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Attention Z-League Members - Vote on Challenge System

Comrade Trapp

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Vote on the challenge system, information below:

Posted by Zappsweden:

Top-5 players are now able to challenge any higher ranked player. The higher ranked has 10 days to complete the challenge else BOTH players get a loss on their record.

A player can only make one challenge each 7-days at most.

All these things work automaticly and is part of the myleage.com ruleset options.

(NOTE: Since the original post the "day to complete challenge" was increased. It is now 24-days. A player can now make one challenge each 14-days.)

Comrade Trapp
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I vote no also. Even though Zapp means well, I don't need a rulebook to monitor people. I will just Rambo Bitch-Slap them (in accordance with the Forum Smack rules).

I don't like the fact I get a loss if I don't play somebody.

I'm a 3-Time-World-Champ, Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk, so don't worry...These colors don't run.


Funny thing is, I thought there wasn't a vote?

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You know what? 7-days per challenge, 24-days for this, 24-days for that.......

All I know is this...I'm a bad ass SC-player. My record against Terif during Rambo Primtime is solid. I just started playing again after a nice vacation where I took Terif down. All my "classic wins" are when I'm on vacation on my Primetime. I made $8500 in the stock market too smile.gif Check out the run on CYPT.OB Calypte BioMedical smile.gif I like to drink, gamble, chicks, SC, & being a Legend.

Most importantly, I'm a Legend at work...I'm a Legend at Life. I'm tired of all the bull**** about Terif. Goodbye Terif, it's been fun. I'm tired of Terif acting like a victim. Maybe he was draft dodging, maybe he wasn't. I don't care anymore. I'm a 3-time-World-Champ, World-Beater, I'm not a History Nut, I'm not a German-Worshipper (they were over-rated in WW-2), I'm an American, I believe in God & his Son the Lord Jesus Christ...

I've had it with talk.

Anybody want to play the game? You can pick the rules, long as I can pick sides or there is a bid.

Back in rare form >>>>>>>>>>>>> Rambo >>>>> OUT

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I'm going to the bank to deposit a nice fatty paycheck & a nice fatty stock check. I'll be sending some fresh cash to my online bookie, Caribsports (it's legal). Then I'll take a quit stop at the bar at my favorite watering hole, hitting the party store later. I'll be home in a couple of hours.

I'll play SC all night against anybody. Then waking up at 7:00 am (MY TIME) to play golf. I'm sick & tired of all the different time zones. The Euros need to use USA time. I could care less about the GMT (Greenwich, Grandwich or whaterver time). I don't care about Eastern Time (Forum Time). Play me when I'm fresh...aka... Rambo PrimeTime & I'll whipped you bad smile.gif That goes for the former member Terif.

Have I made myself clear? I enjoy looking at my watch for the time, not your time.

Make a rule, don't make a rule...Go cry or do whatever you want to do.

Buy Rambo stock >>>>>>> I'm on the rise.

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I vote for Rambo being the biggest bull ****ter there is.... ROLOL
Head to head play

Terif 39 wins

Rambo 2 wins

Yes Rambo you had him just where you wanted him


Hey Newbie , considering Rambo is one of only a few people who have ever beaten Terif, I suggust you show some respect.

And people wonder why I hate some newbies..... :rolleyes:

Comrade Trapp

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