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Mortar Golf question

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I thought this should probably get its own thread and quit disrupting the very humorous thread "Worst idea yet for a Scenario" which started it.

Here's the gist of Mortar Golf from my most recent post there:

Set up a foursome of elite mortars, each with their own kubelwagen (natuerlich!). Name them after your favorite golfers. Each "hole" is a Soviet jeep whose movement is more or less confined by water (thx Rex_Bellator), barbed wire, etc. Stick a flag there for looks.

For each hole, arrange the players on the tee (probably a pavement tile) so they can all see the target and begin firing at the same time. Whoever gets credit for the kill wins the hole. Double credit for causing an explosion instead of just getting the crew to "abandon" the jeep.

Then each of the foursome gets in his kubelwagen and they drive down the next hole. (The scenery is half of the experience.) The engine supports up to 4 km of map.

I'll post a scenario if I actually free up that much time.

So my problem (apart from the obvious psychological and social problems inherent in players of Mortar Golf) is this: I tried to set this up as an Advance operation so that the golfers can replenish ammo every couple holes. However, it's not clear to me how to A) arrange the holes for all but the first battle (I didn't find nice reinforcement flags like with Battle scenarios) and B) how to keep the AI from surrendering after the first battle even though he has reinforcements on the way (the jeeps that will serve as later holes). In terms of B, I tried placing all of the jeeps On Map, but then they all get shifted to the map for the First Battle.

Any tips?


Dr. Rosenrosen


In the credit where credit is due department: The original idea of Mortar Golf was suggested by Martyr and was further developed by Michael Dorosh and Rex_Bellator . I don't want to steal your idea without sharing the blame. :D

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Perhaps a series of senarios is the answer 1 for each hole?

Also what about a selection of types of mortar to represent different clubs, perhaps a 2" Crack 'putter', 50mm Green 'sand wedge' (not very accurate), etc :D

fire from where 1st shot fell, lost round penalty :D

Need more kubel wagons / moterised mortars hmmm SP guns ? :D

HTH ;)


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How would you keep the mortars from firing at the other guys' target at the same hole? In order for it to be the "same hole", the other jeeps will certainly be in LOS. Perhaps a very specific cover arc. I'll look into it.

I had some other variations with the First Kill scoring method, such as having HQ spotters for out-of-LOS holes, subbing arty spotters for some holes, and other ideas that would not be compatible with a Lowest Ammo scoring method. Perhaps that would work as a variation on one or more of the holes.

Dr. Rosenrosen

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To keep the AI from surrendering, just put a tank in an unused corner of the map, surrounded by a good thick layer of trees so it can't shoot out. That way the AI will always have a unit on the map.

Oh, and don't forget a few grounds crewmen that you can pelt with balls if the holes are too hard to hit.

[ January 14, 2003, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]

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