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Placing new units in a existing scenario

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I am trying to modify a CMAK existing scenario and I have a problem.

I have no trouble getting some new Allied units show up on the map edit screen for me after I add them to the unit edit screen, but any new Axis units that I add to the existing scenario unit edit screen will not show up on the map edit screen !!!

Any body have any ideas what could be the problem as to why one side's new units will show up and not the other :confused:

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I haven't been in the map edit screen for a while now but if I recall correctly then you need to check the year or date settings for your chosen units.

As some units only show up on certain years/dates to reflect historical periods they were involved. In the scenario settings screen note the year/date and try a test run for a newly created scenario for example, and then see if you are able to select your chosen units using a different year/date.

Someone here may be able to give you the exact date you require, or alternativley, try doing a search either here or on google perhaps.

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Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Edited: Still no go. I changed the existing scenario date to May. 1941, picked several Allied tanks and several German tanks. When to the map screen and only the Allied tanks show up for placement, but not the German tanks !!! :confused: :confused: :confused:

On a new scenario created from scratch, there is no problem with either the Allied or Axis units showing up on the map. I only have problems with this one particular existing scenario (which is not saved in a Tournament mode either, because if it was, the Allied tanks would not show up).

Anybody else with suggestions ???

[ April 22, 2008, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Panama Red ]

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This may or may not be an issue but if the particular scenario was designed with an earlier version of CM it may be causing incompatibility?

Also are you definitely sure this scenario is not part of an Operation, and you may want to double check the scenario itself as it could be corrupted.

Bear in mind also Reinforcement slots. Your Tanks won't show up until they are due obviously during the scenario.

Are you using V1.03 for CMAK?

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Just curious, when you checked to see if the units were loaded did you check all four corners of the map?

When I first tried it I checked only the map corners that were within the German setup zones and didn't see them. Only after cycling thru the German units using the tab and + buttons did I finally find them tucked inside the allied corner (blue sector I believe).

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I was just getting ready to write to you and tell that I discovered the exact same thing.

Apparently I had never checked the last corner inside the Allied lines because it never occured to me that the game would stick them up there (and with Allied colored bases) so I would have to reposition them back inside the Axis lines.

At least the mystery is now solved and in the future I will look in ALL FOUR corners when I add any new units.

Thanks again.

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The odd arrival point is due to how the map edges are assigned. In this particular scenario the Germans are given the east and west sides, while the allies get only the north (BTW, seems odd that the south is neutral even though the Germans have undisputed control across the entire length).

Anyway, the new German tanks arrived in the northeast corner. I went ahead and changed the parameters to German-south / Allied-north, all other neutral. New purchases then showed up in the southeast, well inside the German zone.

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I want to thank you. Being that I am just starting to play CMAK/BB, I know that there is a whole lot of stuff that I do not know about these games, but then that makes it a challange too. smile.gif

And thanks again for your assistance in (1) fixing the scenario and (2) providing some very useful information to a noobie like me. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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