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How did you hear about SC?

Jim Boggs

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Battlefront.com is advertising. They have a beautiful color ad in the inside cover of the January 2003 issue of "World War II" Magazine and SC is right there. I have also seen the same ad in the January 2003 issue of "Military Heritage Presents: World War Two".

It's really nicely done.

[ January 12, 2003, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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You play the game, you make excellent posts when you play. Your idea of dividing up the narrative into the different fronts was well thought out and a pleasure to read. You seem to really have fun when you are playing.

I and everybody have seen your original post. Do you have such little respect for the man that has given you this fun game that you would shut down a way for him to get LEGITIMATE feedback from the people that bought his game?

You are such a paradox. When you play the game you are fun to be around. I really do not understand you and that's the truth.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Of course I edited my posts. I do it all the time, but why would I accuse JerseyJohn of sayin things when we all know that leads to banning???

It is obvious that he has and will learn nothing :( if it wasn't for the childish attempts at denial i would have wiped my posts. He need to be judged.
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". . .why would I accuse JerseyJohn of sayin things . . ."

A good point. It might help if you could point the way to the forum and exact location where JerseyJohn (that's my present identity, isn't it?) is supposed to have said these things. You can't, of course because they do not exist.

Try though I have those postings of our Swedish friend in which various accusations have their origin with the now infamous JerseyJohn have eluded me. I suspect foul play. My only statement is I made none of those statements and naturally I never would, regardless of the numerous occasions when such things were insinuated by others better qualified than myself to know the answer.

But, just for the record, is any of it, uhh --? tongue.gif

Tying this in with the game, wouldn't it be nice if there were some way to represent Rumors and Propaganda -- perhaps some sort of Fifth Column function?

[ January 12, 2003, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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To JJ:

IT'S ALL TRUE. Battlefront.com does advertise, if you like I can fax you a copy of their ad. It's in color so let me know if you have a color fax.

By the way, what was that topic again?

To Kuni:

You've had your fun, take it somewhere else.

[ January 12, 2003, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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If you'll go back to that original posting you will notice I said, "But I'm not going to call you . . .[any of those vile things you mentioned]" The only thing I called you was Danish and I was subsequently corrected and now I say you're Swedish. Also, I found from an independant source that Kuniworth is neither Swedish nor Danish for Brutus, so I stand corrected there as well.

Meanwhile, what do you think of my Fifth Column STRATEGIC COMMAND GAME IDEA ? Sounds like incorporating it would lead to a gay old time, doesn't it?

Will be back in two or three hours. Disregard all rumors attributed to me as I'm not even here now.

Jim Boggs

Thanks for telling me. I'd definitely like to see it. If you could E-mail me a copy that would be great, my fax is usually on for transmissions and is tied in with the computer, which will be off most of tonight.

[ January 12, 2003, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I've seen an ad for Battlefront.com in "World War 2 magazine". So they are out there. Another company also had an ad in the same mag and half the games it was tring to sell aren't even available yet. Battlefront says what it means and means what it says! Good work guys.

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To Mkctanker

I think battlefront.com has a great concept and despite what you may read sometimes, they know what they're doing. They provide an excellent oulet for guys like Hubert and the others. I only wish they would triple the number of games they have, especially the Civil War. That would be great.

One of the reasons I like the Civil War so much is because of some of the great sayings that came from that era. For example:

"It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"-Abraham Lincoln

[ January 12, 2003, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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LOL I love this forum smile.gif

On topic, I have seen ads for Combat Mission in PC gamer but nothing for SC. I think Battlefront.com does a decent job of advertising but maybe they could do better? I'm not talking about all the mainstream magazines where most of the readership has no interest in this type of game but I'm sure there are tons of other military magazines, etc. Isn't there a British war/strategy game magazine?

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"JJ! callin me danish is like callin me a knuckle head, gay or trouble maker."

I mistakenly called you Danish and mentioned a couple of Great Danes (human, not canine) and didn't even realize at the time that our very own BriantheWise is a member of that illustrious group.

To assuage your hurt feelings I am putting drawings of the immortal Gustavus Adolphus and the great Boy King Charles the Twevlth under a couple of URL tabs.

Charles the Twelth, along with Gustavus Adolphus and Kuniworth, one of the Great "Fighting" Swedes.

Tough and awnry Gustavus Adolphus.

As for ever calling you those other things, I can't apologize because I have never said any of them. That others choose to is deplorale!

In an effort to reamain on topic, I first heard about this site and SC in a Manhattan ginmill. One of our colleagues, who shall remain annonymous, was weeping about a game he'd lost playing IP and I consoled him.

[ January 13, 2003, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I also came here by accident. I was following the reviews and updates of Russo-German war from Schwerpunkt. Iwas reading the latest reviews at the Wargamer page when I saw this notice about SC. I visited Battlefront a few times and decided to join in in June 2002.

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Originally posted by Canuck:

LOL I love this forum smile.gif

On topic, I have seen ads for Combat Mission in PC gamer but nothing for SC. I think Battlefront.com does a decent job of advertising but maybe they could do better? I'm not talking about all the mainstream magazines where most of the readership has no interest in this type of game but I'm sure there are tons of other military magazines, etc. Isn't there a British war/strategy game magazine?

Interesting thread, for me specifically smile.gif Yes, advertising can always be done better. But it's incredibly expensive, especially if you want to reach some kind of critical mass. We're talking hundreds of thousand of dollars here, possibly millions. So we have to rely on word of mouth and PR whereever possible.

But don't underestimate the amount of players out there playing SC. It's growing rapidly, and while not as big as the CM community, it's not *that much* smaller. Proof: we're scrambling currently to produce the next run of CDs on time before stock runs out. At the current rate, sales will beat us, so it's possible that we'll have to go a few days on backorder...


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Sea-wolf I to saw it in the Mag "World War II" but it was advertising CMBB back in 2000. I had to have that one so I bought it and played it a bit, then it died away onto my shelfs. Then one day I happened upon another add for CMBB with a different website name ...hmmm I though maybe they have more to offer so I went to it and was amazed to find "SC" and this was about to be released to the public so I downloaded the Demo and was hooked from then on.

Battlefront does have the best games and because of that i'm back to playing CMBB after all this time although I had to dust off my CD and of course it still worked.....mutter...mutter..oh ya SC Topic why cant you guys keep to the TOPIC????

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There was a bright flash of light, followed by a humming sound....A small, saucer shaped craft had materialized in my yard.

A humanoid emerged from within, approached me and said, "I am from the planet Toronto."

"On our planet, we aggavate ourselves by connecting with the contents of this disc".

With that, he handed to me the disc of SC and said "Try this,.. kid".

The rest, as they say, is history.


Captain Unconscious

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

JJ! callin me danish is like callin me a knuckle head, gay or trouble maker

And what is wrong being danish if I may ask??

please refrain from making any statements that being danish is equal to being a knuckle head, trouble maker etc....Thats like calling all germans nazis!! or muslims terrorists

A proud Dane



Fluffy The Sheep

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