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About Bullitt

  • Birthday 03/30/1978

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Bullitt's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. If any of you have played custom maps i am sure you will have come across 1 or 2 where it just isnt worth while trying to capture a well defended flag as you will sustain too many casualties for it to be worth it (300+ points casualites for a large flag and 100+ points for a small flag). I was wondering is there any tried and tested ratio that specifies the Victory Location points total to Force Size points total to ensure that the map is balanced and fair for both sides. Also is the ratio different for probes, meeting engagement, assults and attacks. So if anyone can help me on this please do :confused:
  2. I had a platoon HQ take out a tiger today with 1 grenade. :confused:
  3. just make it up as u go along as long. So long as its nealry right who will know the difference. Use this years weather forcast so long as its nearly right what difference does it make. (then watch and see all the grogs come out in droves moaning and complaining that its not realistic)
  4. Nice of you guys to include a prize for the overflow tourney as well. thanks. :eek:
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