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Nobody knows the trouble I see!


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here are some of the things I have seen while playing the game.

I have seen two german air kill the unit in sweeden capital, guy moves unit in on first turn, end of sweeden.

I have seen a 14 Itialan fleet factor kill 0ne 9 factor fleet next to USA.(one hit, next turn took out anouther) I did not get a look at his expierance but am sure it was maxed out! (how, who knows?)

the guy tells me he is geting 380 mmps per turn I always see over 600 in his stock pile?

not to mention the Itialans had 14 corps and two HQ and five armies on bord that I could see. sept of 42.

As the allies you think that the only thing france can do is take out as many armies or armor units as possible. so No matter what I take away from germany he comes back with more! more! more!!! does not even faze him.

If I kill two armor, germany come back with five in Russia. If I kill two armor and two armies germany comes back with Five armor and eaght armies.

along with the usual 7-8 air fleets!

I have seen a 11 factor corp take five hits of jet level two and one ground unit and sustain no damage.

That would not be the first time I have seen this.

I would like to know were is the dice in this game? what is the random factor, I know there is a dice being rolled but when and were?

I have played this game for months and have never encountered things such as this. granted, my games don't last much longer than 42.

so if this becomes a new game in the later stages of the game fine.

I have seen six amries and countless corps with four medals on exp. in 42, and thay (Those armies) never even went up in russia!

things to watch out for while playing SC,

playing people who disconct more than twice in a sitting. people who insist on you playing on there ip# people who can not lose.

I was in a tournament and I was informed that one would have to concede, why should anyone have to do that?

oh well. I am tired, got to go!

good Day.

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Originally posted by waltero:

I have seen a 14 Itialan fleet factor kill 0ne 9 factor fleet next to USA.(one hit, next turn took out anouther) I did not get a look at his expierance but am sure it was maxed out! (how, who knows?)

This can happen. Playing the AI, I've seen full strength level 5 Italian fleets with a bit of experience instantly destroy level 1 American fleets at strength 10 as they lay at anchor. I have to admit that it's quite surprising when it happens. smile.gif
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Hi Waltero,

Sorry if you've seen some weird stuff in your games. I don't think I would have been "crafty" enough to pull it off in the game we are (were)

supposed to play in the tournament.

I posted my preferred times, email address, etc.

Unfortunately, I never heard from you.

We did play once for about a hour or two, you as Axis, me as Allies. It was going pretty well, but then you advised me that you had a prior commitment with another player. We were going to continue it, but again, I never heard back from you.

I guess these are some of the troubles I see.

I don't mean it to be harsh, I just miss having the opportunity.


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Waltero --- Relax dude, I'm not cheating. If I was going to cheat I wouldn't take 18-hours to do it. The Italian Battleship did head-crack that American piece of crap. It was in the Atlantic so assume the USA had good supply. Remember, that Italian Ship spent 2-years banging on Malta for experience, it was 4-starish. I understand the Russian front sucks; the Russians can't fight worth a damn. I had a pack of 14-Jets & they're worthless against the experience Germans.

Far as my connection going bad, you're not the only one who says "it's strange". I pay $15 (US dollars)/month for dial-up. What the hell (heaven)? You play for 18-hours & you expect computer equipment to work perfectly? My SC-game crashes too. Maybe it's my e-machines $200, 5-year old computer. I did buy a new hard 30-gig drive. The sound goes bad all the time. Another reason my computer may crash is I do other things online while the slowpokes make their turn. Now, I take my sweet time like everybody else. Maybe a shot clock like chess.

I'll tell you what's weird. Who is it that says they don't have e-mail? How about these European guys who never host? My guess they're in one of their Socialist Computer Labs playing SC.

For everybody out there crying about the bad connnections, you can kiss my ass. How do you know it's my computer?

If you don't believe, I don't care. Keep on accusing Rambo.

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Rambo, Rambo, Rambo...

Winning friends and influencing people again...

Not counting PBEM (which was comparatively horribly boring but cool at the time), I've played you what, about five times? Started the games at least, until you declared you won.

I never said you cheated, but others have. Our last game seemed suspect, but in retrospect, I think you were just doing some very cool moves And with a lot of luck. Sweden, one turn, simultaneous with Greece, one turn, followed by Egypt, one turn.

In your tips, you suggest taking notes of ships locations and all that. As you know, I don't bother.

Our games were far closer than you like to admit. And you never beat me (well, I did have to concede that once). You always wanted to start a new game. Go head cracking.

In conclusion, I don't think you cheat, I just don't think you can beat me. Not in a mirror match. Now is not the time, though, vacation is over.

But you sure talk alot.

Be well.

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Brian --- Yeah, jump on the Band-Wagon. I'm a leader, you're a follower. You're always playing the "both sides of the fence card". That's why I live up to my name: Rambo.

That's what my name is. And your name is "You're wanting".

"You're either with us, or against us" -George W. Bush, President of the United States of America.

Sporto, you're a B-ladder player. Have a nice day tough-guy, & smile.

Rambo, an A-ladder player

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