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size of battles

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I have noticed that if you give the ai over 10000 pts on a huge map it takes almost 10 minutes to play a turn. Can some out there give me an estimated point value to use so the game will load quicker. I like creating very large battles while using the whole land mass in opperations.

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Depends on the speed of your computer processor, hard drive, etc.

If you're talking about the time it takes for a scenario to load from the opening splash screen, this is actually determined by the number of 3D sprites and bitmap skins the game needs to load into memory as well as the size and complexity of the map. You can reduce this time by using more units of the same type, rather than a wide variety of different units.

Calcultion time between orders plot and the movie depends on the exact units you're playing with. It's actually the number of units and what they're doing that affects calculation time, not points per se. 100 Panthers sitting there doing jack sh*t takes almost no calcuation time. 3000 points of conscript LMG teams running every which way wil, OTOH, take a very long time to calculate.

You'll have to figure out what your personal system (and patience) can handle by trial and error.



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10000 points? 10min of processing must be a small fraction of what it would take you to plot moves. CM was designed primarily for batallion sized engagements and seems to do pretty well up to 3000pts for most machines.

One of the big hang ups for large battles is that the game needs to do LOS and targeting checks from unit to unit so you end up wiht a n(n-1) calculation increase for some areas of the battle which can create a cliff when you have large numbers of units in close contact.

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10 minutes? Treeburst155 mentioned sumfink about 30 minutes in his last mail... 10000+ in the desert.

Cals are influenced by LOS (10000 pts in woods are faster than 10000pts on a flat barren map), smoke/dust/fire and the amount of units. Arty barrages take some calc time, too - especially if they hit bunched up troops and each hit forces the TacAI to plan something new for that unit.



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