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I have CMBB special edition for PC, and I have started moding. I installed the moding disk,

(disk two) and noticed they only had vehicles.

I know they also have additional infantry on the disk however, they do not appear on the moding screen

at all. If I go into the file "STAND ALONE MODs" I can view them, but they have a book icon

above them. Do you know how I could manage to get them to a

modible form? Thanks smile.gif

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First, to discuss this kind of thing meaningfully will require a bit more precision. Let me make a few comments that may help clarify things a bit.

The CMBB Special Edition has two kinds of mods. First, it has a program called CMMOS 4.03, and a bunch of mods that only work with that program. Second, it has a bunch of stand-alone mods.

CMMOS mods can only be installed through the CMMOS program. Stand-alone mods can be installed the old-fashioned way.

Here's an example of the old-fashioned way:

You see a mod somewhere that you like, probably on the web, probably at cmmods.com.

You download it to somewhere safe and unrelated where you will be able to find it again.

You make a folder and name the mod after that folder.

You unzip the downloaded mod to that folder.

Note that if you already have the mod, say, because it happens to be one of the Special Edition stand-alones, you just copy and paste the zip file to a safe place, and unzip to an appropriately named folder.

I've written other posts about this in pornographic detail in some of the other threads, so if you search around a bit you're bound to stumble on one of my replies.

Once you've unzipped the mod you want into a folder, it's usually a good idea to take a careful look at what is in that folder. Specifically, jot down on a piece of paper what the bmp file numbers are of the files that you're planning to install.

Before you install anything, make a subfolder called something like "Mod I wanna install/BTS originals". Then, go into the cmbb/bmp folder and copy all of the bmp's which have the same numbers as the ones in the mod, and paste them into that sub-folder with the funny name. You will make lots of mistakes, especially early on, and if you've made a back-up it will spare you having to reinstall the game again because you messed up the mods.

Now that you have a back-up, go back to your mod. Look in the folder. You'll see a bunch of things that aren't part of the mod. Usually this might consist of a readme file (which you should read -- they never tell you enough, but they're good for you), a jpeg example of what the mod looks like, and maybe a photographic image or two.

The reason I mention this is that you don't want that stuff in your bmp folder when you copy it in.

Now what you do is to simply copy the bmp's of the mod and paste them into the game's bmp folder. It will overwrite a bunch of stuff, but because you started by making back-ups, if you don't like the way it looks it will take you ten seconds to reverse yourself.

Now what was that question again ?

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