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A newbie who would like some advice.

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Ok, first I wanna say that I am new to CMBB & AK, and I am soooo happy I picked up these two games. Seldom do you purchase a program for your PC that offers so much challenge. Outstanding games!!

As I am a newb, there are questions that arise while playing that I need some advice on.

1. Would people recommend using infantry supported by tanks, or the other way around. I mean would you advise having infantry advance ahead of the tanks or vise versa...or dose it depend on the situation.

2. How do I get my Mortar teams to fire on targets without getting them zap't :mad: :D .

3. What suggestions could you provide on how the handle enemy tanks that are wicked nasty :eek: compared to lighter tanks. Distractions and smoke..get close :confused: ???

I have many more questions, but thats all I will bother you all with. Thanks for any advice.

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As I am currently trying to get a grip on CMAK, take any of my advices with a grain of salt:

1) In most cases it is better to keep your tanks back so they can give support to your advancing infantry. Doing it the other way round, your tanks got usually wasted by anti tank weapons, satchel charges or a lucky hand grenade.

2) Check this thread for some nice tips on using mortars firing indirectly.

3) Depends on the situation. If you can afford losing a tank ot two you could try to flank the enemy tank going in for a side or rear shot. It won't always work, you could even end up with your closing in tanks being koed without any success. You could also try to block it's LOS with smoke, move your own tanks out of any imminent danger so they could give further support to your infantry. I generally prefer the second approach, knowing that I am a lousy tank player.

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tanks don't even support infantry.

infantry moves forward, engages, and kills what it can. If infantry can't kill it think about using artillery.

if you have something that you can't otherwise kill you bring armor forward to kill it, then move the armor back to hiding.

unless you have heavy armor and know the enemy cannot kill it (king tiger, T34 early in the war, etc). Then keep it well back to avoid close range shots by enemy anti-tank weapons and use it to keep their tanks at bay.

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you want to employ your infantry to clear the way for the tanks... the only time i would drive a lot of tanks forward would be with squads riding them.. and with the notion of driving 'through' an area rather than 'into' it...

in quick battles there usually isn't enough armor to attempt this...

in general though you want your infantry to be forward... identifying antitank positions for the tanks...

ideally, you want to be so careful with your armor that when you turn it... you have every conceivable enemy firing position on that tank's soon-to-be-exposed flank.. flushed out...

there's perhaps nothing worse in cmbb than exposing your tank's flank then getting hit by antitank fire.. all because you failed to secure that flank with infantry ahead of time...

well that and getting a tank toasted by a tank hunter or pioneer...

to get the mortars to fire.. keep them behind the squads.. and even behind the platoon hq units.. the mortars can fire at whatever their immediate hq (the one with the red line to them) can see... so the mortars can be kept back out of los.. while their hq unit scouts forward as 'eyes'.. the way to tell if your mortar is targetting something it can't see... but which its hq can.. is if there is a yellow line after calling in the shot... in this way the mortars are excellent for neutralizing gun positions....

say a gun opens up on your infantry squads... slightly back, your hq moves up to get within los of the gun... then the mortar in command of the hq can either target the 'gun' or the 'foxhole' or 'trench' the gun is in....

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Thanks for the mortar link! I'm a newbie, who last night was playing the CMAK italy demo scenario. (My CMAK/CMBB Bundle is in my backpack waiting for me to go home from work and start playing. Whoo-hoo!). I got my first experience with getting a mortar to fire in that scenario. Got the 50mm that was supporting my infantry platoon on the left to shoot at an ATG that was targetting my Stuarts. Got off a nice round of shots, and that was enough to help get the Stuarts out of the line of fire.

The only odd thing was that when I tried to target the mortar, it said LOS Blocked. So I canceled and checked the LOS of the Platoon HQ. That was good, so I went back to the mortar and targeted it anyways. After I said to set the target, I got the "orange" line to the foxhole the ATG was in, and sure enought the mortar cranked off some rounds the next turn.

Now I get to go home in a few minutes and play in two big new CMBB and CMAK sandboxes!!!!

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