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On Topic and Off: Pre-Purchase and Silent Storm Demo

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1) Can I pre-order CMAK (aka Combat Mission III)?

2) Just wanted to mention Silent Storm demo. It is turn based and quasi real-time at the platoon level. Has great graphics and is really very challenging. If you like controlling individual soldiers and like watching action play out in real-time you'll like Silent Storm.

Silent Storm certainly reminds me of Combat Mission, feels a bit like Commandos, has the complexity of West Front and offers 360 degree graphics. Personally, I like Combat Mission, Medal of Honor and Return to Castle Wolfenstein, but if I had more patience I'd include Silent Storm in tbat list.

So far in a few hours of play, I've been absolutely destroyed by the computer AI and I've even been using the save/reload to give my self every advantage. Game is even set on Normal mode. Take care all.

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BFC didn't take preorders on CMBB because they believed their ordering/ditribution system was up to the challenge. I do seem to recall a few glitches at the start though, maybe due to a batch of bad CDs, if I recall correctly?

Anyway, my point is that I doubt they'll feel the need to do preordering for CMAK either.

As to Silent Storm, sounds cool but you may be flirting with a lock-down here (promoting the competition and all) ;)

[ August 25, 2003, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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a) We only open pre-orders shortly before release, because our ordering system is not setup for delaying the charge to your credit card until the game actually ships. In other words, people are charged the moment they enter their order, and in order to avoid any misunderstandings (or legal issues), we usually open preorders only one or two weeks at most before the actual release (or in other words, only after we have the product in our stock from the printing facility).

B) Yep, S2 is a cool game. Saw it on the Games Convention in Leipzig. Being an old Jagged Alliance fan, I'm pretty thrilled about it. There is a discussion in the General Forum, so - and since the original question has been answered - I am locking this.


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