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After Action Report tool requested

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Hi there,

is there a possibility to extract the contents of an AAR screen to a csv, or txt file? (Without retyping / using char. recognition software)

Are there any tools for this? Could Battlefront provide such a tool?

I'm asking this question, because we are trying to get an automated CMBB on-line campaign together, and if there would be such a tool/program/script it would immensively help the cause, if players just would have to send the outcomes of the battles in a single file.

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Actually, I am currently working on an online (website) tool for creating AAR's. It started as a hobby project a few months ago, for posting AARs when I play with friends, and since I wanted to learn some more PHP/MySQL programming.

I was actually planning on posting the adress here when it was completely finished and thoroughly tested by my friends and I, but I might as well hear what you think about it, now that the question has come up. Maybe some of you would even want to BETA test it smile.gif

So far it can do this:

* You can create a new "game" for making your reports, selecting opponent, nationalities of the players, game length etc.

* You can browse the games you are participating in, or see other players' finished AARs (if these are made public).

* Players can post AARs for each round in a game, if they are playing on either side of an ongoing battle. Reports can cover multiple rounds (say: "from round 2 to round 6: nothing new happens").. Only players involved in the game can post reports, and only for their own "side".

* Players can NOT see the opponents reports before the game is over. I.e. only YOU can see your own reports untill the game is finished and "closed".

* The round reports can be edited by the player who posted them.

* Players can upload screenshots/images for each round of the battle (currently only links to external hosted images).

* When the game closes, both players can read the finished AAR by browsing the round reports. You can browse the game by clicking "next round" or at any time switch to see the opponents report for the same round(s).

* If the game is made "public" by the players, then all guest to the site may also read the AAR reports (IF the game is finished, of course).

I am planning on making the following expansions the coming months:

* Login/Join. Create new players. Currently players have to be added manually to the database (by me), this should be a standard sign-up.

* Support for tournaments. Games could be marked as part of an ongoing torunament.

* Create "questions" for a round.

I often find myself wondering why my opponent is doing something in a game, with this feature I can "ask the question". The question is saved and can be answered by the opponent after the game.

* Create comments for a finished game's round.

So guests may comment on any spectacular or terrible moves of a finished game :)

If anybody could be interested in using and testing this, I might be able to open it for some limited testing in a week or so.

Any comments and ideas are also appreciated.

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Cool, glad you guys like the concept smile.gif

I will do some preparations for a beta test over the weekend, and get back in this thread with URL next week.

MaxDFury and dieseltaylor:

I would be great if you would test the system, and provide feedback to me. To beta you will of course need a PBEM opponent, who is also up for testing this. You can do the initial setup of the game, and even start playing if you like.

Write me an email (battlefront@loefgren.dk) with your preferred username (lets keep it same as on this forum) and a password, for the AAR system. I will then set up a user for you manually. Tell your opponent to do the same.

When both users are created in the system you can then login and start a new game. I will of course email you about this, and additional info about using the system, next week.

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It's completely seperate from the game since its a website, so you can log on and enter your reports at any time you want.

So, it doesn't care wether you are playing TCP/IP og PBEM, but you would properbly have more time for writing reports between rounds with an email game :)

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As promised here's a link to the BETA TEST of "cm-aargh".

Which I've decided stands for "Combat Mission After Action Report Generator Homepage" :)

http://www.cm-aargh.com/displaygames.php - list of finished, public (demo) AARs. Users can see their ongoing games here as well.

Basically it's a website for creating AARs, where users can post reports for games they are participating in, and later publish these reports for the opponent (and guests) to see.

A list of the features I am testing can be found in the top of this thread.

People who are interested in testing can write me through my profile, and I will create a test account for you.

An example of a finished demo AAR can be seen here:


It's written in Danish(!) I'm afraid, but will give an idea of how the final AAR's created in the system will look, with screenshots posted, etc.

I hope that in time it can become home to some interesting AARs posted by you guys, any comments/suggestions are most welcome.

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