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In the course of the war of 1941-1944 in the territory of Finland acted two independent commands - German on the north of Finland, subordinated to German general staff, and Finnish in the remaining part of the country. Both commands coordinated their actions, but in other respects they were absolutely independent variables from each other. The line of differentiation between them passed from Uleaborga (Oulu) on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia to it was White Sea (the White Sea).

For the attack on Murmansk the Germans delivered from narvik into Kirkinessa region during August 1940 2- yu mountain/mining (Austrian) division. At the last moment/torque to the operation was connected by 3-4 mountain/mining (Austrian) division, dislocated in the region of narvik. Furthermore, in Murmansk region was located by 36-4 Finnish pogranrota under the command of captain Tintol.

In the district of the city of Rovaniemi to 9 June, 1941, was delivered from Norway the motorized division SS " north " (created in 1941 on the base of police brigade SS in Norway). Division " north " had to begin on Salla city.

North on Sallu had to begin 169-4 German infantry division, which arrived in the ports of the Gulf of Bothnia from Germany. From the south to Sallu began 6-4 Finnish division, which was subordinate of the German command of group " Norway ". Let us note that 6-4 divisions were formed from the population of North Finland, which well knew locality/terrain and which accustomed to the severe climate. Furthermore, of Germans was subordinate by 3-4 Finnish infantry division, dislocated in Suomussalli. Commanded all German and Finnish parts in the Transarctic colonel general Ditl'.

troops of Leningrad military district resisted Herman- Finnish parts. 24 June 1941 Leningrad [ 708 ] the military district was converted into the northern Front (commander - lieutenant general OF M.M. Popov), and on 27 August, 1941, northern Front was divided into two fronts: Leningrad (commander - lieutenant general Popov) and Karelian (commander - the lieutenant general OF V.A. Frolov).

In the Transarctic at the beginning of war were dislocated 14-4 armies, into composition of which they entered: 42-1 rifle corps (104-4 and 122-4 rifle divisions), individual 14-4 and 52-4 rifle divisions, 23-1 (Murmansk) fortified district. 14-1 armies were attached: 1-4 tank division, 104-1 artillery regiment RGK, 1-4 mixed air division, 42-4 corrective squadron 31-1 separate combat engineer battalion.

During June-August 1941 14-1 army commanded the lieutenant general OF V.A. Frolov, during August 1941 he became commanding Karelian front, and in his place was appointed the Major General OF R.I. Panin. During March 1942 of Panin replaced the Major General OF V.I. Shcherbakov, who was held at this post to the end of the war.

On the maps/charts/cards in the school textbooks and even in the serious publications, dedicated to World War II, is drawn continuous front line from the White Sea to Lake Onega. It was not in fact of continuous front line, but combat operations occurred only in five sections (directions) - by Murmansk, Kandalaksha, kesten'gskom, ukhtinskom and rebol'skom. The width of the widest among them (Murmansk) did not exceed 120 km, rest - 40-50 km. " clearances " between the adjacent sections of combat operations were very large: 240 km between Murmansk and Kandalaksha directions, 200 km between the the ukhtinskim both the the rebol'skim and, etc

Thus, the forces of Karelian Front on the north conducted the isolated/insulated from each other battles. In the rebol'skom section battled parts 7-1 of army, on the rest - 14-1 armies. We will examine combat operations in these five sections from the north to the south

Let us begin from the Murmansk direction. 10 hours 50 minutes on 22 June, 1941, German mountain/mining housing in the composition of 2-1 and 3-1 mountain/mining divisions began advancement to the Soviet boundary along the territory of Finland. From the south German [ 710 ] of division guarded Finnish huntsman boundary detachment with number approximately 1500 people. On 22 June the military council to 14-1 army gave order about the transfer to the western shore of the Kola molded edge/gulf 325- GO of regiment 14-1 of division. 52-4 divisions, which commanded the Major General OF N.N. Nikitin, were dislocated in Monchegorske. Its transfer to Murmansk began still in the evening on 24 June, in two days prior to the beginning of war between Finland and USSR

325-1 regiments it crossed through the bay in a comparatively calm situation, but 75- kilometer passage to the state boundary on the open tundra, with the frequent air raids of enemy, engaged several days. Only toward the evening on 28 June regiment engaged defense line: 52-4 divisions on the route and especially during the crossing/passage through the Kola molded edge/gulf, underwent constant air raids of enemy and sustained losses. On 30 June it unrolled into the combat formations on Western river of face.

The approach of Germans began from Petsamo region on 28 June. Basic forces of mountain/mining housing attacked one our 95-1 regiment, which did not have time to still organize defense. Regiment began to move away to the settlement Titovka. In the disorderly retreat it was absorbed in after itself and that approached it to the aid 325-1 regiments.

If in Titovka region enemy comparatively easily achieved some successes, then his attacks on the garrison 23- GO of fortified district in the peninsulas Rybachiy and average/mean zakhlebnulis'. In the month prior to the beginning of war the Colonel OF M.K. Pashkovskiy, which commanded fortified district, knew how to build in the peninsula sufficiently powerful/thick defensive installations and to arrange them so that they ruled to the the expensive Petsamo - Titovka. Three days Germans without result attempted to take peninsula average/mean. Large role for the reflection of their attacks played the fire/light of coast artillery (in the peninsula average there were three 130- mm and four 100- mm of the coasts of instrument).

On Western river of face 52-4 divisions held defense. It occupied convenient positions. When German huntsmen began approach, Soviet troops met by their hurricane fire/light. Several attacks of enemy were repelled during one day. Seeing that on the move Western to face [ 711 ] they will not succeed in boosting/forcing, Germans ended attacks on two days in order to pull the second echelons. these two days of respite maximally used the Soviet command: regiments stepped back into this region 95-1 and 325-1 were brought into order. They took up defense on by right the flank of Murmansk direction.

Fierce fightings continued here entire July. Germans desperately attempted to boost/force river. In the main direction this for them make could not. Toward the end of the month they took only small bridgehead/beachhead on the eastern shore of Western Litsy - on left flank 52-1 of division.

On 31 July British aviation for the first time bombed German troops into Petsamo, i.e., in the Finnish territory. In the film participated the carrier-based ground attack aircrafts from the aircraft carrier " f'yuriyes ". In connection with this the government of Finland stated protest to London and it recalled its from there ambassador. The embassy of England, in turn, left Helsinki. However, state of war there was no between England and Finland declared thus far.

14-4 armies did not obtain reinforcements from the center, and I could design only for local resources/lifetimes. In this respect the civil/civilian and military authorities of Murmansk region did everything that they could. In Murmansk new 186-4 division due to the human and material resources of Murmansk region was formed. At the end of September it already engaged that diverted by it defense area. The brigade of marines battling here was considerably intensified due to the northern fleet.

At the end of October Soviet troops undertook the attempt to knock out enemy from the bridgehead/beachhead, occupied with it on the eastern bank of Western river of face. Into the battle the recently formed 186-4 division was introduced. However, Germans desperately resisted, our troops sustained significant losses and were forced to fall back to initial positions. To November the front line on by Murmansk direction was stabilized.

Now let us switch over to Kandalaksha direction. In the course of winter war from the large city of Murmansk region of Kandalaksha to the state boundary with Finland was built the railroad with an extent [ of 712 ] about 90 km its building continued also after war. In the summer of 1940 road continued to the new state boundary. Road was taken only during September 1940.

To 22 June, 1941, in Kandalaksha was placed the staff 42- GO of rifle corps. Into the housing entered 122-4 division, which was being located on the boundary, and 104-4 division, located in city itself. Furthermore, in Kandalaksha region was placed by 1-4 tank division - reserve 14-1 of army. Commanded housing the Major General OF R.I. Panin. In 1-1 tank division there were even several new heavy tanks OF THE SQ.

On the Kandalaksha direction the enemy concentrated division SS " north ", German 169- yu infantry division, Finnish 6- yu infantry division and two Finnish huntsman battalions. On 1 July enemy went over to the offensive. To the forces of enemy resisted our 122-4 and 104-4 divisions. The latter was moved into Kayraly region into the first the days of war without 242- GO of the regiment (it it was located on the kesten'gskom direction). 1-4 tank division remained in Kandalaksha as the reserve of the commander of 14-1 army. It is later, in the middle of July, two regiments of this division were moved into Luga region for the defense of Leningrad from the south, and one regiment - in the environs of Petrozavodsk.

Combat in the Kandalaksha direction continued entire July. In the first days of August the Germans, without having achieved success (but they they planned/glided to leave to the Kirov railroad 10 days after the beginning of war), decided to move division SS " north " into Kesten'gi region. German command feared, that also the Soviet command can remove/take the part of the forces from the region To alakurti and to move them to the kesten'gskoye direction. Therefore simultaneously with the redislocation of division " north " it directed along the forests/scaffolding and the swamps into the rear of our troops the intensive Finnish battalion. Before it stood the task to saddle road in the region Of nyam station, to derive from the system connection/communication, not to make possible to send through Kandalaksha to the station Of loukhi not of one company.

this operation succeeded for Finns. They took the only road, along which Soviet troops, were supplied, and they solidly retained it. Supply of foodstuffs and ammunition [ 713 ] it ceased. Two weeks of part were supplied only from the field depots. With Murmansk, where staff 14-1 of army was located, was supported only radio communication, and that is irregular. Commander rarely obtained short reports about the position in the parts cut off from the rear. Came out anecdotic situation - one Finnish battalion seemingly it would surround five rifle regiments, three artillery regiments and other parts. Two weeks were required Soviet troops, in order to free road from Finns and to ensure its communications.

In order to weaken/attenuate pressure on the Finnish battalion, which acted in the Soviet rear, enemy it undertook strong attack from the front in the region of bald mountain. As a result of fierce fightings Soviet parts were forced to leave their positions and to be fastened in 4- X km eastern Alakurti - on the line of old state boundary. But further attempts of the enemy to advance did not enjoy success. From September 1941 through September 1944 the front line remained here constant.

In Kesten'gi region only after several days before the war were moved by 242-1 the rifle regiment and artillery battalion 104-1 of division, which entered into composition of 14-1 of army. In the beginning of July in the direction Of kesten'gi began approach the infantry regiment of German 169-1 infantry division. The first battle occurred on 8 July in the region of village Tungozero. Soviet subdivisions did not maintain/withstand strong strong pressure and they stepped back. On 10 July Germans left to Sof'yanga river. Began the calm, which lasted until the end of July. Enemy constructed road from the boundary to Sof'yanga settlement, studied our defense, he was prepared for its breach/inrush and boosting of river.

New combat began on 3 August with the strong artillery film of Germans on our defense. During this day for enemy it was already possible to boost/force river and to cut off one our battalion from the staff of regiment and other subdivisions. Battalion was forced against Pyaozeru, it fought in the environment/encirclement, and then on the forests/scaffolding and the swamps left into Kesten'gi region, where it was connected with osnovnymi by the forces of regiment. Combat in Sof'yangi continued three days Germans, without considering the losses, they boosted/forced river in several places, they were deepened into the defense of other Soviet battalions. Our parts stepped back. [ 714 ] On 8 August combat occurred already in the regional center Of kesten'ga - 60 km west Of loukhi station.

In 8 days of continuous combat 242-1 regiments it sustained large losses. Meanwhile the enemy, as captured German soldier showed, pulled reserves. To the place of combat arrived the division SS " north " in full strength and separate tank battalion. The military council to 14-1 army attempted to help 242- mu to regiment. From the Kandalaksha direction they here moved the company of tanks. In Murmansk the rifle regiment was in haste formed by 1087-1. From these parts 5- yu created rifle brigade. Commanded it the Colonel OF N.A. Of chernukha.

But also enemy rapidly accumulated forces. In the region of combat of profit the regiment of 3-1 Finnish division, taken/removed from the ukhtinskogo direction, two huntsman battalions and two additional tank battalions, brought then to the tank brigade. On 12 August two Finnish battalions and battalions of division SS " north ", moving on the scaffolding/forest, left to 34-1 kilometers of the highway Of kesten'ga - Loukhi. Them met the rear units of the Soviet 5-1 brigade, The loukhskiy destructive battalion { of 161 } and the maneuverability group 72- GO of frontier detachment. Basic forces of brigade were cut off from their supply bases and they fought in the environment/encirclement. Combat occurred bitter. No reserves, which could help that defending, neither 7-4 nor 14-4 army they did not have.

On the council of Voroshilov the member of the military council of the Karelian Front G.N. of the Cyprians turned personally to Stalin with the request to send into on the council of Voroshilov the member of the military council of the Karelian Front G.N. Stalin agreed, and on the night with 12 on 13 August 88-4 divisions were raised on the anxiety and planted into the trains. Less than in two days of 18 echelons divisions reached from Arkhangelsk less than in two days of 18 echelons divisions reached The most surprising, what echelons passed along the constructed railroad Obozerskiy - forty. Earlier there walked only trains with the builders of road. Already toward the evening on 15 August first parts of 88-1 rifle [ 715 ] divisions on the move entered the battle. They rejected/threw Germans back on 6-8 km

During second half of August, entire September and October in the kesten'gskom direction went local fighting. Enemy sustained significant losses; therefore it could not undertake large approach without the reinforcements. 25 October the enemy of the beginnings of attack on the individual sections of defense 88-1 of division. It conducted reconnaissance in force, groped its weak places. Approach began on 2 November after strong two-hour artillery preparation. For the first time at the Karelian Front enemy used the massed attacks of aviation on the forward edge. 40 bombers made on two departures.

The attacks of Germans and Finns continued until 11 November, but taking Loukhi station they did not succeed in. On 12 November began calm. Front line was stabilized 40 km west Of loukhi station. Finnish regiments returned to their divisions, and German troops began to construct dwelling and to be prepared for the winter.

In the ukhtinskom direction was concentrated Finnish 3-4 infantry division. The Soviet parts, intended for the defense of this direction, were arranged/located initially in Kem' city, that was being found in 250 km from the boundary. these were 81-1 and 118-1 regiments even two artillery battalions 54-1 of division, whose staff also was located in Kem'. After several days before the war to the boundary on the automobiles was moved one rifle battalion. Remaining parts after declaration of war passed 186 km on foot to Ukhta with the complete combat outfit. At the beginning of the first approach of Finns major portions 54-1 of division has already been concentrated on the defensive line on the eastern bank Of voynitsa river. The staff of the division on 29 June moved from Kem' to Ukhta.

On 3 July two regiments of Finnish 3-1 infantry division went over to the offensive in two convergent to one point directions - along the road from the state boundary to the village Of voynitsa and along the road Of voknavolok - Pan6go- lip, hoping to surround and to destroy our parts, that were being located east of village. During 10 days Finns conducted combat in the security zone/forward defense area with the frontier-guards and Soviet [ 716 ] by foremost battalions. On the move boosting/forcing Voynitsa river Finns did not succeed in.

But on 14 July in the morning after two-hour artillery preparation began new approach. Is especially persistently enemy attacked our right flank. Finnish 32-1 regiment here began. He succeeded in boosting/forcing Voynitsa river north of similar/analogous village and being wedged in into our defense. Finns were rejected/thrown by the decisive counterattack of battalion 54-1 of division, which found thus far in the second echelon, to the western bank of river. Attacks on by right flank continued for 15, 16 and on 17 July, but they all successfully were reflected. After ascertaining that in this section our resistance not to break, enemy transferred artillery fire, and then he went over to the offensive on the left flank. On 17 July Finns on the rafts boosted/forced Kuyto's Lake Superior in his draft, by surprise blow they rejected/threw the defended here rifle company and left into the region Of lashku lake. They were approached to be opened the road Of voynitsa - Ukhta from the south, into the rear basic forces 54-1 of division, which were being defended to Voynitsy river.

In the course of eight day combat Finns broke through the defense of Soviet troops and boosted/forced Kuyto's Lake Superior. The position of our troops became critical, and the commanding of 7-1 army lieutenant general OF F.D. Gorelenko ordered to lead 54- yu division from the boundary Of korpiyarvi - Pista to the more advantageous boundary, which was being constructed in the isthmus between the nameless lake, by lakes large Turn sour- turned sour, Cherkiyarvi and along the river Turn sour- turned sour - 10 km west of Ukhta. On the building of this boundary worked more than three thousand local residents, the combat engineer battalion of division and all officers of the engineer service. Toward the end of July were equipped three battalion knots of resistance in the main direction, and also high-quality strengthenings for the cover of flanks.

At this time with the forces of the population Of the kemskeyeo region began the building of the rear line of defense along the eastern shore of the small creek Of shomba, approximately on half of the distance between Ukhta and Kem'. Commander of division I.V. Panin persistently requested the military council to army to permit it to lead his parts precisely to this boundary, i.e., to step back immediately on 120 km, after leaving Ukhta [ 717 ] without the battle. It counted positions in lake Turn sour- turned sour by not entirely convenient, especially for the defense in winter: when freeze average/mean and lower Kuyto, our flank will be opened. Furthermore, division commander proved, that the enemy pulled closely all his forces and reserves and he will attempt to pursue our parts on the heels, that it can break into our defensive knots in lake Turn sour- turned sour, without having given to us time to be fastened.

Military council did not agree with the reasons of Panin and confirmed its solution to abstract/remove division to the boundary of lake Turn sour- turned sour, to give here battle, to exhaust and to exsanguinate enemy on the more distant approaches to the Kirov railroad. It was at the same time ordered strengthen rates on the building of defensive line in the region Of shomba settlement. On 30 July parts 54-1 of division fell back to the boundary of lake Turn sour- turned sour - Cherkiyarvi. 81-1 and 118-1 regiments engaged the new knots of resistance, the artillery unrolled on the new positions. Twice during this day Finns stormed our strengthenings, but it is unsuccessful. At the end of the first week of August the attacks were renewed and continued during entire August and September, but to break through here our defense for Finns so did not succeed. Boundary in the lakes Turn sour- turned sour and Cherkiyarvi it proved to be sufficiently to durable. Of up to years of 1944 for Finnish parts could not be moved here to the step/pitch

In the rebol'skom direction in central Karelia began 14-4 infantry division under the command of Colonel Raappai. Divisions were attached two huntsman battalions. In all Finnish grouping counted about 20 thousand soldiers.

In the regional center Of reboly, 9-10 km the state boundary, before the war it was dislocated 337-1 regiments 54-1 of division, which entered into composition of 7-1 of army. To regiment was attached artillery battalion. There it was located 73-1 frontier detachments. The total number of Soviet troops composed 4 thousand people.

From 3 to 24 July Finns began into the forehead on Reboly, but they were stopped by Soviet troops. Then the part of the Finnish troops went around on 15 July Reboly from the southwest. In the rear in our troops was Leksozero. Therefore in order not to fall into the environment/encirclement, 337-1 regiment began retreat to [ 718 ] the north, and then to the east on the forests/scaffolding and the swamps in parallel to the road Of reboly - Kochkoma. In Rebolakh were located only rear subdivisions the shelf and The rebol'skiy destructive battalion. Certainly, these of 150 people could not hold in control strong pressure basic forces of Finns. Road from Reboly city to Kochkoma station proved to be open. To noon on 26 July to the aid to the subdivisions, which defended Reboly, arrived The rugozerskiy destructive battalion (together with it in Rebolakh it proved to be about 620 soldiers). Simultaneously to the station Of kochkoma of profit the White Sea and Tungudskiy destructive battalions. Nevertheless, Reboly and village Of emel'yanovka were left.

On 10 August the military council to 7-1 army ordered to form from the parts of the rebol'skogo direction 27- yu rifle division. The chief of the operational detachment of the staff of army Colonel G. K. kozlova was appointed its commander. To 1 August in the division there were only of 6 thousand people, one artillery battalion, 42 mortars, 30 heavy machine guns even 93 automata.

On 7 August parts 27-1 of division conducted persistent battle with 14-1 Finnish division, which began on the village Of andronova mountain. The command of enemy strove to burst open for Kochkoma station and to cut Kirov railroad. For the battalion of Finns it was possible to boost/force Chirkokem' river and to be wedged in into our defense. By counterblow from the flanks of part 27-1 of division they destroyed this battalion. Enemy left on the field of battle of 160 corpses, 4 machine-tool and 3 light machine guns, there are many rifles, automata and cartridges. After unsuccessful attacks from the front Finns began regrouping forces, after intending to leave into the rear to our troops in the region of village new Tiksha and to cut the highway Of andronova Rugozero - mountain. But their concept in proper time was guessed and stripped.

On 15 August for enemy it was nevertheless possible to break through defense 27-1 of division. On the night of 16 August Soviet troops concealed/latent went away to Pizma river. this small creek itself could not serve as serious obstacle, but on its eastern shore the local population built a good defensive line. Finns, who sustained large losses in foregoing combat, could not on the move overcome this boundary. To them it was necessary to pull reserves. [ 719 ]

19 August the enemy again of beginnings strong attacks. Bloody combat on Pizma river continued. Only on 6 September Finns succeeded in being wedged in into our defense. In the breach/inrush they threw fresh forces. Entire following day combat calmed down not for one minute. Here for the first time and, perhaps, the only time in entire " prolonged " war our parts successfully used flamethrowers. Them in 27-1 division there were about forty. Commander concentrated this terrible for those times weapon on the most probable direction of the attack of enemy. The command of flamethrower operators consisted of the most steadfast and most courageous soldiers. They allowed to approach Finns to 25-30 meters and only then they gave the jet of fire/light, whose length did not exceed 35 meters. The squall of fire/light was brought down to the enemy. Surviving Finns in panic rushed back.

Next day the enemy renewed attacks. By especially bitter they were 10 and on 11 September, when entered the battle fresh regiment, which stood thus far in the reserve, and separate huntsman battalion. The military council to 7-1 army ordered 27-1 division to fall back to the newly prepared defensive line 10 km east Of rugozera. On 12 September division engaged this boundary. Here, 70 km west Of kochkoma station, it held defense to the end of the war.

14-4 divisions of Finns yet repeatedly attempted to burst open to Kochkome, but, after sustaining large losses, at the end of September it went over to the defensive. To the end of the war Finns moved more not to the step/pitch

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