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FSAA again

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I changed my video card from Ti4600 to Radeon 9800 PRO. This time (with newest ATI drivers) FSAA makes game unplayable (alt +tab does not help).

I am tired with different gpu driver - juggling. And maybe some guy form battlefront instead of pityful explanations like "certain drivers have a problem with CMBB" would admit that "CMBB has a problem with certains drivers" and do somethnig about it!

If FSAA, fog (ATI) etc. run fine on ANY other game maybe it is a time to admit own mistake.

However, if it is truth that the game was build upon outdated verson of directx I fear nothing can be fixed now.

But please Battlefront, learn from this lesson for your future releases and do not try to put the blame upon nvidia or ati drivers...because as I said : it is pityful approach...

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Perhaps you would like to give us an explanation as to why some drivers work without problem in CM ? Your Ti4600 card could actually use the 30.82/30.87 drivers in CM without problem. Yeah, newer drivers have problems, that's the way it works in the computer world - the drivers don't support all of the graphic API calls properly - otherwise they could just release one set of drivers and never have to update them until another video card was released.

An 'outdated version of DirectX' has nothing to do with the problems of CM and some video card drivers. There's nothing wrong with the DirectX calls that CM makes. It's a problem with video cards supporting them. Different games make use of different graphic API calls. There are some graphic API routines (or their sequencing, etc.) that CM uses that MANY other games don't use (and the reverse is true too). They're still part of DirectX and they're not 'discontinued' - they're just not as commonly used and so the video card manufacturers often miss them in their QA processes for their drivers.

As for fog. Fog-tables were one of the more universal ways of representing fog when CM was originally being programmed. It tends to look better and may be a bit more appropriate in some ways for the way CM uses fog (different view levels and all) than vertex fog (which is all that ATI supports under DirectX). Vertex fog was nowhere as universally supported as fog-tables were when CM was originally programmed.

Anyway... BTS/BFC are very aware of the problems that customers have with drivers, etc. The new engine will be programmed in OpenGL and hopefully there will be fewer problems (since OpenGL tends to change less frequently than DirectX). However there will probably always be a problem of one sort or another when it comes to video and audio drivers - it's an unescapable fact of personal computing.

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"The new engine will be programmed in OpenGL and hopefully there will be fewer problems".

Great news.

As for drivers and cards. I had Ti4600 and I had problemms. Now I have Radeon 9800 PRO and it gets worse. No other game I played had problemms with ANY driver either on nvidia (earlier) or ati (now).

So maybe IT IS cmbb not a driver problemm? Maybe

it is time to change coder in BTF? As a gamer I do not care about api and directx difficulties. What I care is that cm is my only installed game I have problemms with!

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Can you run any other DX5 games successfully? I can't. There are some DX7 games which don't run under anything later than Windows 98.

Whose fault is that then?

You may or may not be aware that all shades of s**t are hitting the fan over recent driver releases by both NVIDIA and ATi. Essentially both companies are messing about with their driver codebase to improve their benchmark scores with the latest GPUs and the latest releases of DirectX. The fact that older games get screwed over in the meantime is irrelevant to these companies.

CMBB works with driver version A, doesn't work with driver version B, works with driver version C, doesn't work with driver version D, ..., where's the variable there?

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Yeah, but I have some games that work with every driver level (at least all the ones I've tried), so I think there is definitely something wrong on the CMBB side. Maybe the other companies are coding work arounds to make sure that their games work no matter what. IL-2 seems to work with all the drivers I've tried. So does Falcon 4.0 and Homeworld. No problems with Heros of Might and Magic IV or Age of Wonders II. There are others too. It seems to me that claiming it's the driver for the last three years is getting a little old. Even if it is there is probably a way to fix it in the game code.

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