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Complete Winter Mod

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= = = Maybe one of you HC-CMBB fans, who have collected them all, could release one?= = =

That would give you the withewashed, hasty, snow, with tools, with units signs etc. vehicle's I like best. And you'd be disappointed en still had to search for the mods you like best.

What I've done is I've downloaded all and put them in maps, so a map PzIV, a map T34, etc. Then within those maps I have sub-maps. Depending on the scenario I use the mods I like best at that moment or for that scenario. This time I use MickeyD, then Dey, followed by Uncle T., DavidI etc.

REASON: There are to much really beautifull mods, and you cann't use different mods at the same time. A Uber-mod will get you bored, watching the same vehicle's again and again.

My 1 euro-cent (= 2 cents in the old days)


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Originally posted by Commander_:


Is there complete winter mod available?

I have collected winter textures for some of the vehicles, but it is heck of a job to get them for all of the units. Is there some sort of "complete mod" available to download somewhere? Maybe one of you HC-CMBB fans, who have collected them all, could release one?


Just do what I did, take it 1 battle at a time. Don't try and mod em all at once. Just hunt down the AFVs that need whitewashed for the battle at hand from CMMODS. Before you know it, pretty much everything is whitewashed. It only takes like 10 mins(for me) to mod several AFVs to be WW.
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Originally posted by DerBlitzer:

Hmm, how do you create a map for mods? I thought CMBB looks only at what's in the BMP folder. Or do you keep replacing files in this folder when you want a change of scenery?

I used the Dutch word "map" but that should be folder I quess. With most scenario's you're told what kind of vehicle and troops you get. And that's what I use.

If the briefing tell's me I'm with the GD, SPW223 and 250/1 250/10 in the year 1942 I'll find myselve some nice mods in the different folders. That's gonna take some time, but I find it fun to do. And some time's I find a mod I thought I didn't like looks real great in the game.


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