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A Setup, an Angry Face, a Cheery Waffle, and a TNT-SLATHERED BOOT UP YER A$$ MAGGOT!

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That's right you chicken-eatin' gaggle of low-life scum slurpers!! Observe the HAREM and weep maggots! CplCarrot has fallen like a TNT-Slathered Kraut being riddled by MG fire!! :mad:

It won't be long nbow before I am crowned with the jewels puss sacks!! I hate you all!! :mad:

Angry Out Loud! :mad:

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So sorry chaps. Can't get to my turns this evening. You should all have poached TNT on toast for breakfast tomorrow though.

'Nighty night maggots.


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

How about NastyMoldyballs- Grandpa Jizm-Encrusted Goat-F***er? Just throwing it out there, shall we vote on it?

May I vote twice ? :mad: :mad: </font>
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Massive Strap-On continues to be ridden like a five-dollar whore. He is bent over and being done repeatedly by 3Abt, 2nd PzGr (or sumfink).

He has discovered that 'recon' works best if you:

a) Use Infantry instead of Heavy tanks with crack crews

B) Are not carrying out recon against dug-in, crack Panzergrenadiere with a plethora of AT guns.


So, when you've finished sucking the jizm from the ruptured sphincters of Cuban ladyboys, send me the surrender file.

Oh Goodale, my sig is going to look pretty fantabulous soon - and so is yours. :mad: :mad:

You wanna buy some pegs?

Every other bidge has had their turn.

Mike_the_Wankstain is cowering like a hermit in turn 2 of our game.

Teddy Windsor is being pureed into a vinaigrette dressing.

NeverInteresting is continuing to play our ME like an attack/defend. Some excuse about the terrain.

Kranky and I are achieving nothing in our moon-cratered night-time horror film.

SnackRock's email account is still bouncing my turns!!!

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Good morning maggots!! Hope you all slept terribly.

Stinker wants to know where my troops are hiding. Well, as they were walking through the woods, not only did they come across a cache of powerups, there was a little ubergnome in a peasant's shack selling capes of invisibility.

They cost 30 gold pieces but, what the hell, anything to save hit points later on, right?

While at the shack, they bumped into Mastergoodale and his men. A more loathsome sight has never been seen. They looked like wild men who had obviously gone years without any attempt at personal hygiene. Mold was oozing from their orifices and they were covered with angry welts, most likely from ant bites. Last we saw of them, they were trying to buy charisma points but, since they never had any to begin with, were at a loss on how to use them.

Jammed in a bog's men are slowly sinking from sight. No doubt they will be dug up in 100 years and look something like this. Researchers will be at a loss to explain the petrified looks of terror on their faces.

Shootless'4th is somewhere out in the darkness of Soddball's dementia-riddled scenario. I'll have to smoke him out.

That is all.

Jas :mad: n

Celebrating a draw with Mike_the_wino since 2003.

(edited to appear at least a little human)

[ May 14, 2003, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Jammed in a bog's men are slowly sinking from sight. No doubt they will be dug up in 100 years and look something like this. Researchers will be at a loss to explain the petrified looks of terror on their faces.

Jas :mad: n

(edited to appear at least a little human)

Okay, time for the truth to be told.

Now I know everybody who reads the posts put up by callsign Axe2121 can easily discern that he is an imbecile.

No argument, right? Okay.

Well, while playing our current little QB, I advanced with my company of conscripts against his right flank. My first sign something was amiss was when I ran into his Outpost Line and it consisted of 5 Mortar squads.

WTF? Well he is an imbecile, so I just shook my head in sympathy and quickly overran his flank with a platoon of infantry.

So far, so good. A little prep/suppression fire and the assault was on! Four squads and the platoon leader moved out sharply as we began to roll-up his flank. Then four shots, no more, no less, and the platoon leader's section was history!

Now I've got 4 squads of conscripts huddled on the edge of the woodline, trying to figure out the quickest way back to Berlin. Naturally they take off across an impassable bog faster than they attacked over open ground. Nice!

Oh well, everyone gets lucky, especially dolts.

Not despairing, we sent 2 platoons against his left flank. Nice. This time 8 shots and two dead platoon leader sections! WTF!!!

Two platoons of conscripts, leaderless, milling about, while Mr. Gamey hits them with flame throwers!!

Now we are regrouping, for another go at his line.

So far we have encountered mortars, snipers and flame throwers, or your standard TO&E of a Russian infantry unit NOT!

So, let this post be a warning and a reminder:

Jason is an imbecile, but, he's a gamey imbecile.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


No, Boggsie there's no crying in this thread.

Watch how it's done:

:mad: :mad: MassapicunrealisticAAgunforAT, you will pay for this you crusty heap of moldering maggot mold. Oh, yes you will. Slow roasting over a low flame in our rematch is too kind a revenge for taking a SODDING 85mm AA GUN :mad: :mad:

No mercy in the rematch my carbuncled, knock-kneed TNT chucking anti-arcraft luvin' collection of moldy body parts. You will attack, and by the Gawds of Everything 'Splody you will pay.


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BOGGASS you maggot lipped amoeba breeding pouch of fesces slathered pond scum!! :mad:

Take me on you knuckle-dragging neanderthal of a maggot! :mad: I guarantee it won't be a pleasant experience trying to penetrate MY defenses! :mad: It will be more a "Swim in a river of flaming TNT " than a 'walk in the park' scum nads. :mad:

As a matter of fact, I think you'll make a mighty fine addition to my HAREM so I'm sending you a setup you pouch of puss :mad:

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Aaaahhhhh yeesssss my little maggot-mouthed flask of non-tnt-chucking skunk piss. :mad: I see you have finally fallen in your tnt-slathered uniform - flesh riddled and spirits broken by the fury of my angry TNT! :mad: My chucking techniques have evolved into something quite exemplary I must confess :mad:


Didn't like the old AA gun tearing through your dumb Kraut flesh?? HHRRMMM???? :mad:

Your SIG is mine bitch, and it will arrive in your inbox sometime today. :mad:

Send the rematch QB and I'll kick that scrawny Kraut ass again. . .and again. . . and again. . .and again. . .infiniti. :mad:

Maggot :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

BOGGASS you maggot lipped amoeba breeding pouch of fesces slathered pond scum!! :mad:

Take me on you knuckle-dragging neanderthal of a maggot! :mad: I guarantee it won't be a pleasant experience trying to penetrate MY defenses! :mad: It will be more a "Swim in a river of flaming TNT " than a 'walk in the park' scum nads. :mad:

As a matter of fact, I think you'll make a mighty fine addition to my HAREM so I'm sending you a setup you pouch of puss :mad:

Bwahahah!!! Masterofgameysetup bring it on you sorry excuse for a steamy pile of fresh dropped donkey droppings. Your little secret is out! No, not the size of your manhood, that would be your microscopic secret.

You should have sent your set-up earlier, I would have set-up a normal TO&E unit. The next time you confront TO&E, it will be encased in a boot of quality manufacture that has penetrated your ass, or as you like to call it your headquarters.


Idiot, you had your chance. Come meet your new Daddy.

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Hey ASS69 you think you'll get that turn to me sometime this centurey you chicken-sh*t maggot brain? :mad: Don't worry, you'll have plenty of company in the HAREM :mad: :mad:

You too WHINO you drunk, slithering, drooling couch-potato maggot! :mad: Take your medicine like a pouch of scum! :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Prinz Eugen your ISP refused to accept my turn. Since when is anything Finnish afraid of hot TNT????

Snarker, my mail addy was full already by the time of your sending the turn. It's been cleaned as of late, so please do a re-send. It's completely an issue of technical nature, nothing to do with me not accepting :mad: TNT. Hell, we have that for breakfast in here before starting the day's chores, such as hunting for polar bears. They've been more :mad: than usual lately. :mad:

Maybe it's got something to do with that wonderboy MasterMaggot not sending me a setup, who knows. Mysterious and terrifying are his (its?) ways indeed... :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Keke:

MasterQueermaggot, would you be kind enough to send me a setup with hot cups of tea and molten sugar? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Keke, I think this is going to be a loooooooo-ooooooong wait. :mad: I'll be happy if I get that setup before I retire, and I haven't even started my working career yet. :mad: :mad: So don't hold your breath, as MGA sees more fitting to carry on delivering his drivel than actual setups. One chance could be that he's afraid... Impossible ? I'd think not !

Should you have an opening for PBEM, would you be interested in duel between two über-Finns kind Sir ? :mad:

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They aaaaaallll talk smack until the flaming setup gets chucked into their inbox :mad:

MasterGoodale will be chucking THREE. . .that's right puss sacks. . .THREE new setups tonight. :mad:

There will be some resentful, bitter little maggots in the thread tomorrow scuz nads. :mad:

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

It's a wonder how three of four MasterWuss's bitches are maggots not contributing to this thread. Makes you think really. What is their side of the story, hmmh ? :confused: :mad:

That's because I kicked their maggotty little peckers and they don't HAVE anyone to tell their side (because they're all dead :mad: )- and they don't want to post because their SIG would be too humiliating!!! :mad:

You'll hear from Snarker though that's one brave, feisty, angry little maggot right there! :mad: I can't wait to rematch him! :mad:


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NastyOldguy if you weren't such a brainless, inbred, knuckle-dragging idjit I would explain the difference between your MAILBOX and your INBOX. I will dumb it down for you, try to keep up. The INBOX in that thingy in your "magic box", ya know the one with all the perty pictures, that you receive "emails" with. Check with any 2 year old child if you are still confused.

notpossessingaspine your a cocky lil pole-smoker aren't you? I see you were finally able to capture that flag, ya know which one I am talking about. The one in YOUR SEUP ZONE. Nimrod.

Prinz Eugen is spinning his tracks and waiting for death. He has the fire part down but what about the maneuver part?

Soggyballs your turn sits in the Inbox ready for me when I get home. I will send your turn tonight. kEWl map, doncha tink? I would hope we get more reinforcements when I start to run out of Ruskies to kill.

Teddy is playing bunny rabbit and has go to ground. Not a lick of TNT chucked by either side.

Ass9 next time you want some TNT chucked at your thick, pronounced, sloping forehead send me a setup for Inferno. I play Germans, you lose as Ruskies.

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This crap just in:

Thank you for your e-mail Mike and taking the time to leave us your


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F*ing, no-beer-sending, moose-humping hoooors.
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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

There will be some resentful, bitter little maggots in the thread tomorrow scuz nads. :mad:

Total Games = 7

Win-Loss Record = 4-3




Listen Up Masterwetshispantswith4winsoutof7

IF as on numerous other occaisions there is no set-up from Ewe, there will be a PHLEGM FILLED, PUKE PACKED, DUNG DRIPPED, TNT TOPPED, COMPUTER SELECTED OOB QB sent to you tomorrow.

There will be NO more excuses.

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