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Squad Leader scenarios for CMBB?

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My brother, who introduced me to this addictive game, once downloaded CMBB scenarios that were expertly modeled after the introductory scenarios in the old classic Squad Leader board game from Avalon Hill (a game that took up many hours of my time when I was a teenager). Unfortunately, he deleted these, and they seem to have disappeared from the Web. Anyone know if they're still around? Were there trademark or copyright disputes with Avalon Hill?

Would love to get my hands on them...

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I have a scenario named "Berezina River" modeled after my favorite Cross of Iron scenario "Breakout from Borisov". It is not an exact reproduction but modified more to CMBB requirements. I have received much e-mail from gamers satisfied with the design. If that peaks your interest it is available for download. Link is in my Sig. Enjoy!



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