little 800 point ME. Infantry on Infantry. Check my profile for my e-mail, we'll work out the details, and I'll send you a setup.

Unlike the other 90% of the people in the Peng's TNT tread of moldy cherries; instead of talking about the game we'll be playing it.

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Originally posted by Nippy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PlatCmdr:

What's up with all the anger in these posts, anyhow? I'd be more than happy to dish out a can of whoopass to any challenger while doing it shat-eatin-grin style :D

Anger? More like angist:

"The MG34 drum is empty! Just like my soul and all of existance."

As for that smile of your how about I wipe it off your face in a nice little 800 point ME. Infantry on Infantry. Check my profile for my e-mail, we'll work out the details, and I'll send you a setup.

Unlike the other 90% of the people in the Peng's TNT tread of moldy cherries; instead of talking about the game we'll be playing it. </font>

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Originally posted by nevermind:

So,i was thinking we could play a double blind scenario,that is balanced and designed for tcp/ip or PBEM play(which btw,i am getting hooked on,talk about nail biters).There are an ass load @ the depot that look good,and i havent played....sound good?

Less talk, more TNT Nevermind. Send it to jasonballantyne@sympatico.ca.

Beating you like a rented mule will commence thereafter.

Jas :mad: n

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What are you doing in here? Don't you have a paper round or sumfink to finish?

Hansson hasn't sent a PBEM turn back yet, so I have some time to kill. I'm really interested to see the fate of his wooden bunker sitting in the middle of a forest surrounded Russian infantry.

"Gee Hans, I hope our outnumbed and outgunned infantry can hold our flanks. Since our LOS is about 40m in every direction."

"Don't worry Fritz, everything is fine...uh, you don't happen to hear a tank by chance?

[ May 16, 2003, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Nevermind gets his glad rags on for a big Friday night out "with the boys".


With two US Navy destroyers due in harbour this afternoon, Nevermind is likely to have a particularly exhausting weekend ahead of him.

Damn it Soddy ,how many time i gotta say it? Stop following me around!!!!!!

And for the love of gawd,send me a fecking turn,will ya?Im serious you evil bastid,i cant even remember which side i had,or what i was doing. SEND TURNS or the sailors this weekend will have to wait,as i am coming to see you instead :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: XOXOXO :D

[edit to add]

You really do have a knack at catching people in good moments.Dont i look cute in that pic?

[ May 16, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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No turns for the brood until Sunday afternoon! :mad: The wife's dragging me and my angry TNT up to Northern Maine for the weekend to visit the in-laws and eat some trash-can turkey! :mad: AARARAR A RAR RAR RAR R AAR R A R!!! :mad: I love trash-can turkey! Full of maggots just like all of you that I can chew right up! :mad:

I may try to slip a few more turns out before I leave just to ensure you're all miserable for the weekend, but if not don't fret - it's just that much longer you get to live you decomposed pile of maggot larvae!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I believe your SIG tells us all who the REAL Master Chucker is maggot pouch. :mad: Bow down. :mad:

Still waiting for my turn, ItchyScrotumDale. Is it just possible you're not sending it because you don't want to be my wife? Mayhap, sirrah?

Look on the bright side - with all the clusterf**ks you've made in this battle, there's little risk of the next one going any worse.

Turns out this afternoon (GMT) assuming I can fit you all in. Keke/Nevermind/Wino top of the list, I can only assume Todger Windhole has taken a break from PBEM to lube up his ring.

Snarker, you buttmunch. How many times to I have to tell you I can't get turns out?

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Soddball. . .you just don't see it coming do you? That's sad. Well, for you it is. :mad:

You pus-licking nadgerpube. Our game has been running for 21 turns, and I've annihilated your tanks, butchered your infantry and mashed your handful of light vehicles. What surprise am I to expect?

The biggest surprise for me is when a turn materialises.

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Hey maggots, I'm BACK!!!! :D

So I took a week away from this asylum and what happened? As I expected, things fell apart even more. The last thread filled up with unreadable chattering that reminded me of a group of 12 year old white Catholic suburban gangstas at recess. Somebody besides the usual glut of uber-Finns showed up who knows that Axe (that maggot) lives in the deep south. Soddball (that English maggot) has found some other chumps to try his scenarios, while he's busy in his dungeon laboratory creating a freaking 22,000 point obscenity.

But you know what really proves that the world has turned upside down? MasterGoodale (the fury maggot), the epitome of the TNT chucking, German hating, non-turn sending, tactics-challenged CMBB player, has WON several games!!! :eek: :eek: Surely the end of times is here. So let's play some CMBB! :D

Here's an update on my current games:

J Boggs (the bog maggot) has a flock of black crosses cowering in a patch of woods where my machine gunners can just spray a plethora of lead for the rest of the game.

_UXcva (the skipper maggot) is spending most of his time fighting the fearsome seas just off the coast of Milwaukee. In our battle his German armor is denting my heavy Russian armor, but having no serious effects. My guns, which would crush his armor with ease, seem to be having a contest to determine how far off the map they can shoot. His sneaky panzershreck team, however, is being a real thorn in the side of my T-34s, and I mean that literally. GRRR!!! :mad:

Paddington (the rainy Finn maggot) is doing something dark and no doubt evil which has nothing to do with CMBB. Meanwhile in our battle my T-34s keep getting bogged by mistakenly driving on the road! Not to mention my other vehicle which has taken 10 minutes to get all the way across a single wheatfield. GRRR!!! :mad:

Prinz Eugen (the university student Finn maggot) has shrugged off repeated AT gun hits to his panzer, which then took out my T-34s one-two-three. The real aggravation here is that all three were Abandoned! Green and Conscript crews are really obsessed with self-preservation. The maggots! The Prinz (any relation to Freddie?) is finding my Russian infantry, fighting from the comfort of their luxuriously appointed foxholes, to be a tougher nut to crack. Incidentally, the map we are using is Biltong's beauty with a train station, and is very nice. :D

Last, and certainly least, MasterGoodale (the supreme fury maggot) has begun our 45+ turn, 3,000 point (for me, the defender) assault, with a massive artillery barrage. I don't know where he gets all this artillery - I guess with 4,500 points he can afford to buy a lot. My masterful defensive plans will need some rearranging, but with the Russians several kilometers away I'm sure I have plenty of time. I've actually seen one or two of his Russians, but a little 20 mm fire turned them around in record time! :D

Once I complete a couple of these games, I'll be looking for some untried opponents. Soddball, Snarker, Nevermind, Keke - you are on my list. Not to mention the unmentionable mike_the_wino and Axe, both of whom are up on me one victory to none. The maggots. GRRR!!!

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Axe you're just jealous because Nippy may be farther north than you AND M_T_W can send him wine.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Your grasp of geography is quite astute for a Yank. :D

:mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:


The benevolent warden of the asylum has returned from his sabbatical.

Just in time. I need a day pass.

Jas :mad: n

In my best W. C. Fields voice, "Go away kid, you bother me." :D
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