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AAR Kuniworth(axis) vs Oak(allies)


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One of the 'glorious' panzers near Brest is killed by air & carrier attacks, with another panzer knocked down to 6. Likely that the intercepting air was also hard hit.

Free French army transported via Brest port to be reinforced.

Allies occupy Bremen.

German army joins attack on Alexandria.

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4 chits on jets?!?

Italian transports continue to buzz around the eastern Med and attacks on Alexandria continue (down to 6).

Axis vacates France; Allies return in force.

Axis ignores the Allied presence in Bergen.

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August 1940.

In Sweden an enemy corps remarkable survives an enourmous bombardment. Well, luck is not on Germany´'s side.

Alexandria knocked down to 2.

Allies gearing up for attack on France. Jets are very helpful, soon Germany will have it too.

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Allies counter-attack in the western Med with 2 BBs and 2 cruisers, killing an Italian BB. The rest of the Italian fleet is at 3-5. All that experience from attacking Dublin gave the Allied ships an advantage smile.gif

Things remain quiet in France. Not an Axis unit in sight. Antwerp is bombed.

Since it is late in the day (actually night) in Singapore, the game is adjurned until tomorrow.

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Forgot to note at the beginning that this game has no bidding and the Allies get no extra MPP. Kuniworth insists that the Allies cannot win without extra MPP and I want to show him they can (assuming I can win against him).

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Yes of course you can win. It helps a lot to get tech during france-canpaign while Germany with 4 chits dont get it at all. Also two FF cruisers is not to bad. And combat-roles in sweden has been icredible pro-allies.

But the game is very open. It is still too early to know how it will go. The campaign in Russia will decide.

[ July 27, 2003, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Yes of course you can win. It helps a lot to get tech during france-canpaign while Germany with 4 chits dont get it at all. Also two FF cruisers is enough not to bad. And combat-roles in sweden has been icredible pro-allies.

reminds me of this:



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I agree that the game is still wide open and that things won't be decided until Axis/Allies join the game.

I agree that I was luck with jet tech, although one level of jet tech doesn't make that much of a difference. I disagree that I was lucky in Sweden. Your attacking units were low on supply and may not have had HQ support.

Plus, any luck the Allies may get can taken as making up for the lack of additional MPP because of no bid.

I look forward to the continuation of the game tomorrow.

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You did nothing at all to affect it, a shift in metorological conditions made the difference. That strange Arctic Kuni wind blew east instead of south. In a little while it will change directions again hit Sweden, causing a certain somebody to start howling at the moon.

[ July 27, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The date is Sept. 29, 1940

USSR readiness = 55%

USA readiness = 44%

Sweden falls to the Axis

The Italian fleet heads west. Upon seeing that Italy has bought air and 4 Germany air are unseen, the Allied fleet beats a hasty retreat out of the Med. Algiers is empty.

Another German army joins the fight on Alexandria. Axis is relying on transports landing next to Alexandria to eliminate the corp there.

A German corp approaches Brest, providing target practice for the UK carriers and air. Antwerp knocked down to 1 by UK bombers

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I was wrong. It was a German HQ (not sure which) that landed near Alexandra and helped kill the British corp there. Axis will move into Alexandria next turn.

German corp beats a hasty retreat from near Brest. Canadian army move east away from Brest.

Italian air spotted in Sicily by Malta looking for Allied ships.

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The website is very slow at my cpu today dont know why...

November 10, 1940

The brave soldiers of the Africa Corps capture Alexandria. Italians on the move. Otherwise very quite. Allies are loving the Gibraltar, it´s like hiding in big daddy's pocket. Come out and play Oak! smile.gif

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Nov. 24, 1940

Army in Bergen attacked by 2 German air. Attacking air take hits but entrenched Free French army in Bergen does not.

Germans move into Alexandria.

UK bomber attacks French mines and finds Italian corp sitting there.

Allied transport (Free French army) arrives next to empty Brussels.

Hungary and Romania join the Axis.

Allied ships play hide and seek with Italian navy.

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German air at level 1 so German air becomes aggressive. Allied transport near Brussels attacked, as well as Free French cruiser in Gibralter. Air attack on Brussels is intercepted.

German corp is moved into Brussels, and a single German air is spotted next to Paris.

Axis transports move on Beirut in force.

UK has 4 fighters, 1 bomber & 3 carriers (2 with 2+ experience) in southern England. So, we attack the German air near Paris. 2 other German air appear nearby to intercept attack, but 1 German air is killed. Other 2 German air cannot be killed because out of range.

Once the German air is killed, Kuniworth announces that he quits and the connection is terminated.

Game Over!

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Comment: It was a mistake for Kuniworth to put such a small number of air within range of mine. He knew I had at least 3 fighters (the report would have shown I now had 4), with strong HQ support (Monty). Instead of putting his air within spotting range where it could attacked, he should have laid a trap so that my attacks on Brussels would be intercepted at a high cost to me.

Through steady attacks, my HQ and air had built up experience and were in good supply. The heavy hits his air took had nothing to do with luck and everything to do with my air having an advantage on his.

I'm finding that people over-estimate the importance of tech and under-estimate the importance of experience and strong HQ support.

I was surprised that Kuniworth quit simply because he lost a single air. The game still had a long way to go, although I believe that my dominance of western France would have proved to be a major problem for the Axis.

Good game, Kuniworth!

Does this mean that I finally get to be a rated player on the Z-ladder from winning my first Z-league game??

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****in slow game.

Yep I quit the game becuase of one single;

1. I invested heavily in jets and did´nt get it early. Allied had 4 fighters jet 1 with a lot of experience. That would mean difficulties later on. Maybe I would have won in Russia but UK air would have killed me. I´m not an experienced player which means that I cant exploit Russia´s weaknessess: Thats why you play with the bidding system 1:4. 1 lost air is 440 MMP which will cause less armies to attack Russia. I Could´nt engage UK air after the fall of France which meant trouble.

But the point is still valid about axis got a bigger winning chance concerning experienced players.

Rematch Oak? Lets make it best of 3. We will use 1:4 bidding system(Uk gets MMP and Russia 4 times that) and play z-league.

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I be happy to play you again, but we will need to start the new game later this week or early next week.

I'm a bit confused. You are saying that the bidding system is important. I won as Allies without any bidding. Bidding would have made it MORE difficult for you as Axis, not less difficult. If bidding is important to level the game, as you say, then you should have had a big advantage in this game.

I expect that I'll be playing Allies in most our games because I won't bid more than 10 to be Axis and give you Axis for any bid more than 1. Even with a bid of zero I was able to win.

I'll contact you via the Forum to set up a new game later in the week.

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Very enjoyable.

I make the same early tech investment mistake myself, often neglecting new builds to buy research. Lately I've come to the conclusion that early Axis research is a mistake and it's better off building units and making conquests before buying research.

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