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Soviet Artillery

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When Soviet divisional or corps units conducted an assault operation all artillery subordinated at these levels was employed via direct laying, including 122mm from rifle divisions. They were deployed in hidden positions that had been chosen for their field of fire to assigned targets as determined by the overall fire plan. Indirect laying of artillery was employed primarily at army level and higher. Both forms of artillery would, of course, be incorporated and coordinated via an army/front fire plan that had been based on highly accurate reconnaissance reports.

In terms of CMBB, this would be done by having the German player mark(label) 60% of his forces on the map after their deployment, then allowing the Soviet player to allocate indirect artillery to identified targets as desired. Soviet direct fire assets - excluding in CMBB the 122mm howitzer-guns - would then be placed to ideal firing positions for pinpoint suppression of specific targets. Indirect fire should stop as soon as rifle forces were within 200-250m of the German forward defensive positions.

Use Soviet artillery as it was done historically, and it's not that bad. In fact, it actually upsets game balance at this level, making the task of playing the German defender an unenjoyable experience.

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