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Hints on how to play as the Allies?


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I am relatively new to SC, and have been playing Axis (vs. the computer) and have experimented with and refined multiple stratagies, scenarios, etc.

In search of new worlds to conquer, I have tried to play as the Allies a few times and have been kicked around Europe like a soccer ball. Unless I play at the "green" level, it's hard for me to do as well as the real French Army did...which is pretty damn depressing! Could some of the vets post a few hints about good Allied strategies?

Hold on in France as long as possible? Declare war on the low countries first and try to invade Germany? Retreat to Britain and invest in jets?

I'd love to know what's worked for y'all. Thanks.

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RE: France - One strategy that works when playing the Allies against the Axis AI is to disband your French warships and purchase (1) French HQ, and (2) Fleets and an occasional Army. Use the British Corps in Egypt to Garrision the Southern French City, and move all available Allied units to France. Move all fleets in the Med to the area around London.

With this strategy you may be able to hold onto France until Russia enters the war at the beginner level and the +1 level. Besure to have a UK army standing by in London to replace the corps in the Belgium capital if it falls.

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Playing Allies against the computer (standard difficulty level) I succesfully tested following strategy:

- holding Poland as long as possible, outmaneurving Germans, cutting their supply by the Poles

- 2nd turn invasion of Low Countries: Germans are initially economically weak and they loose valuable early plunder. GB was able to buy HQ to suppor air force. The invasion was performed by 2 carriers, 3 air fleets including malta, strategic bombers, 3 french armies, 1 british corps which landed in capital

- holding line and using air force to occassionaly eliminate some german units succeded in dramatic lowering of german offensive power

- landing in southern italy into unprotected city

- buying hq by the french

- finally after one year of stalemate final counteroffensive

- ussr joins which means the end of the game

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Don't engage the Germans in France. Use a delaying action. Use the French Fleet for scrap metal besides those turning Free... Scrap the French fighter<after first couple intercepts>...<as it will be obsolete soon> Build tons of corps. Move all British Air to London area to intercept German fighters, move all UK Carriers as well to intercept. Along with French Corps you'll hold off as long as you could with a French HQ. I have had a guy build 2 French HQs and it didn't help much. Only if the German really messes around with France does it really make a difference and has little or no Air.

Retreat your PAF to the furthest NorthWestern Hex in Poland. Push your polish corps into mountains as far away from German mainline troops as possible<crisscross over supply hexes weakened their readiness>. If you get 4-5 turns out of them feel happy...

Use Dutch gambit if he wastes all his time in Poland...

Also alternative approach, kill the German fleet with the French fleet...

It really helps the Allies out later in the War

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Yesterday I was beaten in tcp/ip game (i am not very experienced played) by france and uk invading Low Countries. Low Countries were impossible to take and soon I saw French HQ and tanks and new British armies landed. and hard times came for my armies. So Allied can also achieve early victory.

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As Axis I've always killed the AI when it tries to invade Holland. I'll have to try it with the Allies as the 'good guys' to see how it works.

I actually won a game yesterday by delaying in Poland, delaying in France, operating/transporting out the entire French army, fleet and (small) air force. When they were on British soil, they stayed around after France fell. The air force was worthless, but the other stuff came in handy.

I got lucky when the computer decided to attack THROUGH the Maginot Line; so I had many turns for the British to invest in IT, jets, build units, etc. And by that time Russia woke up.

Is it normal for the AI to bash against the Maginot line? If so, someone needs to program in the German Staff College patch. No one in their right mind would have tried that in reality.

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It is very normal for the AI to hit the Maginot line. Because of this, force yourself to defend father back and give up at least the top spot, possibly the top 2 spots in the Maginot line to make the game more competitive.

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I only attack the Maginot when it's weak. Otherwise I think it's pretty suicidal. I usually do it opportunisticly. I'm getting good at one thing in this game at least and that's getting rid of France<most of the time> My first 5 games I never got past the Dutch Gambit.

Don't let the French and Brits have it ;) If you know what I mean

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