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Everything posted by Kalzun

  1. Is it possible to start PBEM-games in the demo-version? I´m trying to get a friend hooked, so I recommended him downloading the demo - and it would be so much fun to get a multiplayer-game up and running.
  2. Hi Just bought this game for my Mac, after having played the CM: Barbarossa years ago and really loving the gameplay (turnbased). Happy to see they came out with a new one! I´m currently playing the last mission in the tutorial campaign, and observed in a close encounter in the town - where my soldiers where shooting like crazy at seemingly nothing. I zoomed in, and suddenly saw a pleasing sight - crowds of dead ei´s. But my question is; Are there any way to up the visual range? I can´t seem to find it in Options. I adjusted what I could in there, loosing a bit of framerate, but gaining only more quality textures, not visual range. Long post for a short question...
  3. Thank you very much for your answers. T-34 has bow-gun, but as you said, it wouldn't follow my orders when I target enemies. And it wouldn't move if I issued the Hunt-order. It didn't get up front to the shooting, so I cannot confirm that it will shoot with the bowgun if he sees enemies, but I trust you that it will.
  4. Hi! Excuse me, but I'm very new on these forums (and pretty new to the game) and don't know if this has been answered many times before, I couldn't find it. It seems that the "Gun damaged" applies to both the main-gun AND the MG's on the tank. Is this right? None of my crew is dead (in a t-34) so supposedly the MG should be able to fire, or?
  5. I recently got CM Barbarossa to Berlin via Direct to Drive. Now I want to play by email with a friend, but when I tried to open his PBEM-file it said that we had a different version from each-other. Please don't say that the v.103 D2D is different and not compatible with the regular v.103-retail-copy!?
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