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Any Unusual Winning Allied Strategies?

Edwin P.

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Does anyone have any unusual strategies for winning as the Allied forces? These strategies can serve as a source of ideas for players and future AI development.


Usually I take Ireland and then sometimes I aim to take Iraq to free up a supply line for operating air units to Russia. Then to divert German units from Russia I will try to take Greece and then threaten to move north into Bulgaria/Romania.

At other times I will aim to liberate the Nordic Countries.

Twice I have destroyed the Baltic Sea navy when Axis airpower was focused on France and then safely ran 2 carriers and 2 army transports through the Denmark straits to the northern Baltic (Leningrad/Stockholm area). In one case the Germans attacked Sweden and then I landed my two UK armies in a surprise attack. When they moved in air fleets to reinforce their attack I evacuated Sweden saving 2 UK Armies for a flanking attack on Finland (one behind the Fin Army unit on the border). In another case the carriers were able to aid the Russian defense and conquest of Finland.

In attacking France I will frequently take Brest and then when Axis reinforcements appear I withdraw my units to waiting transports. The goal being to to divert German forces from the Eastern front.

[ May 01, 2003, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I've also tried the invade and withdraw route, doing it at Brest and in the Mediteranean to give the USSR some relief before launching the main effort in Norway followed later by France. It worked pretty well. I don't know if it would have worked a second time as that game's opponent from a few months ago (pbem) seems to have become permanently annoyed.

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I know this is a Axis strategie, but it is definitely unusual.

I was playing against CVM and he did what he always did, withdraw all French units from France to England (with an exception of the armies gurading the Maginot Line) making an invasion of France a piece of cake.

Now this was back in my newbie days when I thought I was better off not invading any neutral countries at all unless I had to. So I looked a the big picture, the only way into France at the time (without invading the Low Countries) was through the Maginot Line which I considered to be suicide.

So I decided to wait until Italy entered the war and invade through southern France and caputre Paris without any problems (of course things didn't work out that way). Italy finally did enter and half the German Army began to invade through southern France while the other half stayed up north in case the French abandoned the Maginot Line. I quckly occupied southern France but half way to Paris I began to run out of supplies (even though my units were supported by my HQ). To make matters worse, CVM had enough time to build corps to place around Paris.

Finally in August 1940, after most of my undersupplied armies and airfleets were worn down to 50%, Paris finally fell.

Lets just say I never went out of my way to spare the Low Countries again.

Comrade Trapp

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Well, I've done strategies hitting the Underbelly, I took a force of 3armys 1 tank and 1 HQ all Free French, before that I invaded Vichy got Algiers and Syria, then those forces took Iraq, then went to Italy, took Rome after a while, and then took a British force of like 2 armys 2 corps, took Athens and advanced up Greece, then Canadians captured Bergin and an American force took Oslo, then those forces hit France, with some British, lots of air. Churchill would be happy!

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In my most recent game I landed a british force on the german baltic coast at the same time as landing around brest and counter attacking in russia.

Combined with a strong push from the russian units i managed to cut off and surround at leats 6 corps and 4 armies and to top it off 3HQs were also caught up in the chaos smile.gif

I found it pretty successfull, you will need to move up some ships to take out the german fleet and also Norway and sweden need to be captured.

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