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Historical play?


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I've been around awhile but dont think I have read here that anyone has tried a game verses another human with the historical restrictions on the Axis. That is to say that the Axis cannot attack any countries that they did not attack historically. So the following would be out. Sweden, Spain, Port, Iraq, Turkey. The same would be true for the Allies. No attacking Ireland or Finland (until Finland has joined Axis).

Do you think it would be an even bid?

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I prefer to limit house rules as much as I can and it is easy to have a more historical game by correcting the scenario... Thats what I am trying to do with my 3H scenario...

SC gives us a good tool for battle simulations so we just have to tune the scenario to be more historic and I migth give some nice new challenges...

In genereral it is better to have incitative rules for historical behaviors than written in stone home rules , I think...


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I've designed and playtested a "historically reponsible" scenario that incorporates those Axis restrictions. Played it against five other players.

The problem is that with the Axis income limited, the Russian economy makes it almost impossible for Germany to take Russia out.

I've got other things in the scenario as well, such as unit limitations and variable experience ratings.

Even so, with the Russian economy being so much higher than it historically was, competent Russian play doesn't give Germany much chance.

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