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SC2 and Simultaneous Movement


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Apologies in advance if there is another thread on this.

Has there been any discussion of an SC type game that has the simultaneous movement that plays out such as in the Combat Mission series? I visualize this style of combat incorporated with the stacking of units and the simultaneous occupation of sea hexes by opposing forces.

Surface and U-boat fleets would fight upon occupying the same hex.

It might be provide more command and control surprises with units attempting to manuever.

Just a thought.

Ok... enough from the peanut gallery.


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Now that truely does sound like a neat inspired notion actually.

I recently played the Risk 2 game, and it had a style mode that was simultaneous. Made all the difference eh. Took the game from ho hum to actually a nice challenge.

I am not sure how hard it would be to develope such a thing, but I am sure it is do able.

It would only require I think a new combat formula. Right now we have "attack" and "move then attack".

This new notion would require a formula where both moved and attacked if the hex was contested.

A player would need to give a destination hex, and then a command to proceed. And the unit would then attampt the move, and if impeded, would generate the new movement to combat formula.

All things considered, I think it would be a neat new twist. I personally would love something like this.

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i wrote asking about this in another thread - grat minds think alike or idiots flock together? smile.gif

"at the moment SC is played on a turn based basis, like chess, which is fine for board games but on a computer it should be a little bit more advanced, ie, players issue their orders and the moves for a turn are carried out simaltaneously for that 'turn'. for the sake of argument i am thinking 1 turn would represent 1 week real time, weather would have effects (4 climate zones based on the current map) and units are of the same type as they currently exist in SC.

this would mean players issue their orders and once both (or more if the multiplayer option allows) have completed the turn unfolds. certain modes could be introduced to the units to allow for more 'realism' (my favourite word)"

sorry about reposting it - i don't know how to do a link (doh!)

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Surface and U-boat fleets would fight upon occupying the same hex.

And let us not forget that the opposing naval forces should have to pass a disclosure test based upon proximity, tech levels, weather conditions, and number of adjacent/in range other forces as well as the their own values before actual combat initiates (there is a chance at this scale for them to miss each other in the same hex). See we don't really need a larger Atlantic.

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I prefer the I-GO... U-GO... probably because 90% of the games I have played up to this late date in my life were... boardgames.

Besides, it is VERY tedious to give orders to all your troops (...icons) and then get to the last one and realize OOPS! I don't really want to take that objective yet, it's better to do it NEXT turn, and now,

Of course, you've got to go back and CHANGE half the units that already have marching orders... to suit your suddenly new priorities.

Trouble is, NOW you gotta examine the orders given originally so you won't give the WRONG troops the NEW orders which supersede the first impulse you had about just WHAT you wanted to do in the first place.

Not only that but with "simultaneous clashes" you would need to implement "phases" to accomodate the Blitz move which follows "rip open the hole in the front-lines" move.

I think this is another, and different game altogether.

SC1 has a sturdy and expandable platform... all we need is the small and consequent improvements and SC2 will be... fantastic!

As an I-GO... U-GO... "almost board-game" without the intricate setting-up and that supply calculating bother. :cool:

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This was a hot issue in Thread from a long while back and in the end it fizzled with the comments about how it would make for a less playable game and the SC playability idea would lose it's charm or something.

I'm all for laying out the plans and having a simultaneous movement phase that attempts to execute everything.

The DOS game HiCom attempted to have such a system but that's the very example usually used as the epitome of micromanaged unplayability. On the other hand, I've always liked it -- the system just needed to be tweaked a little, which it never was. And updated for windows, of course, which it also never was.

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Originally posted by J P Wagner:

Just as long the game does not go down the RTS/ HOI path.....

Agreed. Either stay turn based or move to WEGO, but never pausable real time (looks for throwing-up-smilie-and-fails). I'm greatly in favour of WEGO, but then again I won't play Combat Mission because it doesn't have a proper campaign :D .
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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

This was a hot issue in a thread from a long while back and in the end it fizzled with the comments about how it would make for a less playable game and the SC playability idea would lose it's charm or something....

Ok. Thanks for all your input, guys. I guess SC would no longer have a board game style with simultaneous movement, but I thought it would be nice way to go for something different. Maybe some day...


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