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Decision Tree Event Ideas

Edwin P.

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The objective of this post is to list decision tree events which would make for a more interesting game. If implemented most of these events would appear once in every 20 to 50 games.

This series of 26+ events introduce Turkey as an active AI controlled country. These events add a set of "what if" variables to the war without increasing the complexity of the game.

I choose Turkey because it was the largest European nation in terms of population and territory to remain neutral during WWII. It suffered the largest loss of territory in the aftermath of WWI. As such it had the most potential for altering the course of history.

Event 01: Turkey Offers Support to Allies

When: 1% per turn (from Axis DOW Vichy France or Axis DOW Switzerland UK until Germany DOW Russia). If Vichy France and Switzerland are not attacked this event will not occur.

Allied Player Pop-up:

Prime Minister, Turkey has offered to support Allied forces if we give them Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.

Do we,

1) Reject the Turkish offer. (Turkish AI activated. Turkey will build units and move armies/corps to the border with Syria and Iraq. It will always keep one unit in each Turkish city.

2) Accept the Turkish offer.

UK controlled territories in the Middle East (including Egypt, Beruit & Iraq) become Turkish controlled and Tukey's borders expand to encompass these territories.

Turkish AI is activated. The AI will produce, research, move and attack independently of the Allied & Axis powers with the primary objective of reclaiming the former colonies of the Ottoman Empire; Syria, Iraq and Egypt.

Turkey becomes an Allied Supporting Neutral. Allied air, naval, and transport units can transit Turkish territory. They can operate air units units to/from Turkey and trace supply from Turkish controlled cities.

The value of the UK Merchant Marine in the Med increases by 15MPP per turn due to trade with Turkey. The allies do not control Turkish units or production. Nor can they attack from Turkish territory.

Axis Pop-up (seen by Axis Player)

London Times: The United Kingdom has returned its Middle Eastern colonies to the Government of Turkey, the successor to the Ottomon Empire.

This option provides an interesting counter to an Axis threat to the Middle East and introduces an AI controlled 3rd player into the game.

If Germany attacks a Turkish Controlled Egypt or Beruit they will have to declare war on Turkey. This would cause Turkey to join the the allies.

Event 2: Iraqi Coup Plotters request German Assistance.

When: 1% per turn after France falls and prior to 1943.

Axis-Pop Up:

Iraqi officers have asked our ambassador to assist them in overthrowing the King of Iraq.

What do we do;

1) Do Nothing (No Coup)

2) Give the conspirators limited assistance - 10MPP and 3 turns later: (30% Coup Succeeds and Iraq joins Axis, 55% Coup crushed by goverment forces, 10% Coup crushed and Iraq joins Allies, 5% Iraq joins Turkey and Turkish AI activated).

3) Insure that the consiprators are successful - 20MPP and 3 turns later: (60% Iraqi coup succeeds and Iraq joins Axis, 35% Iraqi coup fails, 5% Turkish troops enter Iraq to annex Iraq and Turkish AI activated).

If the Turkey AI is active and there is a Turkish unit on the Iraqi border then German financing of a Iraqi Coup causes a check for Iraq to join Turkey as Turkish troops will enter Iraq to restore order. The chance for this is 50%. This check overides the check for the results of the Iraqi coup.

It is possible that the Turkey AI is active and the Axis is not aware of this due to FOW.
Note: If Iraq joins Turkey then Turkey gains 30MPP per turn and the Turkish AI will be activated as an independent 3rd power. The AI will move and produce new units while it is an active 3rd power. This means that it will move units to the border of Syria so that it is prepared to sieze Beruit if Germany attacks Vichy France and Beruit is not garrisoned.

Event 3: Turkish Allies request Military Assistance from UK

When: 1% per turn if Turkey is an Allied Supporting Neutral and the UK controls Gibraltor or the Suez Canal.

Prime Minister,

The Ambassador from Turkey is requesting that we provide his government with arms.

Do we;

1) Reject this request. (50% Turkey declares its neutrality. Allied troops can no longer transit Turkish territory or trace a supply line to Turkish Cities. Allied units are expelled from Turkish territory & trade with Turkey stops.)

Allied Pop-up (if Turkey declares Neutrality)

London Times: Turkey is insulted by British refusal to supply arms to its friend and ally. Their government has ordered all allied forces to leave Turkish territory.

2) Send Turkey a minimal amount of military assistance. (90% UK loses 40MPP & Turkey gains 1 Corps, 10% Turkey is insulted and declares its neutrality (see above))

3) Send our friends the most amount of resources we can spare. (UK loses 80MPP - Turkey gains 1 Army Unit(33%) or 2 Corps(33%) or 1HQ Unit(34%)).

Axis Pop-up (if UK sends aid to Turkey)

Italian intellience repports that the UK is shipping military supplies to Turkey via Turkish flagged merchant ships.

This event will not occur if the UK has lost control of Gibraltor and the Suez Canal.
Event 04: Turkey Attacks Syria

When: (5% if Germany attacks Vichy France + 50% if Turkey controls Iraq + 20% if Turkish AI is already activated) and no Axis or Allied troops occupy Beriut.

What: The Turkish AI is activated and moves a unit to occupy Beruit. If this occurs Turkish borders expand to include Syria. Despite this invasion Turkey remains neutral vis a vis Germany and the Allies as neither party wishes to go to war over Syria, a small country with no natural resources.

Event 05: Turkey Invades Iraq

When: If Turkish AI is active there is a 3% per turn that AI will decide to conquer an independent Iraq. This event does not occur if Iraq is controlled by Turkey, the Axis or the Allies.

What: Turkey DOW Iraq.

Effect: Turkey gains Iraqi plunder once Iraq is conquered. Turkish AI will use all Turkish units except for units guarding Istanbul and Capital to invade Iraq.

Note: Turkish units can attack Allied and Axis units in Iraq without triggering a state of war with either side if Iraq is still independent. Axis and Allied can attack Turkish units in Iraq without a DOW on Turkey if Iraq is still independent. If Turkey DOW Iraq then Iraq does not become a UK or Axis controlled nation.
Event 06: Turkey Approaches Germany

When: 2% per turn if Turkey AI is active and (Turkey controls Beruit or Iraq) and Axis has not DOW Turkey.


The Turkish ambassador asks us to provide them with the results of our military research. He assures us that this will assure Turkish Neutrality.

Do we:

1) Deny the Turkish Request

2) Share some of our research with Turkey. (Give 1 random tech advancement to Turkey and if Turkey supports the Allies there is a 50% they end allied support and declare neutrality.)

3) Share our research and give the Turks an Air Fleet. (Turkey gains 1 tech advance and 1 air fleet. If supporting the allies they end this support and declare neutrality.)

Event 7: Turkey Offers to Buy British Warship.

If Turkey Controls Iraq and Egypt there is a 5% per turn that Turkey will offer to purchase a British Warship.

Allied Pop-up Event:

Prime Minister, the Turkish Ambassador reports that his government wishes to purchase one of our warships in exchange for Iraqi oil.

Do We:

1) Reject the Deal.

2) Sell Turkey a Cruiser ( Turkey gains 1 cruiser that appears in the Suez port in 5 turns, UK Loses lowest strength Cruiser in its fleet and UK gains 10MPP per Turn in mediterrean merchant shipping.)

3) Sell Turkey a Battleship (Turkey gains 1 Battleship in the Suez port in 5 turns, UK Loses lowest strength Battleship and UK gains 20MPP per Turn in increased Merchant Shipping)

4) Offer Turkey an Airfleet. (Turkey gains 1 Air Fleet and 1 level of Long Range Tech(if the UK has reached this tech level), UK loses 1 Airfleet and gains 20MPP per in increased Merchant Shipping)

Note: If allies subequently DOW Turkey then UK loses the extra MPP production.

Event 8: Turkey Offers to Sell Russia Oil

When: 3% per turn if Turkey controls Iraq and Russia is a war with Germany.

Comrade, the Ambassador of Turkey offers to trade us Oil in exchange for assistance from our engineers.

Do we;

1) Reject their offer.

2) Accept the offer of our neighbors. (Russia gains 20MPP per turn in Trade and Turkey gains 1 Tech level in Industrial Production).

Event 9: Russia chooses Turkey over Germany

This is the most unrealistic of the Events proposals but also one of the most interesting. It gives the Allied player a chance for a comeback when Turkey enters the war on the side of the Allies.
When: If Russia has lost control of Moscow and Turkey controls Iraq, Syria, and Egypt.


The President of Turkey has offered to Assit us in the defense of Mother Russia if we will give them all lands south of Stalingrad and access to our scientists and engineers.

Do we:

1) Reject this offer.

2) We have no choice, Accept their offer.

If this offer is accepted then:

- All allied forces can now trace supply lines to Turkish controled Cities.

- All hexes South of Stalingrad become Turkish controlled and contribute to Turkish Produciton

- Turkish Corps unit appears in the three Russian/now Turkish cities south of the Causcus mountains. (Value: 375 MPP)

- Turkey mobilizes for war and gains 3 Free Army units and 1 free HQ unit adjacent to capital. (Value: 1150MPP)

- Allies can control Turkish Units and Turkish Production for 20 turns subject to limitation that 1 Turkish garrison unit is left in every city of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Egypt and the three cities south of Stalingrad in the Causcus mountains.

- If a Turkish unit controlled by the Allies liberates a capital city that country becomes Turkey controlled and the Turkish unit can not move out of the captured captial city.

- Russia can build units adjacent to cities that can trace a supply line to the capital of Turkey.

- After 20 turns the Turkish AI assumes control of its units and production and Russia can no longer build units adjacent to Turkish controlled cities. At this point in time the Turkish AI orders all Turkish units to garrison Turkish controlled countries. - Ie you are at Warsaw and half your Army decides to return home

- Turkey gains access to all Russian Technology Advances.

Event 10: Turkey offers to sell Germany Oil

When: 1% per turn If Turkey controls Iraq

Sir, the ambassador or Turkey wishes to offer us Iraqi Oil in exchange for assistance from our engineers in retooling their factories.

Should we:

1) Reject the offer

2) Accept the offer to obtain the Iraqi oil. (Turkey gains 1 tech level from Germany in preference of: Industrial, Anti-Tank, Anit-Air, Armor, Jets,c Subs, Long-Range. Germany gains 10MPP per Month from trade with Turkey.)

3) Offer Turkey an Air Fleet instead of Technology. (Turkey gains 1 Air Fleet, Germany loses 1 Air Fleet and gains trade bonus of 10MPP per month).

4) Offer Turkey an Tank Unit instead of Technology (Turkey gains 1 Tank Unit, Germany loses 1 Tank Unit and gains trade bonus of 10MPP per month)

Event 11: Turkey asks Bulgaria to rejoin Turkey and avoid Russian Conquest.


1st Time: 20% After 1942 if Russia controls Kiev and Turkey controls (Iraq, Beruit, and Egypt).

2nd Time: 50% If Turkey controls (Iraq, Beruit, and Egypt) and 3+ Russian troops are in Romania.

Axis Pop-Up

Turkey has offered Bulgaria the chance to rejoin Turkey as an autonomous province before the advancing Russian troops reach its borders.

Do we,

1) Reject this offer

2) Accept this offer and urge them to move quickly, before Russian troops cross our borders.

If accepted Bulgaria joins Turkey and Turkish borders expand. Turkey gains plunder from Bulgaria. Axis units are expelled from Bulgaria. Turkey controls any Bulgarian units in Bulgaria. Bulgarian units outside of Bulgaria are disbanded. If Allies want to enter Bulgaria they must declare war on Turkey.

If the Axis accept this offer it shortens their Eastern Front and denies plunder to Russia while protecting Greece and Albania from a Russian invasion.

If Accepted:

Allied Turn Pop-up:

London Times: Bulgaria withdraws from the Axis alliance and rejoins Turkey as an autonmous province. Turkey promises to continue its policy of neutrality.

Event 12: Turkey Demands that the Axis turn over Greece

When: 25% if Turkey controls Bulgaria.

Axis Pop-Up:

Sir, the Turkish Ambassador demands that we withdraw from Greece and recognize Turkish soverignty over Greece.

Do we,

1) Reject their offer (5% Turkey declares war on the Axis and joins Allies, 20% all Axis trade with Turkey stops - See Event 10).

2) Accept the offer and evacuate our troops. Let the Turks deal with the Greek partisans. (Turkey's border expands to include Greece and Axis units in Greece relocate to the nearest Axis controlled city.)

If Accepted:

Allied Turn Pop-up

London Times - Turkish Troops liberate Greece from Axis forces. The President of Turkey promises to rebuild Greece and welcomes Greece into the republic of Turkey.

Event 13: Turkey offers to support Russian Partisans

When: 10% If Germany controls Russia and the UK is still Active. This chance increases by 5% for each territory that Turkey controls: Iraq, Beruit, Egypt. 50% If Germany Attacks Turkey Russia Surrenders.

Allied Pop-up:

Prime Minister, the Turkish Ambassador reports that his government is wary of the growing German threat. If the UK provided Turkey with technological assistance then Turkey would be willing to lend covert support to Russian resistance forces.

Do we:

1) Accept

2) Reject

Effect: Chance for Post-Surrender Partisans in Russia increases from 0/0% to 25%/75% per turn, and if one partisan unit appears there is a 15%/25% for another unit to appear on that same turn, and a 15%/25% for a third partisan unit to appear. Turkey gains access to all UK technology advances.

This event would be of greatest use if the Game also incorporated the partisan support tech (mentioned in another post), then Germany would not know for sure who is supplying the post surrender Russian resistance forces.
Event 14: Turkey Attacks Russia

When: 2%(+1% per combat unit above 16) per turn after 1942 if

--- Russian Forces control (Kiev and Minsk) and

---Axis controls (Paris, Oslo, Warsaw, Rome and Berlin) and

---Turkey has 16 or more army/corps units (6 are garrisioning Turkish controlled cities) and

--- Turkey controls (Iraq, Beruit, and Egypt)

Effect: Turkish AI prepares for an invasion of Russia and gains 1 Free HQ Unit(Random Value of 4 to 7). AI Will move units to Russian Border and units via transports to Russian shores. Once units are in place it will declare war on Russia and invade Russia as an AI controlled player via land and sea with the objective of seizing control of resource rich Southern Russia.

The Turkish AI will seek to seize Russian resources and cities in the Caucaus mountains up to and including Stalingrad. If it can acheive this objective it will then fortify its position against a Russian counter attack. At this point in time it should have the strength to build 1 army or two corps each turn in the Caucaus mountain region.

This event offers a hard pressed Germany a small chance for victory as Russia will be forced to halt its advance to contain the threat from Turkey.

Note: Turkey will not attack Russia if Rome, Paris, Oslo, or Warsaw has fallen to the allied powers as the loss of either of this cities indicates that Germany has already lost the war.

Note: The chance for Turkey declaring War on Russia increases with the number of combat units that is has in its army. 17 Units = 3%, 18 units = 4%, 20 units = 5%. 21 Units = 6%. In fact, Germany might want to give Turkey MPP to purchase units to increase the odds of this event occuring before Germany loses Warsaw to the Russians.

Event 15: Turkish Military and Logistics General.

When: 1% per turn afer Turkish AI is activated.

What: A Turkish General with superior logistical skills and command skills becomes a 3 star general.

Effect: Turkey Receives a free HQ Unit with a random rating of 5 to 9.

Allied and Axis Pop-up

Cairo Times reports that a British educated general has assumed command of the Turkish Army. This general graduated from Sandhurst with top honors and served as the military attache with with Turkish embassies in the UK, Russia, and Germany. He is the recipent of several medals for outstanding performance in combat and received the Victoria Cross for combat actions during WWI.

This is an indication to all players that the Turkish AI has been activated. If FOW is turned on they will not know the capability of this HQ unit or its location.
Event 16: Turkey Demands Italy relinquish control of Albania

When: 80% when Turkey controls Bulgaria and Greece. 10% when Turkey controls only Bulgaria.

Axis Pop-up:

Prime Minister,

The Goverment of Turkey demands that our forces withdraw from Muslim Albania and allow Turkish forces to restore Turkish rule. If we refuse the goverment of Turkey may consider that a declaration of war. If we accept they offer the opportunity to trade with their new provinces.

Do we

1) Reject the Turkish Offer.(80% all trade with Axis powers stops - see Event 10)

2) Accept the offer and evaucate our troops. (Italian/Axis troops are relocated to nearest Italian city and Turkish borders expand to include Albania. Italy receives 10MPP per turn in trade from Turkish controlled Albania.)

Allied Pop-up if Italy Accepts;

London Times: Italy withdrew its forces from Albania today as it turned over control of Albania to Turkish forces. The cheering residents of Triana welcomed the arrival of the Turkish troops. The president of Turkey welcomed the return of Albania to Turkey as an autonomous province.

Note: The more countries that Turkey controls the more aggressive their foreign policy becomes. Thus the AI is 80% likely to demand control of Albania when it controls Greece and Bulgaria. It was only 10% likely to demand control of Albania when it controlled only Bulgaria.

Event 17: Turkey offers to Evacuate Italian Troops from Tobruk.

When: 1% per turn after US forces land in Sicily or North Africa and Turkey controls (Egypt) and Italy controls (Tripoli and Trobruk).

Prime Minister,

The Turkish goverment has offered to provide transport our forces in North Africa to Italy if we give Libya to them.

Do we:

1) Reject their offer.

2) Accept their offer. (Italian forces in Libya are relocated to Italy. Turkish borders expand to include Libya - Tobruk and Tripoli.)

Allied Pop-up, if Axis accepts offer;

London Times: Cheering crowds welcomed Turkish troops that marched into the cities of Tobruk and Tripoli after Axis forces disappeared overnight. The President of Turkey welcomed the people of Libya to Turkey as an autonomous province and promised to build schools and hospitals.

Event 18: Turkey invites Romania to leave the Axis alliance.

When (if Turkish AI is activated):

10% After 1942 if Russia controls Kiev and Minsk and Turkey controls Iraq, Egypt, and Beruit.

25% After 1942 if Russian controls Kiev, Minsk and Odessa, and Turkey controls Iraq , Egypt and Beruit.

Mr Prime Minister,

Turkey offers our country the opportunity to join Turkey as an autonomous province.

Should we;

1. Decline the offer.

2. Accept the offer and prevent a Russian invasion. (Non Romanian axis units are relocated to nearest axis city. Romanian units in Romanian are now controlled by Turkish AI. Turkish borders expand to include Romania and Turkey gains Romania plunder.)

Allied Pop-up (If Romania accepts):

London Times: The Government of Romania has withdrawn from the Axis Alliance and joined the Turkish Republic. The president of Turkey welcomed Romania into the Turkish Republic and stated that Turkey will continue its policy of neutrality in this war.

Event 19: Turkey Asks Germany for Iraq, Egypt and Beruit.

When: 25% After 1942 if Germany Controls Iraq, Egypt, and Beruit and Russia controls Kiev and Minsk.


The Turks have offered to transport our forces in the Middle East home if we would give them control over Iraq, Egypt and Beruit.

Should we:

1) Reject their offer.

2) Accept their offer as we need troops to reinforce the Russian front. (Turkish borders expand to include Egypt, Iraq, and Syra. Axis units in the middle east are relocated to Bari or Athens or Sophia.)

Allied Pop-up (if Turkey gains control of Egypt from the Axis powers).

Cairo Times: Turkish troops marched into downtown Cairo today to the cheers of a million people. The president of Turkey welcomed the people of Egypt into the Turkish Republic. Axis troops had withdrawn from the city overnight.

By giving the Middle East to Turkey the Axis powers gain reinforcements for the war in Europe and increase the chance that Turkey will take more direct action in Europe, thus slowing down the Russian advance.
Event 20: Turkey Ships Oil to Japan

When: 1% per turn when Turkey controls Iraq and Egypt.

Effect: Turkish oil tankers bring oil to Japan. Turkey gains 20MPP per turn due to trade with Japan. This trade lasts until Allied naval forces embargo Japan (1% per turn in 1943, 2% per turn in 1944, 4% per turn in 1945, and 20% per turn in 1946) or Turkey loses control of (Suez canal or Iraq).

Allied and Axis Pop-up

Our intelligence services report that Turkey is shipping oil to the Japanses.

Event 21: Japan is Grateful for Turkish Oil

When: If Event 20 (Turkeys trades Oil with Japan) has been in effect for 20 turns.

Effect: A grateful Japan provides engineers to improve Turkish factories. Turkey gains 1 tech level in Industrial Production.

Allied and Axis Pop-up

Our intelligence services report that Japanese engineers have helped the Turks to increase the productivity of their factories by 20%.

Event 22: Japan is grateful for Turkish Oil

When: If Event 20 has been in effect for 40 turns.

Effect: Turkey gains 1 Air Fleet (and 50% for 1 to 2 submarine fleets that appear in port of Suez and Cairo).

Allied and Axis Pop-up

Our intelligence services report that the Japanese helped the Turks to field a combat air wing and trained Turkish pilots in air to air combat.

There is no reports on the sub units as the Axis and Allied intelligence services did not gather any information on this.
Event 23: Germany gives Turkey Military Aid.

When: 10% per turn after 1942 if Russia controls Minsk and Kiev, Axis controls (Paris, Rome and Warsaw) and Turkey controls Cairo, Beruit, and Baghdad.


May I suggest that we give Turkey military equipment. It might encourage them to declare war on Russia.

Do we;

1) Reject this suggestion

2) Send a shipment of military equipment to Turkey. (Germany spends 75 MPP, Turkey gains 1 Corps.)

3) Send Turkey 100 Tanks. (Germany spends 250 MPP, Turkey gains 1 Armor Unit)

Effect: This may increase the chance for Turkey to DOW Russia as the chance for Turkey to DOW Russia is dependent on it having 16 or more units in its army.

Event 24: Victorious Turkey Offers Peace to Russia

When: 50% per turn when via Event 14 Turkey garrisons Rostov, Stavropol, Grozny, Stalingrad, and Tiflis.

Effect: Turkey offers to sign a peace agreement with Russia if Russia recognizes Turkish control over the Cuacus region. If Russia accepts the Turkish border expands to include Rostov and Stalingrad and the hexes south of those two cities. Allied forces are expelled from Turkish territory. Turkey stops all attacks on Russian/Allied units. The Turkish AI then begins preparing for a campaign against the Axis to recover the Balkan countries by massing troops on the border with the Axis and in Transports.

Event 25: Turkey on the March

When: 10% per turn if Turkey controls Stalingrad, Grozny, Rostov, Cairo and Baghdad, Turkey is at peace with the Allies (via Event 24), the UK is not conquered, Germany controls Paris and the Turkish army exceeds 30 units.

Effect: Turkey AI prepares for war against Germany with the aim of restoring Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia and Hungary to Turkish control.

The Turkish invasion will be massive, Turkish forces will pour forth from Istanbul. Transports will line the coastal hexes of Bulgaria, Romania and Greece, and surprise Turkish Ships and Subs will shield the invasion force in the Mediterrean.

A very rare event indeed. What is the chance of Turkey controling South Eastern Russia, Egypt, Baghdad and also having 30+ combat units. Almost nill?
Event 26: Turkey Offers Peace to Germany

When: 25% per turn if Turkey controls Hungary,Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria.


Minister, The Turkish Amnbassador suggests that if the Axis Alliance recognizes its control over its historic lands and provides the Turkish goverment with access to all technology advancements that we possess then Turkey would likely sign a peace treaty and cease hostilities against the Axis.

Do we:

1) Reject this offer. Our armies are strong and we will drive the Turks into the sea. (50% Turkey makes new offer - We will accept a peace treaty without requiring a technology transfer. Accept/Reject.)

2) Accept this offer and give the Turks what they ask for. (Turkey and Axis are now at peace. Turkey receives all German and Italian Technological advancements. Turkish borders expand to include all conquered nations - Hungary,Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia)

Alled Pop-up (if yes)

New York Times: Germany and the Axis have signed a Peace Treaty.

Event 27: Turkey Offers to Take Control of Egypt & Syria & Cyprus

When: 10% (1 in 10 games) when UK controls Cairo and Beruit

Prime Minister,

The Turkish government requests that Egypt and Syria be returned to Turkish control.

Do we:

1) Reject their offer.

2) Accept their offer and evacuate our troops to England via the Suez Canal. (Egpyt, Syria and Cyprus become Turkish controlled and the borders of Turkey expand to encompass these area. UK Troops in Egpyt and Syria are removed and appear in the South Atlantic in 5 turns. Turkish AI is activated.)

Event 28: Turkey Requests the Return of Syria

When: 20% (1 in 5 games) when UK Controls Beruit and Germany Controls Cairo and no Axis troops are in Syria.

Prime Minister.

The Turkish Ambassador requests that we turn over control of Beruit and the surrounding lands to the Turkish goverment. He suggests the Axis will not attack Beruit if it is a part of Turkey.

Do We:

1) Reject their offer.

2) Accept their offer. We can not defend Beruit. The Axis forces are advancing and perhaps the Turks will be able to stop them. (Turkey now controls Syria and the city of Beruit. If Russia is at war with Germany or the UK controls Iraq then allied units in Syria are relocated to the nearest Allied city. Otherwise allied units in Syria are disbanded and Turkey receives the income generated. Turkish AI is activated and will garrison Beruit).

Event 29: Turkey Attacks Vichy Syria/Beruit

When: 5% After France surrenders (1 in 20 games)

Effect: Turkish AI is activated and moves Turkish units to Attack Vichy Beruit. After taking Beruit it will garrison the city and move units to the border with Iraq. The attack on Vichy Beruit does not activate Vichy France.

Allied/Axis Pop-up

London Times: The government of Turkey launched an attack on Vichy Syria declaring its intention to reclaim land stolen from it after World War I. Military experts expect that Beruit will fall to Turkey within 1 to 2 months.

Simpler Alternative 1: 5% two turns after France surrenders Turkey's borders expand to include Vichy Syria. Turkey gains 1 Corps in Beruit.
Simpler Alternative 2: 30% If Turkey controls Beruit and Germany Controls Cairo and Iraq is independent Turkey's borders expand to include Iraq. This reflects the advance of Turkey's army into Iraq upon hearing of the German victory in Egypt. Turkey gains 1 Corps in Baghdad and 1 Army outside of Ankara.
Simpler Alternative #3: 30% If Alternative Event 2 has occured (see above) and no Axis/Allied forces are in the territory of Egypt then the borders of Turkey expand to include Egypt as Turkish forces sail into the harbor of Alexandria and seize control of Cairo and the Suez Canal. Turkey gains 1 Army Unit in Cairo, 1 HQ(5) unit east of Cairo, and 1 Corps next to the Suez canal. Turkey remains neutral vis a vis the Axis and Allies.
Simpler Alternative #4: There is a 50% chance that Event #3 occurs the Turkish goivernment will begin a program to rapidly expand their army and follow one of two strategies:

80%: Every 4 turns the Turkish army increases by one corps (25%), army (50%), armor (5%), Air Fleet (5%),HQ unit (10%) or (5%)an Anti-Tank Tech Chit.

20%: Every 4 turns the Turkish army increases by one corps (15%), army (35%), armor (10%), Air Fleet (15%),HQ unit (15%) or (10%) an anti-tank, jets, or air defense chit.

Simpler Alternative #5: 5% if Germany Controls Moscow and Russia has not surrendered and Turkey has 16 or more units then Turkey Joins the Allies. 5% after 1942 if Russian units are within 3 hexes of Warsaw, Russia controls Kiev and Minsk and Germany controls Warsaw and Paris and Turkey has 16 or more units then Turkey joins the Axis.
Simpler Alternative #6: If Russia controls Minsk and Kiev after 1944 there is 10% that Bulgaria withdraws from the Axis and Turkey's borders expand to include Bulgaria.
Turkish AI Notes

The goal of the Turkish AI is to restore dominion over the former territories of the Ottoman Empire, to the extent that such actions will not lead to another defeat like it suffered during World War 1.

1> AI Goal 1: Defend Capital of Turkey

2> AI Goal 2: Defend Istanbul

3> AI Goal 3: Defend Other Turkish City

4> AI Goal 4: Conquer/Garrison Beruit and Baghdad

5> AI Goal 5: Conquer/Garrison Egypt if it can obtain ownership through Event 1 or it is not garrisoned by the Allies or Axis powers.

6) AI Goal 6: Advance into an unoccupied Tobruk.

7) AI Goal 7: Advance into unoccupied Sofia (Bulgaria).

8) Deter Russian Invasion by stationing corps on the border with Russia.

Turkish troops can move into an active unoccupied Vichy Beruit, an ungarrissoned Egypt, an ungarrissoned Tobruk/Tripoli, or an empty Baghdad without causing a state of war to exist with the Allies or Axis as neither of the major powers would want Turkey to join the opposing alliance.
IF (Turkey Controls Egypt, Syria, Iraq) and (France has been liberated) there is a 20% that the Turkish AI will launch a campaign to conquer Italian controlled Libya (50%) or (50%)Italian controlled Greece then Albania. This reflects the fact that the Turkish Generals see an opportunity to be on the winning side and gain the spoils of war.

Turkish AI Production Priorities

1> Operate units to prevent Capital from being surrounded if enemy forces approach it.

2) Reinforce Existing Units

3) Build New Units

Unlike other nations the Turkish AI will not invest its limited resources into researching new technology except for perhaps 1 chit in Anti-Tank, Anti-Air and/or Industrial Production.

In addition it will never build bombers, battleships, or carriers prefering to concentrate its resources on building armies and corps.

Game Changes to Effect the Above Suggestions

1. AI for Turkey: To control its actions while it is an Active Neutral country.

2. New Status for Country: Active Neutral - an active neutral nation can produce units, move units, attack, issue DOW, and conduct research without being part of the Allied or Axis alliance.

3. New Status for Neutral: Supporting Neutral - a supporting neutral offers transit rights and repair facilties to allied air, naval, and transport units (not land units) and will supply allied units that can trace a supply line to its capital. but is otherwise neutral. An enemy unit in a supporting neutral country can not be attacked without a DOW on the Supporting Neutral country. Allied & Axis units in a supporting neutral country can not attack.

If a Supporting Neutral nation become a Neutral nation then all allied units within that nation are immediately expelled to the nearest sea hex if they are a Naval or transport unit or to the nearest allied city hex if they are an air unit.

Example: A damaged British ship can be repaired at a supporting Neutral's port.

Example: UK Air Fleets can operate to and from a supporting neutral country. UK Air Fleets in a supporting neutral country could not attack enemy transports that are within strike range.

Example: A UK carrier or transport can move through the Straits of Istanbul if Turkey is an Allied Supporting Neutral country. It could not move through the straits if Turkey were Neutral or an Axis Supporting Neutral country.

4. Event Routines and Pop-ups for Decision Tree Events and News Pop-ups.

5. Updated AI for Axis and Allied Powers

[ September 12, 2003, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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TCP Pilot

Many thanks for the feedback.

I made the cost low in terms of MPP because, in my opinion, it does not require a lot of cash to support a coup.

IF material support was provided thru military units; AKA Spanish Civil War, the cost to Germany in terms of MPP should be much higher.

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Very interesting concept -- we've had numerous similar ideas in the past but yours is thought out in greater depth.

I didn't want to add anything for two reasons, (1) my suggestions are already plastered all over the place and (2) I'm eager to see others post their suggestions first and if I think something is missing I can always add it later.

The concept is great, if practical something like this would make the game much more interesting and less predictable.

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Kurt88 and JerseyJohn

Many thanks for your comments and words of support.

I do not know if my ideas are practical, in terms of cost vs benefit as some of my ideas are rather grand (independent AI for Turkey).

I do; however, have hopes that these events may influence the direction of SC2.

[ September 07, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Simpler Version of Events - without decision tree

Rules/Variants: Events On/Off

1.2 Norwegian Simple Events

1.2.1 Norway Alarmed at Invasion of Switzerland

When: 5% if Germany invades Switzerland

Effect: An independent Norway joins the allies.

1.2.2 Norway Alarmed at Invasion of Sweden

When: 5% if Germany invades Sweden

Effect: An independent Norway joins the Allies.

1.2.3 Norway Alarmed at Invasion of Low Countries and Ireland

When: 5% if Allies Attack Low Countries

Allied Pop-up:

London Times: The Norwegian government expressed its deep regreat and shock at news that Great Britain and France invaded neutral Belgium. The Prime Minister of Norway followed this with a warning to the Government of Great Britain that any futher adventuers will force Norway to seek the protection of other countries.

Effect: If the Allies attack Ireland then Norway joins the Axis.

1.2.4 Norway Rejoins Sweden smile.gif

When: 5% if Germany attacked Vichy France or Switzerland and Allies attacked Low Countries and Ireland.

Effect: Swedish borders expand to include Norway.


London Times: The prime ministers of Norway and Sweden signed a mutual defense treaty today in the city of Stockholm.

1.3 Swedish Simple Events

1.3.1 Germany attacks Neutrals

When: 5% if Axis attacks Switzerland, 25% if Axis attacked Switzerland and Norway.

Effect: Sweden mobilizes extra Army and Corps when activated.

1.4 Spain Simple Events

1.4.1 Spain Alarmed by German attack on Vichy France

When: 5% if Germany attacked Vichy France.

Effect: Spain gains extra corps along border with France when activated.

London Times: General Franco is mobilizing the army in response to the Axis attack on Vichy France. Franco vows Spain will remain neutral.
1.5 Turkey Simple Events (only 1, for more see 1st posting)

1.5.1 Turkey Annexes Vichy Syria

When: 5% when France Surrenders

Effect: (80%)Turkey's borders expand to include Vichy Syria (Beirut), (20%) Turkey's border expands to include Vichy Syria and Iraq.

1.6 German Simple Events

1.6.1 German Submarine Units Off Coast of Canada

When: 10% each game

Effect: The two German subs in the North Atlantic begin the game 10 hexes (50%) or 16 hexes (50%) south of their normal starting position.

1.7 Polish Simple Events

1.7.1 Free Polish Air Force

When: 5% when Polish Air Fleet is in UK or France when Poland Surrenders.

Effect: Allies gain Free Polish Air Unit (Aka Fee French).

[ September 14, 2003, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Regarding Turkey and Germany in WW II . . ..

In at least one exchange during the height of the war a Turkish official said to his German counterpart, "We backed the losing side last time and won't risk it again."

Hitler sent weapons to the Turks and tried hard to get them into the Axis around the same time he was working on Spain and Vichy France, with equally poor results in all cases.

By way of background . . ..

After WW I Britain and France wanted Turkey partitioned between themselves and Greece. The United States suppressed the idea, but the two powers encouraged Greece to claim Turkish territory, including the Dardenelles, after Versailles concluded, then stepped back as the Greeks crossed their border and open warfare broke out.

Greece was initially successful, then defeated and pushed back to the starting line with heavy losses and numerous accounts of attrocities on both sides.

Hemingway's short story, "On the Quai at Smyrna," originally a newspaper article describing Greek refugees fleeing from the Turks, is set in that war.

About this time, the early twenties, there was also border fighting between Germany (mainly freekorps) and Poland, which had been deeded to Germany at Brest-Litovsk but made independant at Versailles. Ukrania, another byproduct of that defunct treaty, having gained independance, was being conquered by the Bolsheiviks.

There were also numerous disputes in the Balkans. Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria were bickering over an assortment of territories, the most serious being Transylvania, claimed by both Hungary and Rumania. Animosities ran so high that on the Eastern Front in WW II Rumanian and Hungarian units were never placed beside each other.

One of the prizes Hitler offered Turkey was the Southern Caucasus, which was ceded to them in the 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but afterwards rescinded by Russia after Germany's defeat.

If anyone knows of a good book discussing this period from Turkey's perspective I'd appreciate finding out about it.

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Nice run down on the 1920 history JJ. Side note, Turkey did join the allies in 1945 and recived extensive aid from UK. At the end of the war the USSR made a grab for land in eastern Turkey, but was 'repulsed' when UK backed the Turkish Gov. in its demands that the Sovit Troops leave Turkish soil.

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Iron Ranger

Thx, pleased you enjoyed it.

-- Didn't realize the Soviets actually went that far as to cross the border. Glad you mentioned it, helps explain why the U. S. committed so much to supporting Greece and Turkey even before the Cold War got under way in earnest.

Did Turkey actually do anything in the war? I guess their main value at that point would have been to help out logistically.

[ September 10, 2003, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Did Turkey actually do anything in the war? I guess their main value at that point would have been to help out logistically.

I'm not sure, since Bulgeria switched sides near the end, the only thing I can think of is helping Logistically and moral support. Geographical Turkey is in an imposing location so maybe it helped with air fields (I'm sure this was their main contribution) and convinsing other balkin people that germany was done.
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Sounds right, it's hard to imagine today but up to the Rhine crossings there was still fear that Germany would find a way of dragging the war out indefinitely.

All the uncles I had who fought in Europe believed there were fortresses in the Bavarian mountains where Hitler could have held out another year or two. A lot of U. S. troops wound up in Central Europe as the war came to a close, so Eisenhower must also have believed it.

Another area centered on this region in the Decision Tree Event category could involve the pre-war Balkan League, a loose association where Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey made half-hearted plans for mutual defense.

At one point Poland tried to organize an expanded version along the same lines which would have included Baltic and Scandinavian countries. That idea never got very far because none of the other countries trusted Poland, which they felt was too friendly with Germany!

The variable event here would be all or most of those countries actually signing a solid mutual defense treaty. Would it have helped deter Hitler from moving East? If so, and the game presumably doesn't start in Poland, does it start with a German invasion of the Low Countries?

There's also the Defense Treaty Frannce and Belgium had till 1936; if that's taken to be in effect the Low Countries would start on the Allies -- would French units be in place along the river / Ardennes line?

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