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Kuniworth to possibly meet Sven Hassel


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I've emailed his publishing-company to see if a meeting can be arranged. They promised to see what they could- If that is the case I will travel ASAP to Barcelona in order to meet him and talk about his experiences.

For you who don't know about this famous danish author I can give ya a brief history.

Sven Hassel was born in Denmark in 1917 and joined the wehrmacht in 1937 just to get a job. He served during the invasion of Poland and then deserted and spent the rest of the war in penal-brigades performing suicide-missions. Hassel fought on every front except north africa. Stalingrad, Kharkov, Finland, Ardennes etc etc. He was capured in tiergarten, Berlin in may 1945.

So far he has sold 52 million copies of his 14 books describing his experiences. Today he is 86 years old and lives a quiet live in Barcelona.

wish me luck.

Oh this is related to SC because it´s ww2 stuff. Possible he can give me some hints on how to design SC 2 ;)

[ September 28, 2003, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that this forum is intended for all ages...I recommend that the link that is supplied above be removed...if you think I am out of line, then you have some serious problems....Furthermore I doubt Battlefront will appreciate such links on their site....the blatant stupidity (and the endorsement of it JJ) is truly amazing!

[ September 28, 2003, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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JP Wagner

What I read of it only says she wrote some pornography and appeared in films. There was no actual pornography represented.

Joking around about something is not endorsing it.

Why so stiff necked? The youngest I've known here was fourteen and I'm sure they know the word pornography; it isn't going to kill anybody.

Also, what he linked was not blatant stupidity, it may possibly have been in poor taste, but that's another matter.

If we have to suddenly conform to some prudish standards apparently set by you, then you don't need to worry about me endorsing anything distasteful, I'll just stop posting.

We don't need inquisitors, that's the thing that would be blatant stupidity! :mad:

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JJ...you endorse 14 year olds looking at pornographic images?....did you see the site in question?...obviously Battlefront saw the need to remove the link as well, so your futile attempt at justification is really pathetic...be a man for goodness sake and realize and admit the mistake....how do you know someone even younger may not have checked the site out?...while obviously such sites can be found, a forum promoting strategic war games should not be one of them...to argue this is really foolish of you...

[ September 28, 2003, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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I hit the link and read the first couple of paragraphs, saw no images, didn't go much further because the truth is I'm not interested in pornography.

Coming back from it I chose to make that joke.

As for being a man, that's a ridiculous statement. Getting as beligerant about this, the way you've become is also ridiculous and uncalled for.

There are ways of saying things and ways not to say things. And you chose the worst possible way to say it. You're the one owing apologies.

Where do you get off insinuating I feel children sould look at pornography? What a twisting of words and deliberate distortion. What I was getting at is a kid on the net who wants to find it will find it; we don't need to be concerned about that.


Thanks for the support, you've summed up the situation perfectly, I didn't see any images and had no reason to believe they'd be in there further on. I stopped reading because the link itself wasn't overly interesting.

[ September 28, 2003, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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JP Wagner

And I appologize for over reacting.

From now on I'll need to read all the way through these boring links before commenting on them. ;)

Anyway, it's good that you caught the image part and are watching out for these things. Despite my liberal tendancies, things like this, once started, can go too far.

[ September 28, 2003, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Comrade I don't know about you, but there are tears in my own eyes! :D

There's a great scene in Richard the Third where four or five people are in a room apologizing to each other and Shakespeare really turns it into a riot. The reader/audience knows they're all plotting against each other for the crown and Richard, the great peacemaker, has each of them on his list.

The great thing about our SC flare-up and apology incidents is they're fairly frequent but never last, which is a healthy sign.

[ September 28, 2003, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Likewise JP Wagner--

And I agree about all the crap on the webb; in my image searches I'll list a geographical name and come up with more pornographic images than photos having anything to do with the event that took place there.


You're right about these Euros, they're always out there waiting to cause trouble somehow, especially if they think it will cause dissention among Americans. :D

[ September 28, 2003, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Although I adored Hassel and red most of his book few yrs ago - from this distance it seems to me like there were many "invented" adventures, or the ones he has heard from others...

For example - I cant remember which book exactly it was - the part where he and his comrades are flying away (from the Russians) riding bulls!?

Dont misinterprete me but the fact is that many such writers often use their imagination a little bit more...So thatswhy we enjoy in such books so much.

We can find such approach in some realism WW1 and 2 writers (Remarque,etc..)

Anyway I wish Kuni all the luck to meet Hassel. But what the hell would U2 talk about?

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I read all of Hassel's books several times over when I was in my teens. I really enjoyed them at the time. Some of the stories in them about drinking and eating in enormous quantities are very funny. From what I remember of them it's pretty clear that the first novel (The Legion of the Damned?) is the "true" version of Hassel's wartime experiences whilst the other novels become increasingly picaresque and fantastic.

There is some debate as regards Hassel's validity. Various theories exist as to his real background, one of them being that he was a diehard SS volunteer who after the war recanted his beliefs and set about documenting his experiences from the point of view of the recluctant conscript. Another is that he saw he no action during the war at all and has gleaned his experiences from others.

Whatever the truth of the matter he is something of a mysterious character. There are only a few photos of him in the public domain. A Danish journalist, whose name escapes me, set out to debunk his claimed wartime exploits and also alleged Hassel's wife was a porn model (well into her middle age) and she was a prostitue or brothel keeper of some description. This (if true) shouldn'nt be so surprising to those who have read his books as they contain many vignettes of the seedy demi-world in which combat soldiers exist when not at the frontline.

More information on Hassel and the various rumours and theories that surround him can be found at:


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Oops. Like Jersey John, I hadn't followed the links from the page I came across that accused Hassel's wife of impropriety. When I did I was shocked and stunned and not a little amazed... :( Sorry about any offence caused.

I've not had a single e-mail asking for the link yet. It's hardly surprising, as the most cursory of searches on Google brings this one up. You'll find a slightly less obsessive and offensive assessment of Mr Hassel than Erik Haaest's here.

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Sven Hassel's books were hugely popular in Europe in the 1970s. For some reason they still go down a storm in Finland. Perhaps they didn't have the same impact in the United States.

And didn't you mean Seve Ballesteros? smile.gif

[ September 29, 2003, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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