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Approach to Sevestapol

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Absurdly easy to win. Just remember to be the Russians. : )

I have tried it several times without sucess as the Germans against the AI. SPOILERS - none : )I have tried a variety of ways including getting the **mms into action but still no joy.It probably is possible given some luck and certainly falls into the category of puzzle scenario rather than one were you have a chance to win on first play. I must try it again sometime. : )

Some chap said he could win as the Germans against me - Nope he could not

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I've lost many a game in CMBB, but I have never had my ass kicked so bad as when I played this scenario as the Germans against a human opponent.

There is nothing more useless in this game as a towed on 88 flak gun. 3 to 5 minutes to set up all the while screaming "I am a great big target, please shoot me now!" I would much rather have 1 50mm AT gun over both those 88's.

David I

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Amazingly enought, there are plenty of people who won as the Germans against the AI, and mroe then a few that got a draw. Was not designed for 2 player play. As for the 88s, protect them when you set them up, don't be in a hurry. Once set up, they can command the map.

The soviet weakness is not enought infantry. You have to fight this in a series of battles using your brains, manuver and infantry.


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You can win this level as Germans against the AI. Its not designed for 2 player. You need to put your 88s in the woods on the left which over look the low ground up to the village. From here they will knock out any Russian tank which ventures onto the left side of the map. If you dont get the 88s in the right position you are basically screwed, but you can still get a draw or minor victory.

The Russians have very little infantry. You can clear out the entire map up as far as the big forest on the right in front of the village by carefully using your Pz2s and assault guns to move up the right hand side in groups to destroy Russian AT guns and clear infantry. Get an infantry squad with an MG34 in with your 88s also to supress Russian infantry on the left of the map.

Once the map is more or less clear of Russian infantry up to the forest send in all your infantry in their halftracks into the big forest and organise them for an assault on the village.

Use your T34s and other tanks to support this. You will probably loose several tanks at this stage to Russians who are holding back at the far end of the village, outside the sight of your 88s.

You will probably have superior numbers of infantry in the village so move quick up to the flag in the centre before the Russians reinforce. If you get to and hold the flag in the centre of the village you will probably score a major victory.

Dont forget you have Luftwaffe support which can take out several Russian tanks without you even knowing about it. This is often a pleasant surprise when you get to the village.

Overall I enjoyed this level and played it quite a few times. The key is getting the 88s in the right place where they can see the village and are positioned in scattered trees on reasonably high ground and where they can support each other by firing on the same target when necessary.

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Do I get a hint of - "If I am lucky the airforce get rid of sufficient Russian heavy armour" so I win/draw. Not to say that some have genuinely beaten the computer without such good fortune.

There is another late war battle that hinges rather a lot on Tigers being destroyed before they make the battlefield. I played that one about 6 times before I got a really good break and only 1 or 2 turned up to fight.

BTW if we are giving detailed instructions how to win is it not still etiquette to put:

***********SPOILER WARNINGS*****************

Firing smoke from your mortars to cover gun deployment is a nice way to protect your assets: )

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I played this some time ago... when I got back in to CM.

I remember the ridge in the middle of the map to be the place where I picked off most of the Russians. I was able to set up an 88 just peeking over the ridge. The other got knocked out... maybe too high on the ridge.

I was able to advance infantry along the right side and moved down the hill. It was tough going. I don't remember getting much further than that dominant ridge other than with some infantry. But I was winning a war of attrition.

Yes... cover your placement of the big guns with smoke. It's no spoiler... just a good tactic. Spot the best placement before hand with an HQ or small squad to check LOS before you commit.

The airforce is never your friend. If you get lucky, they will destroy more of the enemy than your own troops. :)

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BTW -- if you like Sevastopol battles, a good one I played was "Sevastopol Port ai." This one was difficult to navigate through a series of interlocking defenses. Well designed battle, but needed a small tweak. Fun in any case.

I got it from The Proving Grounds. It might also be at SD.

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Well my pilots were obviously drunk since they never came close to hitting a tank but then this seems to be the rule not the exception. The AI seems to be pretty smart about calling down artillery on AT guns so I'm not sure how much the smoke would help. I think you can count on a human opponent doing the same.

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I was actually doing quite well and got to the town with minimal casualties except for the 88's. I had sent my medium tanks up the middle and my light tanks around the sides but they aren't able to knock out the Russian tanks even with a side shot. The ensuing massacre was as brutal as it was short.

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Protect and use your mortar halftracks.

Place a stealthy HQ on the ridge looking for MortarHT behind the ridge, and you should be able to take out most of the guns as they reveal themselve.

I had a great time with this battle, but using this tactic took so long, that I didn't reach the center of the village in time.

I guess, that the key to this battle is not brute force, but stealth and proper response, - difficult and different from many other attacks.

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  • 4 weeks later...


***Even though there's not much more to spoil***


I was very successful once I realized to be patient and use all 45 turns. After losing some StuGs needlessly hurrying forward, I used my ACs to reveal the Soviet AT guns. Then blammo with the mortar carriers.

First company swept out the first ridge with MG support from all the halftracks. Second company waited far back in cover til most Soviet infantry was cleared, then raced for the large woods on the right. First line of Soviet infantry too engaged to bother with my second company.

After the first ridge was completely cleared and routed, I brought up the 88s under smoke from my mortar carriers and PzIVs. Enough smoke to keep both guns covered during their entire setup time.

Got second company into the large woods/scattered trees with the platoon of captured T-34s (which rock) breaking through there too. T-34s cleaned out all Soviet armor on the other side of the trees.

88s killed everything they could see. Brought the PzIVs up the middle with remanants of my first company to join the battle for the big flag. They raced through the firefight onto the the furthest small flag where they linked up with my surviving T-34s.

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