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killed by traffic

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Well, not exactly, but here are a couple reasons that you should keep your units away from vehicles if you can.

1. Vehicles that blow up can kill nearby units. Guns seem especially vulnerable to this. I just played a scenario in which 3 irreplaceable AT guns were killed by their own soft-skinned vehicles blowing up nearby. It was just small arms fire that caused it. Also, the trucks start moving all over the place when fired upon, so you want to keep them further away than simply parked across the street.

2. Vehicles, even knocked out ones (unless on fire), can attract air attack from either side. If it comes in the form of bombs, any nearby unit is in danger regardless of cover.

I guess this advice applies mostly to the defense, to prevent somewhat random losses of valuable units like guns or FO's. When you're attacking you have different priorities.

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Originally posted by aco4bn187inf:

2. Vehicles, even knocked out ones (unless on fire), can attract air attack from either side. If it comes in the form of bombs, any nearby unit is in danger regardless of cover.

Given the stupidity and inaccuracy of aircraft in CM, I think that you are safest when near a vehicle ;)
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Not only can guys get killed by traffic, I am always frustrated at traffic jams when I try to move a few vehicles down the road at once. The tac AI gives them all insane waypoints and they just kind of poke around. Where are the MP's directing traffic smile.gif

Now I resort to giving the most important units move fast orders and leaving the other units stock still.

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