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Comrade Trapp

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As a fellow member of the French Resistance, and as a fellow AAR Writer, I wish you the best of luck with your medical issues and wish you a speedy return to the forums.

Although I have not been around here lately, I do still read your posts.

You might be interested to know i have a new SC campaign in the works.

Get well soon Mr. Dellova, your missed.

~Patrick (CvM)

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Sincere Thanks for organizing this thread and sending it to me, Marion brought it in two parts on my last couple of nights and it really cheered me up.

I'll try to go down the list and respond to each post individually before it either gets locked or my leg starts acting up.

Very Thoughtful of you my friend.

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Yes, you make a good point, the wife has had two weeks or so of looking around my formerly hidden hangouts! Hopefully she hasn't seen the worst parts, like where I buried her in the yard, if so, ... :eek:

I'm sure she realizes I'm just joking, of course ... :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Martin, a.k.a. Moon,

My Thanks and the mere fact you've hinted at it's existence is extremely significant! ;)

I noticed, glancing at one of the other threads that you admitted having trouble with the A. I., the A. I. on my machine won't even consider playing me till my game improves! smile.gif

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J. P.,

Thanks, one thing I had was plenty of CDs that I'd burned at home, didn't want to have any originals there. Listened to the Full Mahler Cycle twice, the Ressurection Symphony was especially enjoyable. Used earphones on a walkman plugged into the wall.

A young Russian nurse from Petersburg was a big Shostakovich fan and wound up with around ten of his symphonies I'd put on CDs. One she really enjoyed was a coupling of Bernestein's old (and great) recording of his Fifth with Previn conducting his Sixth, back to back. The pair weighed in at just under 80 minutes.

Other people working there wound up with a bunch of my Brahms, Schumann and Schubert chamber works. Before I realized it my previously impressive copied disc supply was reunning down and on the last day those people surprised me with a pair of blank (80 minute) disc spindles. It was a great going away present.

But the thing is, listening to all that music was a great relief, I felt sorry for the non-music lovers who had to lay there listening to people groaning and moaning all the time.

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Jimmy Boggs Jimmy Boggs!

Thank you my friend and all those kind things also apply to you, only more so. smile.gif

January doesn't seem to be my month any more, it was a year ago that the Big Glitch happened to us!

Thanks for the concern but I feel more than a little guilty about the whole thing, it was really a very routine thing, it was just my crazy doctors who made it seem worse than it was. What annoyed me is they worried my wife more than was necessary. One of them was the kind who'd say "You'll be okay as long as there isn't an aneurism." And Marion really got strung on it. What he didn't mention is people of all ages get them and most of the time there's no warning -- it's like saying you'll be okay as long as a metorite doesn't take your head off!

Now, if this were the general forum half a dozen lunatics would despute that on a statistical basis. :D

Be well my friend and your good feelings are appreciated.

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If you pretend to have no interest at all in SC2 you'll get information on it. Anyway, that's my theory on the subject.

Did tons of note taking for the novel, I'm expecting the book to really flow as soon as I can figure out how to sit comfortably at the computer again!

Thanks for all the interest, you've been extremely encouraging to say the least and it's appreciated. smile.gif

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Thanks, sounds good, I've also got Comrade, Mannerheim and Kurt. When word leaks out that you're the world's worst player everybody wants to start a game!

Rather than an MPP handicap let's custom make a scenario ... I had a few on the back burner, but my nephew helped me out while I was away and reformatted my hard drive! :D

No big thing, they weren't profound projects, I'm sure they'll be easy to reproduce from memory.

Thanks again for the invitation, looking forward to it.

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I thank you, it's good to be back. I missed this place a lot, especially when I couldn't get to my walkman and the people around me started going into detail about their afflictions.

It isn't that I don't have sympathy, it's just that I was trying not to think about those things. People don't realize how much they hurt themselves by dwelling on their problems, it's better to read or listen to music, or both and let your body relax and heal. smile.gif

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My thanks, greatly appreciated.

I've been hoping to see some more of that Late Nite and Tonight Show posting you were doing a while back. It's hard to keep the pace up on something like that but it's worth it and you have the right touch.

As a running Forum skit would keep things pretty lively and I'm sure everyone would end up making guest appearances.

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That's the wrong approach -- show no interest whatsoever and you'll see details galore.

Not that it matters because I've got it on good authority that the release is scheduled for two weeks from now.

Thanks for the e-mail and encouragement, it honestly was a great help and very enjoyable.

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Many Thanks and you're right, that AAR was a masterpiece in the making and we've let it whither on the vine!

Let's see, ...

We've got Himmler off the coast of Norway trying to raise an Ice Giant with "Hardluck" Langsdorff wanting to kill him because he dropped the runic hammer causing the sea to freeze and ...

Man, we have got to finish that thing! :D

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