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My CMBB Mini-Campaign: Tkachenko's Finest.

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I am currently working on a 10 mission Campaign pack for CMBB. It is not historical, however, as the missions are fictional. Here is some background on the campaign which is around 80% complete. These are my first real attempts at anything for CMBO/BB.


The campaign has been finished for quite some time. It can be found here: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/scenario_details.html?command=search&db=scenarios.db&eqskudatarq=186

Note: You must be registered to the proving grounds in order to download.



This is the story of a Russian rifle company, caught in the middle of the massive assault on russia known as "Barbarossa". You are Kapitan Boryesk, A coy, 1st battalion 23rd Regiment, 44th Mountain division (Tkachenko was the leader of the 44th until Feb 45 when he died in german captivity) , 8th rifle corps, 12th Army. You previously have combat experince from campaigns in Finland and Poland, where you saw death and destruction all around you, and where you were lucky to get out alive. During the past couple years you've had time to think, and times have been fairly quiet on the front, but once again war has found you. The men of the 44th division were largely outnumbered, outgunned and VERY low in morale, however this campaign focuses on a small group of men, who despite the odds, fought with all their heart. During the course of this mini-campaign me and my friend, Schutzstaffel (The main play tester), will both try to create a sense of realism and continuation. Achieving this goal is not an easy task for an amateur scenario designer such as myself (were both only 15) *16 now*. I've only created and released one other scenario ever, and thats Counter Attack at Kharkov which you can find at the scenario depot. This Campaign will last over a course of 8 months June 1941-January 1942, and Missions will range in variety. Hopefully we can achieve our goal of 10 missions. Have fun and don't forget to read breifings. -Daniel "Wannabe" Stockman & Vinnie "Schutzstaffel" Lawler

My email: Stockronma1@prodigy.net

Schutz's Email: Solidsnake098@hotmail.com

NOTE: This campaign is PURELY FICTIONAL, yet in some respects it is historical. There really was a 44th Mountain Division, there really was the 23rd regiment, blah blah, you understand? Other than the fact that we try to make the battles as historic as possible, they are made up along with the men in the company. Like I said before, many of the 44ths men were greatly hampered by overwhelming numbers, but these series of missions represent a group of men that fought back, and in some cases won. Historically, the whole 44th Mountain Rifle Division was destroyed in Kirovograd/Uman battle in the town of Podvyskoe, January 1944. They fought from June 1941 to that point in 1944, primarily in the southern sector.

[ August 11, 2004, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Wannabe ]

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Sounds great Wannabe, make sure you throw a copy up at The Proving Grounds. Might save you from having to email it out to several people individually. You'll still know who has downloaded it via the author's admin area on the site, so no worries.


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Hey, I think theres something wrong with the file at Proving grounds, can you not have two missions in one zip file or something?

Wait nevermind, all you gotta do is save target as on the link, and instead of it being a ".txt" file put ".zip" at the end.

[ July 27, 2003, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Wannabe ]

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The file on the server doesn't have any extension at all. It shouldn't of stripped the extension upon the upload so perhaps your local copy doesn't have the extension either.

I'll clean it up manually so that people won't have to rename it (might get confusing).

Thanks for the compliment!

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  • 1 year later...

Yes. I am back after many months. I reactivated this post because I want more responses on my Mission pack at GJKs site, the proving grounds. So far thegraeme has been wonderful in his complete anaylsis of my campaign pack. And I appreciate him for it. However, I need more than one mans opinion on my campaign. It can be found at the proving grounds and the you can find the link at the scenario depot. Thanks for any feedback. ;)

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FYI: You shouldn't put a direct link to the download (zip file), I can't track the downloads on the site that way - if that was important to you. You should though put the link that was shown to you at the end of your uploading, or just copy the URL you get from the site when you navigate to your scenario (Op).

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