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Cold War General using Strategic Command

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I haven't played for a while but after seeing your screenshot I was amazed that such a modified scenario could be made with SC.

I'd love to get ahold of your scenario and give it a try. You can email me at


This has all of the things that I've been wanting to find in a game for years!!! It brings me back to all the old Tom Clancy and Larry Bond books! Can't wait to give it a try.... :D

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I imagine that there is quite a bit of implied strength for NATO. Much of which should come from reforger (Return of FORces GERmany) units deploying to pre-positioned equipment throughout Germany. This, I assume, will come from lots of MPP's for NATO at the start of the game.

The first turn will surely be a crusher for the Warsaw Pact... :eek:

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Dear Carl and Der Panzinator (nice name!)

Thank you for volunteering to play-test this.

Please try it and let me know what you think.

Carl, thank you for your inspiration and advice!

I should warn both of you that there are several turns where it looks like the game has hung up, and it does look like it has completely stopped for about half an hour with my machine (no status messages at all). But it's still going... and then after turn 4 or 5, it goes back to normal with turns that last only a few minutes.


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Der Panzinator,

Germany and Italy are hard-coded as Axis in the SC game engine. It can't be changed. But Carl very cleverly figured out how to make it appear to be otherwise. So I used Carl's system.

BTW, please let me know if you haven't gotten my e-mail yet. I sent it two or three days ago. I can't get my e-mail while I'm at home here during the weekend, but Carl will also probably see this and he can send it to you too since I CCed him on the same e-mail. Unless he didn't get it???


Also der Panzinator, the profile graphics look terrific. The B-52 does too, but the straight profile ones look better. Also the flag looks awesome.


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I got it!

It looks great. You must of put a lot of time into naming all of those units!!!

I always have an easier time with modern war units then WWII since I've read more books about modern-era warfare.

Ever read any books by Harold Coyle? Great author on modern warfare. His first book is a must and was rumored to be used by US military trainers. It was called Team Yankee and GDW made a board game out of it which I think I still have somewhere...

Anyhow, I've been trying to get some turns in but I can't get the sound to work on the new laptop... :(

I've tried the SC.ini file trick but that didn't work...

I did run through the first turn and it was about what you would imagine the start of WWIII in Europe would have been like. Soviet armies smashing through thin NATO lines. I really need to play it out some to see how NATO rallies with its reinforcements from the US.

I'll let you know how it goes if I get a chance to get in a few turns.

I'm still playing around with the unit graphics and decided to make the army units into mechanized infantry with M113's for US and BMP's for Russia.

Here's a small screenshot:


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  • 2 weeks later...


I haven't had much chance to do much lately. I just got out of the hospital again...

You'd think a 37 year old shouldn't be having heart surgery... :confused:

I can send you what I have which is only the tanks and fighters for US and USSR though. Not sure if I'll be getting too much stuff done for a while. I feel like I've been punched in the ribs by Jackie Chan about a hundred times... :eek:

I think I still have your email address so I will try and shot you the file tommorrow.

I did finally get a look at Logan's graphics and they are very cool. I especially like the MLRS units for the rockets. :D

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