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Towed 88's

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The german 88 is a cumbersome and heavy gun, instead of a permanent gun carriage it has 2 sepperate carriages that must be removed durring setup, once its placed, it cant be moved without a long and complicated dissasembly and reasembly,

Unlike other guns in the game, the 88 is not a rapid deployment weapon, it is an emplacement weapon, think of it as a railway gun with road capability, when deployed it rests on a pedistal with 4 arms for stability, these arms are staked to the ground with long metal stakes, asking an 88 crew to move their gun several times in one day is a very good way to provoke a mutiny,

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Embarking them takes a long time, and BFC considered it outside of the scope of the game. They moved them by loading them on trucks. I suppose that you could embark them in a game that is over 30-40 turns, but that's not the way BFC chose modeled them.

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Originally posted by Corvidae:

The german 88 is a cumbersome and heavy gun, instead of a permanent gun carriage it has 2 sepperate carriages that must be removed durring setup, once its placed, it cant be moved without a long and complicated dissasembly and reasembly,

Unlike other guns in the game, the 88 is not a rapid deployment weapon, it is an emplacement weapon, think of it as a railway gun with road capability, when deployed it rests on a pedistal with 4 arms for stability, these arms are staked to the ground with long metal stakes, asking an 88 crew to move their gun several times in one day is a very good way to provoke a mutiny,

This is true. But lets not forget there is ample pictorial evidence of the gun being fired while limbered.

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Well, hopefully in the engine re-write and next sequel, we'll see Flak18/36/37's capable of firing from ontop their cruciforms/limbers.

This was used as an expedient alternative to conventionally deploying the gun - which was indeed time consuming - but in my own opinion, not so time consuming that it is outside the scope of the game.

Using the gun on its limbers allowed it to be brought into action within moments. I believe this method of firing the "88" was first really pioneered, and made "commonplace" in North Africa, though its use did spread to other theatres afterwards.

On a side note, with a little work, the gun could also be towed either backwards or forwards - only requiring the repositioning of the towing bar.

In any event, these points have been raised before, and I believe at that time - the official response was that it was not possible or practical (in the time frame alloted) to model this.

Again - hopefully, these are things we will see in the next CM series and time will be made to add them. smile.gif

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