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Non-Traditional Axis Minors

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Greetings Comrades,

I have a general question about triggers for non traditional Axis Minors such as Spain and Ireland (Are there any others? Possibly Turkey?).

What triggers them? I had a friend playing and they said they got Spain and Ireland to join the Axis. That's nice.

I love playing with the neutrals on Random, makes it weird. And I know the triggers for the traditional Axis minors (Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland).

I just don't have a lot of time to play to try to find these triggers through trial and error.

Also are there any Allied minors that you can trigger except for the hopelessly doomed pro-allied coup in Yugoslavia?

Thanks in advance,


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In my experience Spain usually triggers if the Germans take London and hold it for a turn against any British counter attacks. I'm sure it's more complex than that, but in my experience that's all it takes.

I'm surprised at Eire coming in on the side of the Axis. Has anyone else seen this happen?

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Ireland to join the Axis
U have to be jokeing! Spain yes they leaned facist But occupiod Ireland? :confused:

Great Britain and Ireland were formally united in 1801 under the name of the United Kingdom.

UK History

Maybe the game designer figured Axis should have Supported IRA? For a revolt or something like Nationist/Republic Spain Events? O wait that was in that stupid HOI game i think.(LOL actually that was one of the only things i liked about that game was the Political part, The market pissed me off so much and the micromanagement(friggin stupid ass sliderbars that move on thier own)That I uninstalled it in total discust.

BTW don't comment on this just spouting off smile.gif I don't want to see this thread turn in this direction.

I love playing with the neutrals on Random, makes it weird. And I know the triggers for the traditional Axis minors (Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland).

I agree Whole Heartly! I want to Know What IF I already Know WHAT DID.

The Whole Idea to me is to try Different Strats if ur the AXIS And For the Allies To show they Would also have been ineffective. smile.gif That Is Why u play A game of this Scale. Otherwise I would still be playing Fire Brigade(Battle For Kiev) YES I Finally Found it Again! Lots of Dust And 5 1/4 :(

O and If u Know Those Triggers POST them PLZ.

I just don't have a lot of time to play to try to find these triggers through trial and error.

I agree If the better players already know them then they should be posted for all. Otherwise New Players are loseing Do to a learning curve of Materials that should be available and not Strategic errors. Winning by knowledge of loopholes does not make u A master stratagists!

BTW on that note I Would Like to Thank All the Players I have Played So Far.

Jolly Guy


Iron Ranger

Old Man


Everyone of these players answered all my newbie questions without the slightest hesitation. That shows alot of class and Maturity. This Community Has impressed me in the extreme And YES even Rambo after his initial Accusations Was a pleasent Player ;)

In my experience Spain usually triggers if the Germans take London and hold it for a turn against any British counter attacks. I'm sure it's more complex than that, but in my experience that's all it takes.

Thats for this tidbit of info.

I'm surprised at Eire coming in on the side of the Axis. Has anyone else seen this happen?
:confused: :confused:

Damn! I wondered How all the posts in here seemed to be so large! Now I guess I know smile.gif

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Actually I don't think he was kidding about Ireland. He said he had a corps on the way to land in Northern Ireland so that he could attack Ireland from there.

Then they up and joined.

I reckon if Germany offered to reunify Ireland that might have gone for that. They certainly had a lot of support for Germany in WWI.

There has to be a bunch of qualifications that need to be met for these countries to join one side or the other. Cause in the games I have played none outside of the core axis-minor countries have joined me.

Even after I take London, Land in Northern Ireland, and possibly other things that I am doing they aren't joining.

Like I noticed the longer you take to conquer the USSR the harder it is as they move their capital from Moscow, to the Urals, to Stalingrad and then the Caucasus'.

Lots of hidden little bits and pieces, that I wish were either in a Strat Guide or a FAQ.

Inquiring minds would like to know.



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With the latest patch (v1.06) I included a User Manual Updates and Errata.txt that includes some of the above requested information under the sub category 'Random Political Triggers and Readiness for War Factors'.

I haven't given all the details away but added a bit of info regarding all the Major and Minor players during the war that should flow intuitively based on game play by either the Axis or Allied side and within the respective historical contexts.

Note: Not sure what happened for the player that saw Eire join the war effort since this has not been included as a programmed political effect. ;)


[ December 19, 2002, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

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With the latest patch (v1.06) I included a User Manual Updates and Errata.txt that includes some of the above requested information under the sub category 'Random Political Triggers and Readiness for War Factors'.
Prob wouldn't be a bad idea to sticky thread this and any other pertinant information to the top of this forum to stop these threads for continually reapearing.

Maybe with a title"READ BEFORE READING"


Note: Not sure what happened for the player that saw Eire join the war effort since this has not been included as a programmed political effect.
I believe u NO really I do...
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Originally posted by Hueristic:

[QB] </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ireland to join the Axis

U have to be jokeing! Spain yes they leaned facist But occupiod Ireland? :confused:

Great Britain and Ireland were formally united in 1801 under the name of the United Kingdom.

UK History

Maybe the game designer figured Axis should have Supported IRA? </font>

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Logan Hartke

Great photo.

Very interesting footnote in the War, Iraq and Syria -- almost as one episode. The topic's come up a few times in the forums but has never been discussed in much detail.

[ December 19, 2002, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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It's all speculation concerning SC-2.

If you want to see what others were thinking about this it goes back at least a dozen forum pages.

My own dissatisfaction is mainly over the Atlantic topics [see my forum, Hubert, The North Atlantic -- probably back a few pages by now for issues on the Atlantic convoys, Murmansk Run, Iceland, Greenland, removing Canada and the U. S. from the playing area, etc. ....] and the absense of a Russian Winter, which many others have posted comments on, much more so than myself, but I don't think there's a forum on it.

The last one I remember with a forum post mentioning changing weather patterns was Wolfe. It's pretty recent, it's called something like Another suggestion thread . He lists a million or so things he'd like to see changes in! Many of them are good but the posting (actually two enormous postings) are about sixteen words shorter than Tolstoy's War and Peace

I'd recommend skimming through at least the past three forum pages to see what everyone else has been suggesting. Otherwise it's guaranteed that when you come up with something it will be an idea that has already been done to death!

So many ideas have already been put forward regarding this game that I'm beginning to think every new one is invariably a repeat -- including the ones I made two months ago!

It isn't anyone's fault; there's no way anyone, including myself, is going to read dozens and dozens of forum pages for the sake of coming up with an original posting!

[ December 20, 2002, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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From 1932 to 1937 most of the formal links to the British Crown were severed and the 1937 constitution saw Eire (as it was renamed) effectively an independent sovereign state
So that's What Eire Means Lol Shows ya how much i know about my ancestorial lands tongue.gif

Guess i shoulda stayed in school.

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