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AAR: Scenario 1939 JJ Expanded Fall Weiss; Part 2 (no pics)


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nov 12, 1939


we know that we can supply our fine troops. we MUST supply them if we wish to send that she-dog called hitler back to purgatory!(45 seconds of applause)...families of britain....we must have your help!


british admiral huskerdoo has called off the special french/uk joint sweeps of the atlantic. finding nothing, he says:"there ain't no nazi subs"


monsignor ketch arrives in palermo (with his family) and immediately gets to work on a peace proposal. the duces arrival for the momentous meeting is due on november 19th.

also in SPAIN

battled-hardened mountain troops are currently being rotated for R&R. all of the cities and villages in southern france are being enjoyed by the restful visitors.


french intelligence(yes thats right--french intelligence) has been monitoring the "fox" network in hopes of trying to discern war plans and troop movements. french leaders are told that the likeliest spot for blatant nazi agression is denmark. intelligence suggests that the low countries will not be bothered until italy decides her fate. 100's of special french advisors are being prepared for use in neutral countries.

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JJ and disorder

Although the pictures added a nice touch, it was really getting sloooooooooooow when one would load the thread for viewing.

I have taken an informal survey and it has been determined that if you two do not continue this AAR to the finish that you will be awarded the:

Wussies of the Year


I am only awaiting final confirmation from our man in Hollywood.

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mr. boggs

aar continues as i posted....and the last thing i want to do is crash the program called battlefront.com. to think that there would be hundreds(or possibly thousands) of people who would have to turn from their monitors to other terrible and hideous things! :D its a scary thought!

by the by...when you take an informal survey, who exactly do you survey. inquiring minds want to know.

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Originally posted by disorder:

mr. boggs

aar continues as i posted....and the last thing i want to do is crash the program called battlefront.com. to think that there would be hundreds(or possibly thousands) of people who would have to turn from their monitors to other terrible and hideous things! :D its a scary thought!

The last time the BFC server went down, the national crime rate went up 27%. I have heard that BFC receives a grant from the Government to stay online 24/7 to keep certain individuals off the streets. ;)

by the by...when you take an informal survey, who exactly do you survey. inquiring minds want to know.

Now laddie, I cannot give up the names of the individuals who participated in the survey as without confidentiality, their honesty could not be assured. But I can inform you that there was 100% agreement.

You seem to have the right stuff as it were, but the good Jersey John has been known to be.....well....tempermental at times.

I'm afraid it's the artist side of him.

So then...carry on lads, it has been quite enjoyable reading up to now.

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< Left Click Here For Link to Part One of This Thread >


Sorry for overloading. disorder said earlier in an e-mail that we might have been putting too many pictures in but I mistakenly thought it was size more than the number. I hope using the URL mode is okay, if not we'll run it without pictures.


Glad you enjoyed the first part; saying it's become stupid, for whatever reason, isn't necessary and saying it at all is, well, in itself kind of stupid. We can all start insulting each other but that gets nowhere.

If you don't like something it's better to not post a remark than to get negative about things. Uncalled for. If you enjoyed the good part then keep your remarks to yourself during the not so good part. That's called courtesy. You'd like the same consideration when you post and as far as I can see you've always received it.

disorder Posting photos under a <URL> click ought to be okay, I don't think that uses anything more than a regular posting and anyone who wants to view the photo can just left click on the [Title].

The way to do it is (1) copy the photo path, (2) click the URL tab, (3) delete the heading that's already in place and paste the path on that line. (4) hit return and delete what's already written on the line so you can fill in the title you'd like to describe the photo with.

Will post an entry using URLs a little later during a break.

Meanwhile, looking forward to getting back on track with this thing: keep the ideas flowing and screw any unkind remarks, that's worthless stuff by self-made critics. You've already made some great entries and the best ones will come later. smile.gif

Jim Boggs my other self. smile.gif

Thanks for the encouragement. I don't think I've been temperamental in the past 1,000 or 1,500 postings. Since the lobotomy I've really been pretty mellow. ;)

[ June 18, 2003, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

No need to be sorry, I do get temperamental even with the lobotomy! ;)

I coulda swore you told the guy to put "the bottle in front of me", but you know how these language issues lead to all kinds of misunderstandings. :D
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< Left Click Here for Link to Part One of this Thread >


"Must be some kind of a record. :cool: "

It just sort of -- happened!

I place the blame on Marlene Dietrich and John Travolta, that old show-biz ego filled the place in a hurry. This time I'm sticking with military figures hidden beneath URLs. smile.gif

[ June 18, 2003, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Yes, that's exactly what I said and next thing I knew I was out cold and couldn't remember anything before my 23rd birthday, which is just as well. And the empty space is a handy spot for keeping smaller items, like sun glasses.

Back to work -- will return later to do battle with the dastardly disorder and his minions from Hell!

[ June 18, 2003, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Guys, keep this idea up. Maybe you could just do it like the one that got locked up and make different threads for different parts of the AAR.

"Like I dig this Hitler guy, he's sort of Nutsy! My greatest creation since Jazz."

Hilarious. smile.gif

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When I say it's getting stupid, I mean it is! FOX radio broadcasting!? German General John Travolta!? Missionary Salomar ketch!? A Saudi Arabian (Bin Laden) ruling Iraq!? Bill Clinton in a German uniform!? :confused: :confused: :confused:

And you started out so well. Everything up to the fall of Poland was good. It was serious, fun to read, the pictures were RELEVANT to the war, and all of it may have happened. But now it's just a silly joke.

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jerseyjohn said --

"It's a disgrace, Mein Fuhrer, the man is dancing -- and what kind of uniform is that?"

"You're too stuffy, Keitel, the troops love him."

"Mein Fuhrer, please, let me have him shot -- I'll do it quietly."

"Give him time, Himmler, you'll come to like the man. Perhaps he can even teach your storm troopers how to dance and loosen up a bit and be more likable."

tcpilot-- sorry you dont like the scenario so far. and it is a bit silly. you ever see the movie footloose? lighten up a bit man...take those shoes off and....uh oh :eek: i feel a dance routine coming on!
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< Left Click Here for Link to Part One of this Thread >

TC Pilot

Okay, so it's turned into a silly joke, so what? It's our silly joke and if you don't like it nobody's forcing you to read it. But we really don't appreciate anyone popping in and saying it's stupid. Big Deal, Airplane was stupid and a lot of other things that people happen to like also tend to be silly and stupid. We don't need critics! If you don't like what you see move on to something else quietly and without creating hard feelings.

The opening was totally different and when we get into real battles I'm sure it will go back to that sort of Thread.

Where it went after that is where it went -- if you want something straight you ought to create it yourself. I guarantee if I don't like it I won't post remarks about how you've taken a wrong turn and it's gotten stupid -- I'll either leave you to enjoy it or say I like it.

As a great man once said, "If you can't say anything positive it's better to say nothing at all."

Jergen & Kuniworth

Thanks for moving it along -- will make a continuation posting soon; meanwhile I'm glad we've got that Footloose Dancer watching the place while everyone's asleep. General Travolta, Fieldmarshal DiCaprio -- considering Italy's less than impressive record in the real war it's ironic to see all these Italian Generals popping up in more Northerly Locations! smile.gif

[ June 18, 2003, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The Danish Campaign of 1939

26th November,

In response to Aggressive Acts by Danish Army Units, the Government of Germany Hereby Declares War on Denmark.

Coppenhagen Garrison bombed by Luftflotte I,

Coppenhagen Garrison shelled by newly outfitted BB Tirpitz,

Coppenhagen Garrison shelled by the Armored Cruiser Squadron,

Coppenhagen Garrison shelled by the BC Gneisenau,

Coppenhagen Garrison (30%) attacked by the newly activated 3rd Panzer Group and DESTROYED.

Coppenhagen City Occupied by 1st Panzer Group.

30th November 1939, 0001 hrs, Denmark Surrenders.

< left click here for PHOTO of Wilhelm SicHeilly, Objective Journalist for Voxx Radio, Berlin >

"Wilhelm SigHeilly here for another installment of the SigHeilly Factor here at Voxx News.

"Well, just when I thought it was safe to sleep at night we find renegade Danes crossing the border causing trouble. Now, I want everyone to know this was not the work of old King Christian, this was some sort of cabal of high ranking officers throwing in with those damn British and French Imperialists.

"As a matter of fact we have a recording made a couple of days ago by one of our field correspondants interviewing a brave little Danish boy named -- uh, let me read this -- named Lars. Okay, let's hear what young Lars had to tell us about all this."


". . . Lars Pettersen."

"Okay young fellow, now, in your own words tell our listeners what happened."

"(Lars, through a whimper) -- There were two of them, big men, like giants, one of them was British and the other was French. I said, God Bless our Beloved King Christian and God Bless our Beloved neighbor Germany and, and --"

"Yes young fellow, you're doing very well, tell us what happened next, please."

"(Lars, through tears) -- Then the Englishman called me a little rat and the Frenchman called me a fine little pastry, which made the Englishman angry, he said, 'not now!' in a stern voice and I screamed God Bless King Christian again and they both beat me and beat me till another Englishman said, 'Hey, drop the kid, I see Germans coming!' and the Frenchman started crying even worse than I was, which made the Englishman angry, he said 'Pull yourself together Froggie -- we've got to strategically withdraw, we're no match for the Germans even if we outnumber them ten to one!'

"And they all ran away like frightened rabbits and the German Panzer Grenediers from the Fourth Saxon Regiment which I recognized from their insignia in my Hitler Youth Manual -- uh, I mean, two German soldiers came and rescued me. I screamed Heil Hitler! I mean, God Bless our Beloved King Christian! And they gave me some hot chockolate from their canteens. I wish I were German just like them. The Germans are the Greatest People on Earth!"

(SigHeilly back on the air)

"Well there you have it, a true account from a little Danish boy at the battlefront. -- Good night and Good Hunting . . .

"Are we off the air? Who the hell passed that thing through to me without editing and -- huh, we aren't off the air yet? ...

"-- Well, we will now be treated to a fine recording of Richard Wagner's Ride of the Valkure by the Berlin Philharmonic under the direction of Wilhelm Furtwangler.

"-- Okay, now we're off the air, right --?"

[ June 19, 2003, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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this first picture shows danish youth with captured helmuts and equipment running through a deserted copenhagen street. most danes resist the nazi agression.

danish resistance

this next picture is a last ditch defense of copenhagen. impromptu roadblocks and rebellious youth.

unfortunately, denmark falls. widows weep and hatred runs deep. nazi terror is unequaled.

danish resistance2

of course you remember italy on the brink of war with the allies. monsignor ketch, his two wives and his youngest son meet with il duce in an ancient roman fortress.

mon. ketch

at the end of the unproductive meeting, monsignor ketch "accidentally" tips a large bowl of rotini into il duces large calfskin boot. THE MEETING WENT DOWNHILL FROM THERE! italy declares war the next day.mons. ketch will meet the 18 others in his family at his summer home in switzerland. he has volunteered to be a guinea pig for an operation designed to help determine correct frequencies for hearing aids. our best wishes go with him!


kentucky light armor training grounds. dusty, drought conditions. general patton is gazing through the open chamber on his side arm. tanks roll by you and he every few seconds.



PATTON speaks--where are you from boy? make sure you get my name down right. no forget the " s "... just put down p-a-t-t-o-n. good...now where was i. oh that TERAVOLTA fella. yeh, hes an odd one.not your normal nazi scum general.odd all right. BUT GOOD...real good. i've got his picture in my office. hes my opposite number.im gonna kill that krazy kraut with my own personal tank some day!

but it might be a while... i ask you...do my boys look like they're ready for combat?

do they look ready?

also, i doubt that pacifist roosevelt is gonna let me go over there yet...... DONT WRITE THAT DOWN!... erase that... thats better. now where was, i? yeh, we might as well PLAY with these war games awhile, until those idiot politicians let me go. WE KNOW IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY...now get out of my way before you get run over, and I get blamed for it.

a captured quartermaster from a nazi force nearing the maginault line has told us much of the german supply resources available to the soldiers. almost nil.

captured quartermaster

the only explanation for what they have managed to do so far on so little actual supply, is that they are brainwashed. pure and simple. they fight with so little. one wonders what would happen with a fully supplied nazi army?nazi brainwashers at work!

french/british forces await an italian foray into the mediterranean sea. italian forces are an unknown. how many ships will we see and where? we will continue monitoring radio FOX.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

"(Lars, through tears) -- Then the Englishman called me a little rat and the Frenchman called me a fine little pastry, which made the Englishman angry, he said, 'not now!' in a stern voice and I screamed God Bless King Christian again and they both beat me and beat me till another Englishman said, 'Hey, drop the kid, I see Germans coming!' and the Frenchman started crying even worse than I

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