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Win at expert +2? How?

John DiFool

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I consider myself a fairly competent gamer. I

have now seen several posts claiming that they

have won total victory (as Axis) by the end of

the game, with the difficulty settings maxed out.

I am curious how you accomplished this, because

in my experience with several such games, it is

darned near close to impossible. In my last

effort I toyed with the 39 campaign and shuffled

all German troops into the French theatre (to take

out the Frogs before they got too strong and then

kill the Poles).

Despite the huge advantage in extra resources this

gave me, and the extra time it afforded me to

build up a huge army to take out Russia (Poland

fell in March '40 and Italy naturally enough

joined me after France fell giving him a head

start, plus I was able to take Scandinavia), and

DESPITE lucking out into getting level 5

Industrial Tech (plus a few other goodies), by

the start of '42 my sitrep was as follows:

1. My Russian Front was crumbling, and I was

losing Tanks and Infantry Armies left and right.

Any such unit sitting on the front lines without

AT LEAST a strength of 8 almost inevitably bit the

dust. The Russkie had so many planes I could

never get the Luftwaffe (6 air groups) healed up

enough to aid my armies in the field (too much

time spent intercepting raids-I lose 3-5 points

on my air groups per raid he loses 1-3). I

managed to make it to the Minsk/Kiev line before

the hordes threw me back.

2. The Allies just landed in January of '42,

absolutely plastering my army in Brest with a

combination of air fleets and ships (my subs

managed to sink one before dying-alas). The

Brits now have FIVE air fleets in Britain (ok

one of them is the Malta one), plus the bomber,

Free French one, and a US fighter, and any unit

within range gets blown to bits. I am hesitant

to transfer any air fleets over there because

they will inevitably suffer the same fate. I

guess I should have stuck a bunch of my 63 cost

corps over there to deter the invasion-maybe...

3. Only the Italians are doing well, but now I

will have to transfer the army group I was using

to take Alexandria and shift it over to France,

and pray they survive longer than 2 turns.

So I am curious how you win against such

odds. It seems to me that (even with Industrial

Tech maxed out) you end up in an ever-worsening

spiral of attrition, with all those enemy units

of Elite experience just chewing those rookies

which you futilely throw into the line to bits.

Combine that with an invasion by the West which

by all logical criteria they SHOULDN'T have been

able to make by such an early date, and a promis-

ing situation turned hopeless. I guess my only

hope was using the Brest sub exploit to sink all

those transports-too late now I guess-absent such

'gamey' tactics I frankly don't see how you it is

possible. :(

John DiFool

[ August 14, 2002, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: John DiFool ]

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i am begining to think we got 2 different games or we got either lots of liers ;) (not likely) or a lot of really lucky people. people who are beating the world on this difficulty have to be doing something very odd or very different or very lucky or i am just very unlucky since on defult it took me till late 43 to beat russia admitedly my research wasnt very lucky but still.

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I haven't beaten it on Expert +2 either. Right now I'm trying Expert +1. The sub war went well for awhile, I killed the two carriers off plus some other ships. . I also killed a lot of the transports coming across before the U.S took out the subs. England and the U.S. just invaded France and they have a lot of strong air. Just received Jet +3 so I might be able to move a air unit back into France without having it wiped. I also have the Italians sending in two tanks and two armies to aid in beating them back.

On the Eastern Front I've taken Riga, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa and the southern mines. I have had a huge pocket battle going on around Minsk and I'm trying to slowly grind them down.

Hanging on by my fingernails, great game.

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I had a very tough time the first +1 game I played. Got beat up quite nicely. Because of this I did a little math using the combat formula’s provided in the users manual. Mind you math is not my strong suit smile.gif so I may be off. If an army attacks an army with both at equal readiness (I used 87% for smiles) and experience (with no bonus for entrenchment or terrain) the attacker will take 1.74 points damage and the defender will take 3.48 (there is a random aspect – looks to be roughly + or – 1 point based on some simple tests). If the attacker has an experience level of 1 then this changes to 1.3 points for the attacker and 3.91 points for the defender. This is 25% less damage to the attacker and 12% more damage to the defender. If the experience level rises to 2 for the attacker then the losses become 0.87 for the attacker and 4.35 for the defender or 50% less for the attacker and 25% greater for the defender. If you factor in the increase in experience from winning battles the differential gets even greater. So to make a long story short you have to make sure that you are getting lot’s of bonuses (entrenchment, HQ, terrain) in order to win. (And I finally won playing the Allies at +1 late last night – still haven’t tried at +2).

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I've posted a few threads on this thema!

It's very challenging to win the +2 game...

I won the +1 game on my first try, but +2 was a lot more difficult.

I've picked up advice from ppl and I'm starting to get the receipt right!

Poland, Denmark & France by early summer 40. Then Norway, Sweden, Spain, Yugo by summer 41.

If I garrison the Russian border properly, they doesn't declare war on me until september 41.

Buying 5 research points and putting them on subs, jets, tanks, AT & production should give you a very strong hand!

With 13-15 str subs, you buy 5-6 of them and join them up with the Italian fleet.

As the Allies try to invade you sometime in 42, you're ready and sink everything you come accross!

This worked fine the last time I tried, turned my 100% attention on Russia in 44-45. When the game ended in 46 I was unstoppable in my move towards the Urals.

Won a +168 points victory without invading England or getting Russia to surrender...

Hope this will be helpfull smile.gif

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they key is to be ready for russia

you have to fight every battle up until barbarossa with two things in mind, first to not lose even a single unit and then to make sure all your units accrue max experience

i take poland, benelux, france, denmark, norway, sweden - by then yugos are mine courtesy of the revolt and my minors are activated

the swedish force transports to danzig and is ready to invade russia - after fighting in 3 campaigns all those units are at 3+ exp

i buy nothing but research until maxed for both axis - i max out industrial, then crank out cheap airplanes, then research jets and build ground units, after which i switch research to anti-tank

i fight russia normally, for the challenge of it, but if you want to be gamey about it drive a huge force to moscow and surround it, but don't take it - russia will be unable to build new units or reinforce - you can then take the rest of the country easy

as for the allies, i don't contest any landing due to their airpower - i let them land and get into a battle of attrition in france - it works out well because the americans are low tech with their 10's and the wermacht is at 13 or 14 by that time

the west front doesnt matter unless they break into germany - if russia falls you will have overwhelming forces coming back to the ruhr and kick the allies ass, so just concentrate on russia

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i fight russia normally, for the challenge of it, but if you want to be gamey about it drive a huge force to moscow and surround it, but don't take it - russia will be unable to build new units or reinforce - you can then take the rest of the country easy

Hadn't thought of, or tried that, but I see how it would work. Yikes!

Hubert, any chance of patching the Russian production supply line? Would it be possible to give them three capitols for the purposes of production? This would prevent PBEM games from devolving into the gamey tactic cited here, and would also allow for split fronts (fighting for the Urals and the Caucasus). I realize this isn't as simple as adding a few units for the Black Sea Fleet, but it would do a lot more for the Russian player.


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