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VL to Force Points Ratio for map making ?

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If any of you have played custom maps i am sure you will have come across 1 or 2 where it just isnt worth while trying to capture a well defended flag as you will sustain too many casualties for it to be worth it (300+ points casualites for a large flag and 100+ points for a small flag).

I was wondering is there any tried and tested ratio that specifies the Victory Location points total to Force Size points total to ensure that the map is balanced and fair for both sides. Also is the ratio different for probes, meeting engagement, assults and attacks. So if anyone can help me on this please do :confused:

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From my experience flags/VLs in my scenarios have two fold purposes in scenarios.

For a meeting engagement/PBEM type scenarios they serve as a bounus to players that hold them. They also provide a target to build a MLR around to force a battle to keep them to the end. I have designed in CMBO scenarios that had no VLs that make it more important to seek out your opponent to get points earned in battle... I have also had scenarios designed where there is no Large Flag so that bounus have little importance.

For AI type type of scenarios multiple flags are important. You can manipulate AI's movement with proper placment of flags and make AI a little more unpredictable. But when AI is on defense multiple flags gives the player choices of which flags to choose to control to win the battle.

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yes it depends upon the situation... i used to think that if i didn't put a lot of flags out - both in ai and pbem scenarios - that there would be no fighting.

experience shows though that there will almost invariably be fighting, so flags may not even matter, especially in pbem scenarios.

i played one scenario from the depot with over a battalion of infantry and a couple of dozen afvs per side on medium map, and it had just one flag, and it played well.

yes you can use the flags in an ai scenario to get the ai to move certain ways or defend positions.

generally, in an ai scenario if the human takes control of just one flag, the ai will begin counterattacking.

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