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Gun damage, only main gun?

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Excuse me, but I'm very new on these forums (and pretty new to the game) and don't know if this has been answered many times before, I couldn't find it.

It seems that the "Gun damaged" applies to both the main-gun AND the MG's on the tank. Is this right? None of my crew is dead (in a t-34) so supposedly the MG should be able to fire, or?

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Welcome to the forums!

IIRC, Gun Damaged takes out the Main Gun, and Coaxial MG, if any.

If the Tank has other MGs -- Bow, Flex Mount, etc., they remain functional. Keep in mind that these other MGs can't be directly targetted by the player, though -- they're under control of the Unit AI only. So you won't see the red target line, and you can't issue a target order -- you'll just see the outbound tracers, and the ammo count going down if the AI decides to fire on a target.

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Originally posted by YankeeDog:

IIRC, Gun Damaged takes out the Main Gun, and Coaxial MG, if any.

If the Tank has other MGs -- Bow, Flex Mount, etc., they remain functional. Keep in mind that these other MGs can't be directly targetted by the player, though -- they're under control of the Unit AI only. So you won't see the red target line, and you can't issue a target order -- you'll just see the outbound tracers, and the ammo count going down if the AI decides to fire on a target.

I didn't know that. I don't remember a hull MG firing on any "gun damaged" tank that I can recall. It had gotten to the point that I'd either run them off the board in a battle to save the points, or use them as decoys. Obviously my mistake. :eek:
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Posted by Luftwolf at the webob forums:

Re: MG fire from gun-damaged tanks?


A tank with it's gun damaged, won't fire the coaxial, but will still fire the bow.

A tank with a crew casualty won't fire it's bow.

A tank with gun damage and a crew casualty will just sit there looking ugly.

At least, that's what I seem to remember from our discussion a while back.

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Thank you very much for your answers.

T-34 has bow-gun, but as you said, it wouldn't follow my orders when I target enemies. And it wouldn't move if I issued the Hunt-order.

It didn't get up front to the shooting, so I cannot confirm that it will shoot with the bowgun if he sees enemies, but I trust you that it will. smile.gif

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