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Cannon, Musket and Horses

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Having read a few threads concerning Napoleonic warfare and the lack of good simulations available I was just wondering if I am the only one who has played Waterloo, Napoleons last Battle or Austerlitz, Napoleons Greatest Victory both available at www.breakawaygames.com or even in some shops! I rate these games very highly but seem to be the only being on the planet who has ever played them, anyone else with an opinion?

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I agree that playing some of the larger scenarios is almost impossible but the medium/smaller ones are great fun and being able to issue orders in pause mode makes things a bit easier. Glad to hear i'm not the only one to have had a look at these.

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The problem with them and the excellent talonsoft line was they were limited to specific battles. I think most Nappy fans want a strategic element that would evolve into cm style combat. When I first saw CMBO and the QB generator I thought of napoleonic battles!

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