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Terrific Terif receives medal, salute, & statue from Rambo-Hollywood; I bow down


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Somebody contact the History Channel because what Terif is accomplishing needs to be remembered. "Terrific" Terif is Strategic Command. How many wins? No losses! He crushes the Americans, Euros, Irish, Scots, Brits, Swedes, Aussies......whoever clicks "JOIN" or "HOST" w/ Terific has been head-cracked.

I'm willing to chip $20 to a fund (PayPal/Credit Card) to buy this guy a framed poster or trophy. Matter of fact, I'm toasting a SilverBullet to him now. (That's Coor's Light Brew for the underaged & Euros.)

Better yet, anybody want to organize the 1st Annual International SC Convention? Of course, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, would be the place to crown Terif.


Awesome! Terrific Terif receives the Venetian Award from Rambo-Hollywood-Vegas!

[ June 14, 2003, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Terif understands the full complexities of the entire game till the end. The patience of a Tiger hunting it's prey and a savey of a humanbeing awaiting it's bounty scavenging the plains. Truly admirable, but no doubt human. I invite him to join me in a game of A&A ;)

See if he can win there as easily

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Hey Liam, I've got the board game versions of Axis & Allies. The original & Pacific. The strategies are very basic, but a very entertaining game. I got burned out of the Original long time ago. I would play the Pacific one.

Do you have the PC-game? Which version? Can you play over the internet? I bought a version of it 4-years ago & it sucked. Returned it.

There's got to be some good hex-based strategy games available on PC that we're not aware of.


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